Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2431: I Don't Care If I Don't Want This Daughter. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Ling Xiang ran very fast, knocking on the door of the rest room in the main hall, even the maid who was guarding the door didn't realize that she had already entered the room.

"Father, are you alright?" she yelled crisply.

The maid at the door shouted in a panic: "Your Highness, Your Majesty is changing clothes.

Ling Xiang's movements paused, and her eyes met those of her father.

"Frizzled, how many times have I told you that you have to knock on the door before you can enter before you get permission." Zierna stared at her daughter with a serious face.

His hand was still raised, and the maid was helping to tie his belt. If the girl came in a minute earlier, she might lose her old face.

Ling Xiang pouted and said coquettishly, "Father, I didn't do it on purpose~~~"

Zierna glared at her daughter angrily, and said calmly, "What happened to come here in such a hurry?"

Only then did Ling Xiang remember what she was going to do, and kept urging: "Father, Mu Liang and the others are already in the side hall, hurry up.

"What's the rush, everyone is here, could it be that they suddenly disappear?" Qi Yuna said indifferently.

Ling Xiang tilted her head, puzzled and said: "Father, didn't you say not to offend Mu Liang before, you are so slow, what if he is unhappy?"

……" The corner of Zierna's mouth twitched.

He looked at his daughter and said with a serious face: "He must have come this time to support the Old Continent, so please don't talk later."

Ling Xiang's ears were slightly red, and she asked innocently: "Why, you still want me to marry Mu Liang, if you don't let me talk to him a few more words, how can you touch your feelings."

"Whether to marry or not, wait until the matter of the Xu clan is resolved, and he can still live." Zierna's face became more serious.

"Why, Mu Liang will die?" Ling Xiang froze for a moment.

"I don't know." Zierna glanced at his daughter, his eyes flickering.

Most of his understanding of the Xu Clan came from the Xuanwu Kingdom, and he also learned some from the original Xu Ghost King.

The Xu Clan is very strong, and there is also a Xu Gui Emperor, and now Mu Liang comes to the door to talk about support in person, it can only be said that he is not sure about defeating the Xu Clan, and wants to integrate all human powers to deal with the Xu Clan.

In Qierna's view, Mu Liang lacked confidence in doing so, and if he fought against the Xu Clan in the future, he would probably lose, and the end would naturally be death.

"Father, what are you talking about?" Ling Xiang blinked her beautiful eyes.

She couldn't hold back, reached out and touched her father's forehead, and said, "Mu Liang is so strong, even you are no match for him, how could he die so easily."

"It's not big or small." Qi Yuna patted his daughter's hand, almost laughed angrily, praised Muliang and belittled him at the same time, this daughter doesn't care.

He patted his daughter on the shoulder and said slowly: "Mu Liang is very strong, but Xu Gui Huang may be even stronger."

Ling Xiang opened her mouth, wanting to say something to refute.

Zierna interrupted directly: "Of course, these are just my conjectures. I won't know what it will be like until the day comes."

"Oh." Ling Xiang pouted.

She rolled her eyes, shook her father's hand, and asked, "Father, we are in the same camp as Mu Liang, will you help him?"

"They are all human beings, so it is inevitable to deal with the Xu race." Qi Erna's eyes flickered,

He will send people to support the Old Continent, but how many people to send depends on what benefits Mu Liang can bring out.

Ling Xiang suddenly smiled like a flower, and urged: "Let's go quickly, don't make Mu Liang wait too long."

Qi Yuna said bitterly: "You, you, before people even look at you, your heart is gone."


Ling Xiang shook Qi Erna's arm coquettishly, her beautiful eyes shone like stars.

"Let's go." Qi Yuna glanced at his daughter, feeling as though someone had stolen the cabbage he had grown at home. Although the person who stole the cabbage was very good, he was still upset.

The two walked towards the side hall, and as soon as they stepped into the hall, several lines were projected together and landed on the two of them.

One of the sights was normal, but it made Qi Yuna's body tremble, as if being stared at by a wild beast.

Ling Xiang smiled sweetly at Mu Liang, and said crisply: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, we are late."

"It's not too late." Mu Liang replied without changing his expression.

Hu Immortal frowned slightly, looked at Ling Xiang, then at Mu Liang, and understood something in his heart.

Mu Liang looked at Qi Erna, and said in a neutral tone: "We meet again, Your Excellency Qi Erna."

"Welcome Your Excellency Mu come." Qi Erna's mouth moved, and swallowed the four characters "uninvited".

Seeing that Qi Erna sat down, Mu Liang said directly, "I won't talk nonsense, I'm sure you know the reason for coming this time."

0…ask for flowers……

"I don't know." Zierna's throat moved, and he began to play dumb.

"Your Majesty Qierna, it is wrong to lie." Yao Er's crisp voice sounded.

..." Qi Yuna's face trembled, only to see the little maid standing behind the fox fairy.

Mu Liang looked at him calmly, as if waiting for an explanation from him.

"Your Excellency came for support?" Zierna asked without changing his expression.

The fox fairy curled his lips, slandering Zierna's cunning and cunning in his heart, and anyone who can sit on the king's position is not an easy-going lamp.

Mu Liang glanced at Ling Xiang, and said in a calm tone: "Well, the first batch of supporters is a bit small."

"Your Excellency does not know that it is difficult to recruit strong people, and even fewer people are willing to support them." Zierna looked embarrassed.


Ling Xiang looked at her father, wanting to say something, remembering what her father said to her before she came, don't talk too much, so she forced herself to be quiet.

The fox fairy said coldly: "Really, the Kingdom of Lanlupo, the Kingdom of Riggs, and the Kingdom of Kalev can all support 10,000 people."

Spoon?" Zierna looked suspicious.

The fox fairy raised his eyes and said, "Of course, you can prove all these."

Zierna frowned slightly. It is not surprising that the Lanlupo Kingdom will send additional manpower. After all, it is a subsidiary kingdom of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

But the Kingdom of Riggs and the Kingdom of Calef were also willing to send more people, which was a surprise to him.

These two kingdoms are not related to Xuanwu Kingdom. With their selfish character, how could they agree to send more people to support them?

Qi Yuna raised his eyes and looked at Mu Liang, as if the thoughts in his heart had been seen through by the other party, and he was like a person without clothes, with no secrets at all in front of him.

Mu Liang said slowly: "I think His Excellency Qierna will also agree to send additional manpower to support the Old Continent. 27

"Yeah." Ling Xiang nodded vigorously at the side.

Zierna moved his mouth and said, "It will take time."

He didn't refuse immediately, he wanted to delay, and he couldn't let the strong people of the kingdom leave too much, which was not conducive to the development of the kingdom.

"Five days, is it enough?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

ps: [1 update]: The correct number is the second update. .

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