
The 'Sea God' moves very fast, even on the bottom of the sea, the speed is not much slower than in the air.

The sea god's shell glows with a light blue light, which is a complex pattern, which is the water magic array in motion, turning the resistance of the water into power.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

On the bottom of the sea, dense ghosts carried lightning and moved forward. Seeing that they were approaching the port, they met the Sea God who was approaching quickly.

The next moment, Sea God bumped into the group of virtual ghosts, and the sea-blue light spread out, covering a range of three kilometers around.

The Poseidon exploded, and the sea around the port shook, and the sea surged violently, forming huge waves hundreds of meters high.

Looking down from a high place, one can clearly see that the center of the Seagod's explosion is sunken, as if a hole appeared in the bottom of the sea, and the seawater began to pour downward. "Two Four Three" Yue Feiyan stood on the city wall, felt the shock from her feet, and could see circles of ripples spreading out from the center of the explosion.

The whole process lasted for three minutes before the sea surface gradually returned to calm, and a large piece of black flesh and blood surfaced, which was Xu Gui's corpse.

Just one 'Sea God' killed 80% of the virtual ghosts on the seabed, and only a handful of virtual ghosts could enter the port, and most of them were seriously injured.

"Come on, get rid of the remaining virtual ghosts." Yue Feiyan's beautiful eyes lit up, and Lianzi gave the order.

Tai Keke and others also recovered from the shock, and led the air force soldiers to start to eliminate the miserable ghosts.

Xi Beiqi exclaimed in amazement: "This power is too terrifying, and it saves a lot of trouble."

Yue Crimson's red eyes glowed, and she said excitedly: "Yes, if there is a virtual ghost approaching in the future, a Sea God will be able to deal with it.

Xi Beiqi said with a serious expression: "Then you can't use Sea God casually, each of these is a high-level spiritual weapon, of course the power is strong."

"There are eight more, and five more will be sent over from the military factory in two days, which is enough for the time being." Yue Feiyan said carelessly.

Xi Beiqi said solemnly: "Be sober, the Sea God is not only used here, in the future when there is an all-out war with the Xu Clan, no amount of Sea God may be enough.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Yue Feiyan nodded thoughtfully.

"I won't tell you anymore, let's clean up the battlefield." Xibeqi glared at the red-haired girl, and cleaned up the battlefield with other soldiers.

The rest of the ghosts had been cleaned up by Tai Keke and his soldiers, and the corpses of the ghosts were floating on the sea surface. The scene was very similar to Shura Hell.

The efficiency of the soldiers in cleaning up the battlefield is very high. After all, they are already experienced in the first time and the second time.


After the ghost's corpse was cleaned up, the life domain released by the tree of life enveloped it, purifying the filth and other filth in the battlefield.

Yue Feiyan took a deep breath and sighed: "It smells much better."

The battlefield has been cleaned up, and the whole process took two hours. Xu Gui's body and remains were all burned away.

The magma of the magma dragon is used, even if the ghost's corpse is soaked in sea water, it can be easily burned into ashes.

Xi Beiqi looked at the clean port, sat down and said: "It should be quiet for a while."

"I hope, it's quite annoying to fight every day." Yue Feiyan nodded.

Xi Beiqi said coldly: "It is still necessary to completely solve the Xu clan, so as to be completely peaceful.

"Yes." Yue Crimson's eyes flickered slightly.

Xi Beiqi suddenly said: "Calculate the time, Mu Liang should be back in a few days."

Yue Feiyan raised her eyes and looked into the distance, her tone became serious: "Wait for Mu Liang to come back, in a month's time, there will be a full-scale war without accident."

"One month..." Xi Beiqi took a deep breath.

She stood up suddenly and said in a serious tone: "I'm going to train, call me if you need anything."

The vampire girl left behind a sentence, turned around and walked towards the training room.

"..." Yue Feiyan opened her mouth, wanting to say that she also needs to train, but when she thought that there would be no one left at the Thousand Thorns Pass, and she needed to beware of the ghosts attacking again, she had no choice but to give up her thoughts.

"I'll train again tomorrow." She sighed faintly.

The ghost's two attacks on the port also made the navy vigilant and prepared to arrange for the navy soldiers to take turns to go into the water to monitor the movement on the bottom of the sea.

Before that, we will use the ability of colored glaze to build a glazed pipeline leading directly to the bottom of the sea, such as the current Tianmen Tower.

Building such a pipeline requires time and skill, and requires the cooperation of Glazed Beast and Flying Fish King.

After the glass pipeline is built, the light can be irradiated to the bottom of the sea, and at the same time, the situation on the bottom of the sea can be observed through the glass pipeline.

This construction task is expected to take three days to complete, and the thickness of the glazed glass in the deepest part of the seabed needs to reach half a meter.

The thickness and hardness of the glass also needs to be improved, otherwise it will be destroyed by Sea God's next explosion, and the construction will be for nothing.

Every time I fight against Xu Gui, I will remind everyone to stay alert, otherwise a single mistake will cause irreversible consequences.

At night, Yue Feiyan returned to the Highland Palace, and Xi Beiqi was watching from the Thousand Thorns Pass.

She hasn't been back for three days. Today, a batch of virtual ghosts have been dealt with. The virtual ghosts may not attack in a short time, so the girl came back to rest for a night.

"I'm back." Yue Feiyan dragged her tired body into the main hall of the palace.

"Miss Scarlet Face is back." Buff greeted crisply.

Nijisha came out from the side hall, looked at the red-haired girl and asked: "You look very tired, is there another ghost attacking today?"

"Yes." Yue Feiyan nodded weakly, took off the helmet of the Vermilion Bird armor, and sat down on the sofa.

"Is it resolved? How about the casualties?" Nijisha asked with concern.

"There were not many casualties, because the sea god was used, and the battle ended very quickly." Yue Feiyan said lazily, and told what happened.

"Sea God, how about the power?" Nijisha's blue eyes lit up immediately.

She knows the weapons of the Judgment series, but she has never seen the power of the Sea God.

Yue Feiyan raised the corners of her lips, her eyes glowed, and she said excitedly: "It's terrifying, a single Seagod can instantly kill tens of thousands of Void Ghosts, and even the eighth-level Void Ghost 5.8 can't handle it.

"The weapons developed by His Majesty will not be low in power." Nijisha nodded slowly.

Yue Feiyan said with interest: "I don't know if there will be new weapons in the trial series."

"Of course there is, but I haven't started research yet." With an elegant voice, Yue Qinlan walked into the main hall of the palace.

Yue Feiyan asked: "Mother, what other weapons are there?"

"Judgment Thor, Judgment Ice God, Judgment Gold God, these are all in Muliang's development plan, but it takes time to study." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Yue Feiyan thought about it, and murmured: "Judgment Thor, it should be related to thunder and lightning."

"I don't know about that, Mu Liang's ideas are always unexpected." Yue Qinlan smiled, turned around and went to the side hall to change the long skirt on her body.

. . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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