Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2450: It's Really Annoying. (2 More)

The snake-man knight commander took the teacup from Yao Er's hand and brought it to Wen Kesha: "My lord queen, drink some star tea.

"No, I want to drink." Wincosa waved her hand, and her golden snake tail gently patted the ground.

Your Majesty Queen, this is wine. "The serpent knight commander said solemnly.

Winkesha glanced down and said, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"No." The snake-man knight commander smiled wryly.

"Drink." Mu Liang spoke slowly, and could already hear other movements in the palace.

This is someone else's territory, and it's not his turn to deal with any accidents, so it's better to let Wen Kesha wake up.

"Oh." Wen Kesha glanced at Mu Liang when she heard the words, took the teacup like a child, and drank it obediently.

The snake-man knight with a face full of indescribable words, looked back at Mu Liang, and sighed inwardly, as if his own cabbage was about to be ganged up by a pig.

"It's delicious." Winkesha's beautiful eyes lit up, the alcohol in her body was quickly metabolized, and her eyes quickly became clear.

Mu Liang raised his hand to signal: "Then have another drink."

Yao Er understood, and poured another cup of hot tea for the Snake Queen.

Wen Kesha also drank it obediently, and woke up completely, with no headache and no eyesight.

Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction, and said, "It's just right, there's a guest, you can handle it yourself."

"Guest?" Wen Kesha frowned, her expression became serious, she didn't think Mu Liang was joking.

The fox fairy shook his fox ears, and wrote casually: "It's very noisy outside."

Her ears are very sensitive and she can hear sounds that ordinary people cannot hear.

Wen Kesha stood up, ready to go outside to see what happened.


Only when she moved a few meters, the door of the banquet hall was kicked open, and the three immortals walked in swaggeringly.

Behind the three of them, the snake-man maid and the knight lay on the ground, and it was hard to tell whether they were dead or alive.

Mu Liang and the others raised their eyes and looked at each other.

The three of Mosang were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect there to be so many people, but their attention was quickly attracted by the Snake Queen.

Wen Kesha's face was covered with frost, and she asked with murderous intent: "Are you Hui?"

Mo Sang grinned and said, "It doesn't matter who we are, and we won't kill you, all we need is a little blood and flesh from you.

"It's better to capture it alive, it will be more helpful for research." The old woman reminded.

Mo Sang raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes fell on the snake queen: "Is that so, let's see if I can catch it back.

"Research..." Mu Liang murmured softly.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go." The old man reminded, the body has already rushed out.

"Bold." The serpent-man knight commander uttered angrily, and greeted him with a spear in his hand. The two quickly fought into a ball.

Winksha raised the tail of the snake and slapped the ground vigorously, her body also rushed out, exuding the aura of the supreme peak.

Her strength has not yet recovered to the holy rank, and it will take about three days to recover.

"I'll come." Mo Sang grinned, and greeted the Snake Queen with bare hands.

The old woman stood on the spot and saw the four people fighting, her eyes fell on Mu Liang and Hu Xian and the others, her brows were tightly frowned.

Mu Liang drank hot tea slowly, whispering a few words with Fox Immortal from time to time, commenting on their moves.

Liyue said softly: "Win Kesha won't lose, right?"

Mu Liang said calmly: "It's unlikely, although her strength has not fully recovered, it is enough to deal with that man."

"That's good, we don't need to help." Li Yue nodded slowly.

It's a pity that they don't want to make a move, but they don't want to let a few people go.

Seeing Mu Liang and the others sitting peacefully, their leisurely and comfortable appearance was really irritating, so she directly stepped forward to do it.

"Can see the human race here, and hold a banquet reception, who are you?" A ruthless look flashed in the old woman's eyes, and she made an unambiguous move.

"I'm your father." Mu Liang glanced at her coldly.

The old woman's complexion suddenly turned gloomy. In her opinion, Mu Liang is just a brat, who dares to take advantage of her like this, and he will not be relieved if he is not cramped.

"You're courting death." She sternly snarled, her five fingers forming claws and grabbing Mu Liang's face.

Hu Immortal and Li Yue's eyes turned cold at the same time, and they both tried to block the old woman.

"I'm still here, so you don't need to do anything." Mu Liang raised his hand and pressed the shoulders of the two.

Hu Xian and Li Yue shrugged their shoulders and sat back on their chairs obediently.

Only then did Mu Liang look at the rushing old woman, and with a thought, the shadow spider threads shot out from the darkness, imprisoning the old woman's body.

Her hand stopped half a meter away from Muliang, her body was stiff and unable to move, and a look of horror crawled onto her face.

"What's going on, what did you do?" the old woman horrified.

"Shut up." Mu Liang glanced at her coldly.

With a flick of his fingers, thousands of spider threads shot out, wrapping the old woman into a cocoon, leaving only one head outside.

For the sake of safety, Mu Liang wrapped another layer of colored glaze on the outside, and now the old woman could not move at all.

The old woman roared angrily, "Damn it, let me go."

"If you don't shut up, I'll cut off your tongue." Hu Immortal said coldly.

"You......" The old woman opened her mouth, and when she met the pink eyes of the fox-tailed woman, she felt a strong killing intent, knowing that she would definitely do what she said.

She closed her mouth wisely, since the person in front of her didn't directly kill her, there was still a way to survive, and it might be dangerous to provoke them now.

Mu Liang looked at the battle of the Snake Queen, Mo Sang's moves were fierce, but it was difficult to get close to Wen Kesha's body, she was too flexible.

A thought flashed through his mind, and he looked sideways at the old woman with scrutiny in his eyes.

"The old woman was looked at tremblingly, and opened her mouth several times to say something, but thought of the warning from the fox-tailed woman and forcibly endured it.

Mu Liang asked, "Which faction do you come from?"

The old woman closed her mouth tightly and ignored his question.

The fox fairy said with a faint smile: "Don't say it, it's useless to keep your tongue, you should cut it off.

..." The old woman was anxious, she couldn't make a sound, and she couldn't make a sound, what do you want her to do?

She gritted her teeth and said, "No influence."

"Lie." Yao Er shouted sharply.

Mu Liang suddenly said: "Immortals?"

The old woman's body trembled, and she suddenly turned her head to look at Mu Liang, the pupils of her cloudy eyes contracted.

Seeing this, Mu Liang became determined, and sneered: "Sure enough, you are members of the Immortals.

"..." The old woman had a gloomy face, thinking of a way out of the predicament in her mind, and at the same time wondering how these people in front of her knew about the Immortals.

"It turns out to be a member of the Immortals. It's interesting." The fox fairy narrowed her red eyes slightly, and became interested in the old woman.

Mu Liang thought that Wen Kesha had lived for a thousand years, and it was understandable for her to be targeted by the immortals. Combined with Mo Sang's statement that she wanted the flesh and blood of the Snake Queen for research, everything made sense.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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