Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2461: A Thoughtful Little Padded Jacket. (1 More)


Mu Liang came out of the study, stretched habitually, and walked towards the main hall.

"Good morning, Your Majesty." Yun Xin greeted obediently.

"Morning." Mu Liang lightly nodded.

Qingwu Cong poked his head out of the kitchen, and said crisply: "Your Majesty, breakfast will be ready soon~."

"Okay, what's for breakfast today?" -Mu Liang asked casually.

Qing Wu counted with her fingers: "Your Majesty, there are many types of breakfast, such as rectal noodles, buns, porridge..."

"It's so rich, thank you for your hard work." Mu Liang said softly.

Qing Wu shook her head, and said in a serious tone: "It's not hard work, Your Majesty has to manage the kingdom, and we are responsible for His Majesty's food, clothing, housing and transportation, it's not hard work at all."

Mu Liang's mouth moved, and he stretched out his hand to rub the head of the little maid, really like a sweet little padded jacket.

"Your Majesty, it's time to prepare breakfast." Buff called obediently.

"Understood." Mu Liang responded, and stepped into the restaurant.

As soon as he sat down, Yueqinlan and Huxian walked into the dining room one after another, and Liyue and others soon arrived.

"Good morning, everyone." Xi Beiqi yawned and walked into the dining room. After her eyes fell on Mu Liang, she suddenly became energetic.

She came back to the highland after dawn, and Yue Scarlet had already gone to the air force base, so the vampire girl could rest for a day.

"Don't be in a daze. Mu Liang laughed dumbly.

Xi Beiqi flattened her mouth, her golden eyes sparkled, and said softly: "Mu Liang, long time no see."

"One month is not too long." Mu Liang smiled.

"Yeah, it's not too long." Xibeqi blushed a little, pulled out the chair and sat down.

As soon as the vampire girl sat down, the little maids brought breakfast to the table, filling the table with a dazzling array of beautiful things.

Wincosa followed Mino into the restaurant, and sat down under the astonished gaze of the vampire girl.

Xibeqi blinked her beautiful eyes, and looked at the Snake Queen with question marks on her head.

"Let me introduce, this is the Queen of the Kingdom of Sand, Wen Kesha." The fox fairy introduced lightly.

"Queen of Saudi Arabia, why did you come to us?" Xi Beiqi asked subconsciously.

The fox fairy explained: "Because of the deal, Your Excellency Wen Kesha is going to the Old Continent to help clean up the virtual ghosts, and will leave tomorrow.

"Oh..." Xi Beiqi's throat moved, but she didn't ask deeply.

Winksha returned a polite smile, without any airs of a queen, more like a good friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Let's have breakfast." Mino said softly.

"Let's eat." Mu Liang pouted his chin, picked up the buns in the steamer and took a bite.

Xi Beiqi and the others also moved their chopsticks, reaching for their favorite breakfast.

Xi Beiqi looked at the strangely shaped bun in her hand, and asked in confusion: "Hey, why is this bun twisted, as if it has been squeezed.

Wen Kesha took a look, and her pretty face blushed immediately.

"This is made by Miss Winksha." Qingwu explained.

Wen Kesha apologized in embarrassment: "I'm not good at craftsmanship, so I can only wrap it like this, I'm too stupid.

Mino comforted him with a considerate voice: "This is the first time I make buns, it's already very good to be able to make them like this."

Xi Beiqi said crisply: "Yeah, you can eat it."

"Then try it quickly." Wincosa said happily.

"Okay." Xi Beiqi's mouth moved.


She took a bite of the uneven bun in her hand, only to feel that the skin was thick and the filling was little, and the taste was dry.

Winksha asked expectantly, "Is it delicious?"

"Yeah, it's delicious." Xi Beiqi's eyes showed sincerity.

Winksa happily said: "That's good."

Mu Liang looked at the other buns in the steamer, one-third of the buns were crooked.

Being curious, the fox fairy picked up one of the buns and took a bite.

The skin of the buns is very hard, but the filling tastes good, after all, it is the stuffing mixed by the little maid.

"Well, not bad." She commented in a pertinent tone.

There was a smile in Mu Liang's eyes, and he understood the meaning of Bai Huwei's woman's words.

"Then I'll come to help with lunch too." Wincosa said with a smile on her face.

The fox fairy was silent for a moment, and suggested: "How about having someone take you to the main city for a stroll after breakfast?"

"Okay." Winkesha's beautiful eyes lit up, she was very interested in the main city of Xuanwu Kingdom.

The fox fairy looked at Xiao Zi, and instructed: "Xiao Zi, after breakfast, take Miss Wen Kesha to the main city for a stroll, and come back at twelve o'clock.

"Okay." Xiao Zi obediently agreed.

She blinked her beautiful eyes and came back from shopping until twelve o'clock, which is when the lunch food was served.

As for whether you can go shopping until twelve o'clock, this is not a problem at all. The main city of the Xuanwu Kingdom has too many interesting places.

……ask for flowers…

Just the clothing stores in the main city can be visited for hours without stopping, not to mention cinemas, beauty salons, etc., it would be difficult to finish shopping in half a month.

After visiting the main city, you can also go to other acropolis. There is a space portal, and it only takes half an hour to throw it to other acropolis.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "There are many interesting and delicious things in the main city, you will have a good time."

"I'm looking forward to it." Winkesha's eyes showed anticipation.

The Xuanwu Kingdom brought her too many surprises, which are not found in other kingdoms, and it is even more different from the No. 1 oasis.

With a smile in Yueqin's blue eyes, she exchanged a tacit understanding with the fox fairy.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "It's fun, it's time to go to the Old Continent tomorrow."

...don't mention such a spoiling word. "The fox fairy was ashamed as Mu Liang.

"It's okay, it's already been agreed. Wen Kesha smiled nonchalantly, picked up the bun she made and took a bite.

She chewed it a few times, frowned slightly, and said, "Why is the taste different..."

Mino shook his rabbit ears, recalling the scene of making buns with Winksha in his mind, his clumsy appearance made people a little anxious.

She began to doubt her decision, and when the matter of the Xu Clan was settled, if she really wanted to teach Winkesha how to cook, would she lose all her hair?

After breakfast, Winkesa followed Xiao Zi and left the ground.


Winksha twisted her waist, and her lavender dress swayed gently.

"It's so clean." She looked at the clean street, her purple-gold eyes sparkling.

"The main city is very clean." Xiao Zi said crisply.

Winksha was surprised: "It's really surprising. I've been to other cities, and the stores are all dirty."

Xiao Zi explained: "In the Xuanwu Kingdom, there is a fine for littering, so no one dares to litter."

"That's pretty good too." Wen Kesha's eyes flickered slightly, thinking about whether she could replicate this method when she went back to No. 1 Oasis in the future.

"Miss Winksha, let's go to the clothing store first." Xiao Zi suggested.

Winksha responded, "Yes."

With a goal in mind, Xiao Zi took Winkesha straight to the largest clothing store in the main city, which opened next to the food building. Many nobles and wealthy businessmen like to buy clothes there.


ps: [1 update]: Ask for a customized pill. .

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