
Mu Liang's five fingers scratched across the air, and the ghosts turned into flesh and died, and the sea became more turbid.

Yue Feiyan looked around nervously, the sea water was dyed black by Xu Gui's flesh and blood, as if she was in ink.

Mu Liang's eyes lit up, the devouring space was opened, and the flesh and blood of the virtual ghost wrapped in sea water was sucked away by the devouring space.

A few minutes later, the surrounding sea water became clear again, and the abyss stopped trembling.

"Are all the ghosts dead?" Yue Feiyan's mouth trembled.

"Not yet, there are more in the depths." Mu Liang lowered his eyes and looked down the abyss.

He took the red-haired girl's hand again, and continued to fall deeper into the abyss.

Yue Feiyan shouted again: "Xi Beiqi."

"Don't shout, she can't hear you." Mu Liang said suddenly.

"Hey, how do you know?" Yue Feiyan opened her mouth.

Mu Liang fell silent, raised his hand to grab the abyss, but nothing appeared.

Yue Feiyan frowned her pretty eyebrows, and looked towards the direction Mu Liang was holding. The sea water was illuminated by light elements, and the sparkling water was very beautiful.

Just as she was about to say something, she saw a lot of tiny particles in the sea water, and it was easy to ignore them if she didn't look carefully.

These white and red particles condensed towards Mu Liang's palm, and it was only then that Yan could clearly see what it was.

She said crisply: "These are the spores of phantom mushrooms."

"En." Mu Liang replied in a low voice.

Yue Feiyan understood, and asked with a trembling voice: "These phantom mushroom spores, are the ones that Xi Beiqi ate?"

"Yes." Mu Liang took a deep breath.

After he came back from the New World, he gave all the girls living in the palace the spores of the magic mushroom.

Yue Feiyan's eyes were blank for a moment, then she looked up at Mu Liang and asked, "But if you eat the spores of the phantom mushroom, won't they immediately melt into your body?"

Mu Liang stared into the girl's eyes and said softly: "That's right, the spores in the body will only appear after the user dies."

"You can only appear after death..." Yue Feiyan's body trembled, and these words were like a bolt of lightning, directly smashing into her mind.

She grabbed Mu Lie's hand and asked with a trembling voice, "You mean Xi Bei is dead?"

"Well, but..." Mu Liang nodded, seeing the spores in his hand hadn't finished speaking, the roar of a high-level ghost came from under the abyss.

Killing intent flashed across his eyes, and he raised his hand to pat the abyss.


The Holy Light and Thunder Penetration pierced the sea and went straight to the abyss.

Another roar sounded, and the abyss became quiet, and most of the ghost's breath disappeared.

Mu Liang didn't stop, and more than a dozen lightning strikes of holy light fell from the sky, and fell into the abyss again with precision. This time, the ghost's aura completely disappeared.


The abyss began to collapse, and the sea water continued to surge. The turmoil lasted for half an hour before calming down again.

After Mu Liang finished all this, he looked sideways at the red-haired girl, her expression was blank, and her eyes lost all vitality, like a living dead.

He floated towards the sea surface with the girl, and returned to the cloud and mist platform, the light element illuminated the surrounding environment.

Yue Feiyan stood passively on the cloud and mists, "Dead, Xi Beiqi is dead, dead, she is dead..."

Mu Liang frowned, and raised his hand to condense a mass of life elements into the girl's body, making her calm down.

Yue Feiyan recovered from the blow, her red eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

She grabbed Mu Liang's collar and cried in a broken voice: "Mu Liang, Xi Beiqi is dead, ahhhhh..."

"Don't cry, the spores will be revived." Mu Liang quickly stretched out the life domain and wrapped the red-haired girl in order to stabilize her mood again.

"Woo woo woo~~~"

Yue Feiyan didn't seem to hear, grabbed his collar and continued to wail, her grief-stricken appearance made Mu Liang feel very distressed.

"It's all my fault. She shouldn't have come by herself. It's all my fault." She cried heart-piercingly.

The girl's complexion was as pale as paper, her body trembled uncontrollably, and she began to crazily scratch her hair again.

Mu Liang quickly reached out and touched the girl's forehead, immobilizing her body, and said in a deep voice: "Wake up, listen to me.

Yue Feiyan looked at him blankly, tears still streaming down her face.

Mu Liang said seriously, "Xi Beiqi is dead, but she can be resurrected, understand?"

Yue Feiyan opened her mouth and said hoarsely: "Can you still be resurrected...?"

"Yes, it can be resurrected." Mu Liang said firmly.


Yue Feiyan's eyes gradually brightened up, her face was full of hope, and she stared at him with proving eyes.

She thought of something, and cried again: "But Xi Beiqi's body is gone, even if there is a fountain of life, it can't be saved.

The Fountain of Life can revive people within three days of death and give them a lifespan of 30 years, but this is only effective for people with healthy bodies, and it will not work when the body is broken into pieces.

It is precisely because of this that the red-haired girl cried so heartbroken after learning that Xibeqi died, thinking that she would never have a chance to be resurrected.

"You don't need the fountain of life." Mu Liang said seriously.

Yue Crimson asked in confusion: "Then what?"

"Spore rebirth." Liang showed the spore powder in his hand, which was formed after the death of the vampire girl.


Yue Feiyan came back to her senses, and remembered what Mu Liang said, after taking the spore powder of the phantom mushroom, if she dies in an accident in the future, even if the body is broken into powder, there is still a chance of resurrection.

When she thought of this, her eyes suddenly brightened like stars, and she asked nervously, "Is it really useful?"

"Of course, you'll know if you try it." Mu Liang nodded.

Yue Feiyan hurriedly urged: "Then you try it quickly."

"Okay." Mu Liang agreed.

He stretched out his hand to condense a glazed basin, filled the glazed basin with soil, and then irrigated it with fresh water.

The soil in the pot is not ordinary soil, but the soil under the tree of life, which he has always kept in the space, just in case this happens.

The soil under the tree of life has become the soil of life after more than a year of changes in the field of life, and dead plants may be revived when they are planted.

Mu Liang sprinkled the spore powder in the flowerpot, and at the same time condensed a mass of life elements to cover it.

Yue Feiyan watched nervously, not even daring to take a breath, for fear of affecting Mu Liang's movements.

"Relax, it's fine." Mu Liang comforted her softly.

"Yeah." Yue Feiyan responded, her face still tense.

Mu Liang had no choice but to open the life domain to cover the glass basin, allowing the spores to grow rapidly.

"Tick tock~~~"

He condensed another drop of the fountain of life and landed on the spore powder.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for a custom order. .

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