Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2483: Stop Kidding Yourself. (2 More)

Heatherfine frowned, and asked concerned: "Are you really all right?"

"It's okay." A voice from the other side came from the live broadcast spirit weapon, and the screen shook a few more times, and then became much more stable.

Heatherfine took her sister's hand and watched the city wall in the picture getting closer.

More and more people gathered around the square of Xihua King City, and they all stared at the picture on the curtain. Some people were surprised and thought it was a new movie.

"A new movie, is the Xuanwu Kingdom here to promote it?" The people who stopped stopped discussed.

"The picture is so real, it looks like it's real."

"Why do I think it's true..."

There are more and more people watching, and the screen is getting closer and closer to the city wall. The dilapidated city wall, corpses and potholes all over the ground, the ground has been stained dark red by blood, and the stumps and broken arms are displayed straightforwardly.


Many people had never seen such a bloody and tragic scene, and couldn't help retching.

"It's so disgusting, how come it looks real?" The pale woman took a few steps back in fear.

The corpses all over the ground, the real pictures are all stimulating the hearts of the people.


The man climbed up the city wall and pointed the live broadcast spiritual weapon at the outside of the city wall, and the earth full of gunpowder smoke appeared on the screen, making the scene even more tragic.

Within two to three kilometers outside the city wall, there were corpses everywhere.

"Okay, I'll fix the spiritual weapon here." The man's hoarse voice sounded again, followed by a few shakes on the screen, and finally became stable.

"Alright, be safe." Heatherfine said with concern.

The man coughed violently, and said in a low voice: "Ahem, it's okay, I'm going to rest for a while, there may be ghosts coming later.

Hai Fanny replied: "Okay."

"Is this dialogue true?" The people began to be surprised.

The next moment, the staff stepped forward and handed a trumpet spirit body to Heatherta.

"My lord, the speaker has been adjusted." The staff said respectfully.

"Okay." Hazelfin took the horn and stepped onto the high platform that was built. Behind her was a huge curtain eighteen meters long and six meters high.

The appearance of the girl attracted everyone's attention.

Behind her is a conspicuous scene of scorched earth, where strong men can be seen cleaning up the battlefield and treating the wounded who have fallen to the ground.

These pictures made the crowd of onlookers become silent, and many people covered their mouths and dared not continue to look down.

Heatherfin raised the horn in her hand, turned on the switch and said: "These pictures are real, but they are in another continent far away, ten Shankang cities away.

"Really!" The crowd exclaimed.

Heatherfin continued: "Just an hour ago, Shanheng City was attacked by a group of virtual ghosts, and the picture on the curtain is what Shanheng City looks like now..."

"It's too miserable, is the virtual ghost really so scary?"

"It's fake, what are you trying to do?" Someone raised a question.

"Where do ghosts come from in this world, they are all fabricated by the Xuanwu Kingdom." Some people still live in their own world.

Heatherfin asked coldly: "Is that so, a few months ago, when the Void Ghost King brought tens of thousands of Void Ghosts to the New World and slaughtered the city, why didn't you say it was fake?"

The people were all dumbfounded, and their complexions became cloudy. You must know that Xihua King City was also attacked by Xu Gui.

"Whether the existence of virtual ghosts is true or not, you don't need to deceive yourself anymore." Hazelfin said coldly.

She glanced at the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "If there was no Xuanwu Kingdom, Wei Wai would have already launched a massive attack..."

The girl's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts and minds of the people severely.

"I know that many of you look down on another continent." Heatherfin raised her chin, her eyes were calm and unwavering.

She looked around the crowd and continued: "If another continent loses, it will be this continent's turn next."

"Hehe, even if Xu Gui comes over, we can still win." Many people were not convinced, and refuted with a cold snort.

Heatherfine said coldly: "That's right, even if we can win, this continent will be ruined. One must know that Void Ghost Emperor's strength is above the holy rank in Legendary."

"Above the holy steps!"

"Fake it, how is this possible."

Exclamations sounded one after another, and the faces of the people were full of disbelief, "The original self-confidence has disappeared.

"Your Majesty knows this news." Heatherfine said lightly.

She raised her voice and said: "Virtual ghosts are the enemy of everyone, not only humans, but also the orcs, elves, and sea monsters.


The next moment, a violent roar came from the live broadcast spiritual weapon.

The picture on the huge curtain trembled, and many black spots appeared in the originally gray sky.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The sound of drums shook the sky, and the strong men who had originally cleaned up the battlefield panicked and began to run towards the city gate.

On the city wall, the strong man in charge of vigilance shouted: "The virtual ghost is here, be vigilant~~~"

The sound of the drums became louder and louder, causing people's ears to hurt, and the live broadcast spirit weapon also began to vibrate, causing the transmitted images to shake.

"The virtual ghost is here again." Hazelfin's face was serious.

Hai Fanny clenched her hands tightly and whispered to herself, "Hold on."

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Xu Gui's hideous and ugly face entered the live broadcast screen, allowing the people of Xihua King City to see it clearly.

"It's so ugly." Someone couldn't help but make a comment.


Black 'waves' appeared on the horizon, which were flying virtual ghosts. Some of them overlapped and moved forward, looking like a big wave pushing the waves.


The earth trembled, and the strong men in Shanheng City stood ready, taking out their weapons to deal with another attack around them.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The cries of the ghosts were continuous, and the ghosts breathed out one after another, bombarding the glass barrier solidly.

On the city wall, the city lord frowned, rejoicing in his heart that the strong of the Xuanwu Kingdom had built a glazed barrier, otherwise Shanheng City would have already been breached by Xu Gui.

It is because of the glazed barrier that Shanheng City can persist until now.


The glazed barrier trembled, but there was no sign of it breaking.

"Counterattack." City Lord Shanheng waved his hand and ordered.

"Come on, kill all the virtual ghosts." The strong roared.

The awakened ones began to display various abilities, and the strengtheners and mutants cooperated to kill the approaching Marth.


The screen was filled with flames, and the next moment there were screams one after another, some from ghosts, and some from human races.

The people of Xihua King City fell silent. Looking at the picture on the curtain, their hearts gradually became agitated.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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