Judgment·Vulcan and Judgment·Sea God were launched together, one flew into the sky, and the other fell into the deep sea, with the same goal towards the ghost group.

Under Yue Feiyan's expectant eyes, Vulcan flew out of the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, and precisely hit the place where the virtual ghosts are most densely populated.


The next moment, a deafening explosion sounded, and a huge mushroom cloud rose from the sea, with a diameter of more than 500 meters.

The energy waves spread outward in circles, the dark clouds in the sky were cleared away, the heat wave spread to the surroundings, and a large amount of water vapor atomized and disappeared.

Under the huge mushroom cloud, pieces of magma poured down, and the explosive Vulcan killed tens of thousands of ghosts, many of whom had eighth-level strength.

Vulcan had just exploded, and Sea God was also successfully detonated a few breaths later.

The sea trembled, and the sea surged up, forming huge waves with a height of one thousand meters. The power of the explosion shattered tens of thousands of virtual ghosts hiding in the sea.

The explosion of Sea God and Vulcan emptied a large area of ​​the virtual ghost group, and even the roar of the virtual ghosts became much quieter.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

The sea water that was blasted into the sky by the explosion fell again, like rain, and the movement of the ghosts slowed down.

Yue Feiyan said excitedly: "Get ready for the next Sea God, and hit me again."

"Yes." Kayuyi replied, turned around and prepared to launch the next Poseidon.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

An angry roar came from the group of virtual ghosts. It was a virtual ghost with supreme strength. It was originally hiding in the group of virtual ghosts, but now it was completely angered.

Its roar was deafening, and the originally slow-moving Xu Gui galloped again, desperately attacking the Xuanwu Kingdom Gate.


After the cooling time ended, the spirit weapon cannon fired again, and at the same time, the annihilation weapon was activated again, killing the approaching ghosts.

Mu Liang appeared on the city wall with Yue Qinlan's waist in his arms, just in time to see the cannon fire pouring down on the group of virtual ghosts, and the flames filled the entire field of vision.

Yue Qinlan said in a solemn tone: "The battle is very intense."

Yue Feiyan quickly saw the two of them, and asked with surprise in her eyes: "Mu Liang, mother, why are you here?"

"I heard that a hundred thousand virtual ghosts have come, so come and see." Yue Qinlan responded casually.

"It's okay, I can hold on." Yue Feiyan said seriously.

One hundred thousand virtual ghosts, she felt that with a few sea gods and fire gods, they should be able to kill them all.

"I'm not worried that you won't be able to hold on." Mu Liang said clearly. (cicb)

The air force base not only has soldiers, but also the domesticated beasts he arranged here, not to mention the Ten Thousand Thorn Flower is also here, with its strength alone, it can stop 90% of the virtual ghosts.

Not to mention the 'big turtle'.

Yue Feiyan's red eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "Your Majesty believes in me.

Mu Liang said softly: "We came here just to try to shoot Thor, to test its power with these ghosts."

"Thunder God." Yue Feiyan became excited.

She hurriedly urged: "Then what are you waiting for, let's try shooting."

Mu Liang laughed dumbfounded, and took out the 'Thunder God' from the portable space, and put it into the launcher.

He personally adjusted the muzzle and aimed at the group of virtual ghosts outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, and the supreme virtual ghost was also within the aiming range.

Under Yue Feiyan's expectant gaze, Mu Liang pressed the launched Shang Beast spar.


When the spirit weapon was fired, everyone felt their feet tremble, Thor was fired, leaving a long series of arcs, and went straight to the group of virtual ghosts.

Everyone looked along the arc of Thor's flight, and flew out of the Xuanwu Kingdom in the blink of an eye.


The Void Ghost of the supreme rank seemed to know the power of Thor, and his body turned into a void, trying to forcibly intercept Thor.

"Zi La~~~"

Raytheon was wrapped in emptiness, its flight speed was a little slower, and arcs of electricity sputtered out from the surface.

A coldness flashed in Mu Liang's eyes, with the power of Thunder God, even if the Supreme Level Void Ghost could stop it, he would have to pay a heavy price.


Thor was detonated, and a thunderclap sounded in the sky, followed by a dazzling thunder that filled everyone's sight.

With Thunder God's explosion as the center point, the area within a kilometer of Fang Yuan was shrouded in lightning, and the sound of thunder resounded in everyone's ears non-stop.

"It's so dazzling." Yue Feiyan closed her eyes and turned her head sideways, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

Mu Liang grinned and said: "It's careless, I didn't consider this point."

He looked at the other soldiers and closed his eyes without exception. Fortunately, he was not blinded by the lightning, but his vision was still affected for a short time.


There were bursts of thunder, and thunder and lightning fell from the originally calm sky, covering the group of virtual ghosts like rain.

"I'm so blunt~~~"

The virtual ghosts screamed again and again, and the virtual ghosts that were not killed by the thunder god's explosion were all struck to death by the lightning that fell from the sky.

Yue Qinlan rubbed the corners of her eyes, endured the discomfort and said, "Thunder God is so powerful?"

Mu Liang guessed in a deep voice: "Thunder God's power is great, but the lightning that fell from the sky should have appeared under the influence of Thor.

Yue Feiyan opened her redder eyes, and said tearfully, "However, Thunder God also hurt us a lot."

Mu Liang nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Well, next time you use Thor, ask the soldiers to close their eyes or wear sunglasses.

Yue Feiyan said in a solemn tone: "Then what should we do now, the eyes of the soldiers are affected, it's too dangerous to fight the ghost again."

"I have a solution." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

He raised his eyelids, and the life domain opened up, covering the entire Thousand Thorns Pass.

The soldiers suddenly felt as if they were bathed in the spring breeze, and their whole body was warm, especially the eyes that had been stabbed by the lightning, now it was as comfortable as soaking in warm water, which made people want to groan.

In just a few seconds, the eyes of the soldiers were mostly healed, at least they no longer felt the pain when they opened their eyes.

Mu Liang's voice rang in the ears of the soldiers: "Take a good rest and don't let your eyes suffer from sequelae. y

"What about Xugui?" Tai Keke couldn't help asking.

"Let me solve it." Mu Liang wrote lightly.

He looked at the group of virtual ghosts outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, the supreme-level virtual ghost had been seriously injured, most of its body had disappeared, and it was looking at Mu Liang with resentful eyes.

"These one hundred thousand virtual ghosts were brought by you." Mu Liang's eyes were deep, and his body disappeared in place.

Too bad~~~"

The Void Ghost's pupils contracted, and his body retreated subconsciously, but he was still a step slower.

Behind it, a hand appeared out of thin air, and lightly patted it on the head.


A cloud of blood appeared in the air, the Supreme Void Ghost's head exploded like a watermelon, and his body fell down weakly.

Mu Liang kept moving, suddenly ice flakes floated in the sky, and the sea water was quickly frozen, no Xu Gui could escape his grasp.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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