Palace, in the main hall.

Xiao Zi brought fruit, placed it in front of the vampire girl, and said softly: "Miss Caryl, eat some fruit.

"Okay, thank you." Karyl thanked.

She inserted a piece of apple with a small fork and stuffed it into her mouth. After chewing twice, her eyes lit up.

"It's delicious." She praised.

Xiao Zi smiled slightly, didn't say anything, just put a cup of hot tea in front of the vampire girl.

Carlisle couldn't bear to continue eating the fruit, and walked Mia back.

Half an hour later, the girl looked at the empty plate in a daze, wondering why Catwoman hadn't come back yet.

She looked at the little maid, thought for a while and asked, "Do you know where Xi Beiqi has gone?"

Xiao Zi shook her head and said crisply: "I don't know.

"Okay..." Carlisle pursed her lips.

She asked again: "Is she not in danger?"

"No." Xiao Zi gave an affirmative answer this time.

"That's good." Caryl nodded slowly, didn't ask any more questions, and continued to wait patiently for Mia to come back.

She waited for an hour, and when Mia came back, Li Yue and Yan Bing followed behind her.

Mia said coldly: "Let's go, let's go now.

"Just the three of you?" Kariel opened her mouth.

"Is there a problem?" Mia glanced at her.

"The other party should be very strong..." Caryl reminded 767 in a tactful tone.

Mia said lightly: "Understood, let's go."

.......All right. "Caryl's throat moved, and she didn't say anything else, only guessing what stronger means Catwoman and the others had.

Yan Bing glanced at the vampire girl, and said softly, "Is she really going to cooperate well?"

"If she doesn't cooperate and is killed by the Immortals, it will be her own fault." Mia threatened deliberately.

Liyue nodded in agreement, the vampire girl trembled in fright, and put on an attitude that I would cooperate well.

"I will cooperate." Carlisle said hastily.

"That's good." The corners of Mia's lips curved slightly.

Liyue raised her chin: "Let's go."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Several people left the palace and went to the first floor of the high ground.

Carlisle followed obediently, and when she saw the space portal, her eyes were a little dazed.

"Go to Acropolis No. 7." Li Yue motioned to the highland guards on duty.

"Yes." The highland guard came to the portal to operate, and quickly adjusted the teleportation coordinates to the No. 7 Acropolis, connecting with another portal.

The space vortex rotates at a constant speed and has successfully connected with another space portal.

"Okay." The highland guard saluted Liyue and the others, and turned sideways to get out of the way.

"Let's go." Mia left a sentence, and she had already stepped into the space portal.

Yan Bing followed without saying a word, and disappeared into the vortex of space.

Carlisle's beautiful eyes widened, but she opened her mouth and said nothing.

Li Yue raised her chin and said coldly: "You go first."

"Okay." Karyl's throat moved, she stepped closer to the space vortex, stretched out her hand to get closer, and watched her fingertips twist and stretch, being swallowed by the vortex.

She was startled, and just as she was about to pull back, a thrust came from behind her, and she staggered into the space vortex.

Li Yue withdrew her hand indifferently, and followed into the space vortex.

Not long after, the space vortex returned to calm.

Acropolis No. 7, the Acropolis Management Office, and the space portal sent fluctuations, and the space vortex formed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mia stepped out, followed by Yan Bing,

The two walked out of the space vortex and looked back at the space portal. Not long after, a stumbling figure appeared from the space vortex, stumbled and stood firm.

Carlisle breathed heavily, her complexion turned slightly pale.

After entering the space vortex, the body is in a state of weightlessness. It is not known whether the head and feet are up or down, and it is even impossible to distinguish the front, left, back, and right of the south, east, north, and west.

But after leaving the space vortex, these senses will return at an extremely fast speed, which makes the vampire girl uncomfortable.


Carlisle raised her beautiful eyes to look at Yan Bing and Li Yue, and straightened up a little embarrassedly.

She is still a little out of the situation now, so she can only stand quietly aside.

(acab) Liyue also came out of the space vortex soon, and walked out without saying a word.

"Follow." Mia looked at the vampire girl.

"Okay." Caryl responded, and walked out.

But when she came outside, the three silver-haired girls had disappeared, leaving only her and the soldiers on duty.

The vampire girl's head is full of question marks, but in the blink of an eye, where are the three living people?

"Don't look around, go back to where you live." The cold voice sounded in the girl's ear, and there was a very light breathing sound.

Carlisle's beautiful eyes widened and she looked around.

Yan Bing's voice sounded: "We are right beside you, don't look strange, lest the enemy find out, you just need to go home as usual."

"That's right, just pretend we don't exist." Mia reminded lightly.

"Okay." Carrie's throat moved, trying to control the expression on her face.

She walked to the long street where she lived. There is no rain now, but the ground is still a little wet and there are a few puddles.

"Tap T T T T ~ ~ ~"

The vampire girl tried her best to look natural. At first, her body and limbs were still a little stiff, but after walking for more than ten minutes, under Mia's persuasion, she gradually relaxed.

Li Yue comforted: "Don't worry, with us here, you will be fine.

"Okay..." Caryl took a few deep breaths and saw the place where she lived.

She just wanted to look up to the third floor, which was the window of the room, and wanted to see if there was anything unusual from the outside.

Mia reminded coldly: "Don't look up, they will let you go home as usual, pretending nothing happened."

Carlisle's neck stiffened, and she bravely walked towards the stairs.

She kept comforting herself in her heart and began to build her heart.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The girl went upstairs step by step, passing the second floor to the third floor.

Carlisle moved her ears, but she couldn't hear the footsteps of Liyue and the others, and her heart was pounding. Could it be that they didn't keep up?

She was a little flustered, turned her head to look behind her, opened and closed her mouth a few times, but didn't make a sound.

The next moment, a hand rested silently on the girl's shoulder, which made her tremble but relaxed.

There was a slight push from the hand on the shoulder, and Karyl understood, and continued to walk to the third floor.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

She came to the door, and from the outside, the lock was a bit broken.

Carrie swallowed, and pretended to be puzzled: "What's going on, the door is a bit difficult to open today."

Li Yue secretly admired, the vampire girl is still reliable at critical times, she knows how to act.


Ten seconds later, Karyl successfully opened the door.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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