Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2501: Destroy The Mage Association. (1 More)

The magic array on the ground is so complicated that people will feel dizzy when they look at it. Common people dare not stare at it for more than three seconds.

Si Shali and Angela took a step forward without hesitation, and subconsciously stood in front of Mu Liang with serious expressions, staring fixedly at the surrounding mages with their beautiful eyes.

"Your Majesty, go first." Angela whispered respectfully.

Si Shali raised her hand and clenched her fist, and said decisively: "Your Majesty, we will do our best to stop them."

Gesmei's face was moved, and she felt admiration for the two women in her heart.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips curled up, and he put his hand on Si Shali's shoulder, and said calmly, "Am I weak?"

"..." Si Shali and Angela were stunned for a moment, shaking their heads reflexively.

Mu Liang chuckled, and said peacefully: "It seems that I haven't done anything for a long time, making you think that this broken magic circle can trap me.

Si Shali and Angela came back to their senses, recalling the scene when Mu Liang killed Xu Gui before, their nervous hearts immediately relaxed.

President Jin's pupils contracted violently when he heard this, and he said in surprise, "How do you know that the magic circle is incomplete..."

The activated magic circle belongs to the holy magic circle, but it was laid by the first president of the Mage Association.

Thousands of years have passed, and this holy-rank magic circle has become dilapidated, but it can still trap holy-rank powerhouses.

If there are enough magic mages and strong enough magic formations, they can also wipe out the saint-level powerhouses trapped in the magic formation.

Mu Liang glanced at the pattern of the magic circle under his feet, and said calmly: "You can tell it at a glance, it is a common magic circle."

President Jin's face darkened, and he squeezed out words from the corner of his mouth: "It's very Common...."

You must know that the magic formation under your feet is the guardian formation of the Mage Association, and it has blocked several catastrophes for the Mage Association. If there is no guardian formation, the Mage Association may have ceased to exist.

With killing intent in his eyes, he ordered coldly: Destroy the guardian formation with all his strength.

"Yes." The mages responded in unison, and the seals in their hands changed.

The guardian array became brighter, the surrounding magical elements gathered, and the space Buddha froze.

Gesmei's complexion turned pale, as if a huge boulder had weighed on her body, and the blood in her whole body was about to freeze.

She felt it was difficult to breathe, the vision in front of her eyes gradually became blurred, a sense of powerlessness spread all over her body, and she didn't even have the strength to raise her hands.

Mu Liang raised his eyes, and said in a voice as cold as frost: "Since your Mage Association has declared war on me, don't blame me for being rude.

I saw him lift up one foot, and then step down heavily. This seemingly ordinary foot made the ground tremble.


Most of the main city of Fama was shaking, and cracks appeared on the ground. The people panicked, thinking that there was an earthquake.

Chairman Jin's complexion changed drastically, just one kick made the ground tremble, how terrifying is Mu Liang's strength?

Mu Liang raised his hand, clasped his five fingers inward slightly, and then pulled back forcefully.


The earth vibrated again, the guardian array lit up with dazzling light, and the lines formed by the condensed magic power became blurred, showing signs of collapsing at any time.

Mu Liang kept moving, and began to draw a magic circle, which was used to destroy the protective circle.


The cracking speed of the magic array began to accelerate, and the original complicated array pattern became more blurred, as if it would dissipate when the wind blows.

"No!" President Jin's complexion became even more ugly, and his throat was filled with fishy sweetness as soon as he uttered the words.


The next moment, all the mages opened their mouths to spit out a big mouthful of blood, and their energy and spirits were all sluggish, as if they had been sucked away from their whole body.

Mu Liang raised his chin slightly, and pressed down the magic circle drawn in his hand to the ground.


Under President Jin's horrified gaze, the guardian formation completely collapsed, and the condensed magical elements dissipated like the wind.

All the magic mages flew out again, spurting blood from their mouths, and fell hard to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

When these mages worked together to activate the guardian formation, their minds were connected to the magic formation. Now that the guardian formation was destroyed by Mu Liang, they naturally also suffered backlash, and their strength dropped by more than half.


Gesmei blinked her beautiful eyes, all the pressure on her body disappeared, and her breathing became smoother.

She murmured with shock on her face: "It's amazing, this is the guardian formation of the Mage Association, and it was destroyed just by stomping and clapping..."

"What is this? Our Majesty can destroy the Mage Association with one hand." Si Shali raised her chin proudly.

Angela nodded in agreement. Although she didn't know where Mu Liang's limit was, in their hearts, His Majesty was the strongest existence in the world.

0...seeking flowers...

Gesmei's eyes sparkled, she stared at Mu Liang's back and swallowed her saliva.

Angela and Si Shali immediately became vigilant, and said in a dark and serious voice: "Don't make plans with our Majesty.

"That's right." Si Shali said word by word.

"I don't." Gesmei rolled her beautiful eyes, but her ears turned red quietly.

Angela narrowed her beautiful eyes, lowered her voice and said threateningly: "If Mr. Fox finds out, you will die.

"Master Fox Immortal?" Gesmei blinked her beautiful eyes and asked with her head full.

Mu Liang turned around and asked in a peaceful voice, "Are you all alright?"

"It's okay, Your Majesty, don't worry." Angela and Si Shali responded seriously.

"I'm fine." Gesmei blushed and lowered her head.


Mu Liang nodded indifferently: "Well, it's fine."


President Jin's body was trembling, and he staggered up with his hands on the ground, looking at Mu Liang with anger, but there was still a deep look of fear in the bottom of his eyes.

He didn't expect that Mu Liang would really destroy the guardian formation. This is a background of the Mage Association, and if the hostile forces know it, it will cause endless troubles.

President Jin was full of anger, and asked in a hoarse voice: "How could you do this?"

Mu Liang's face was indifferent, and his tone was calm and unwavering: "Since you have declared war on me, you have to bear the corresponding price. This is just the beginning."

"What else do you want to do?" President Jin thumped in his heart, feeling an ominous premonition.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips raised, and he tilted his head slightly: "I said, since you declare war on me, you will destroy the Mage Association."

President Jin was shocked physically and mentally, and he did not doubt the authenticity of Mu Liang's words. After all, he said that he would destroy the guardian formation, and he did.

"Your Excellency, take him away." He said hoarsely, with a hint of pleading in his tone.

Mu Liang chuckled, and said indifferently: "It's too late now, I don't want to leave for now."

Chairman Jin's heart sank when he heard the words, knowing that there was nothing he could do.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a smile: "Your president doesn't seem to care much about the survival of the Mage Association, and he doesn't come out now.

"Your Excellency." A hoarse voice sounded from a distance.

"President." President Jin immediately beamed with joy.

ps: [1 update]: The correct code is the second update and the sixth update. .

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