Ge Simei looked sideways at Mu Liang, and asked with bright eyes: "Your Majesty, where are you going next?"

"Naturally back to the Xuanwu Kingdom." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Gesmei thought of the location of Xuanwu Kingdom, her throat moved and she asked, "Then you are going to the Misty Sea?"

"Yes. Mu Liang nodded.

Gesmei frowned, and said in a low voice, "Then how do I get there? This place is far away from the Misty Sea. If you want to go back in a beast car, it will take at least two months."

Angela said crisply: "It really takes two months to go back, maybe the mainland is gone."

"Your Majesty, are you flying back?" Tong Sally blinked her beautiful eyes.

Mu Liang nodded calmly and said, "Well, let's go to the Beastman Kingdom first."

"Huh?" Gesmei was stunned for a moment, before she could figure out the situation, her hands were already held by Angela and Si Shali.

The next moment, the spatial fluctuations spread out, and the improvement disappeared in place with the three women.

It was already dark at this time, and there was a tight schedule to rush back to the Xuanwu Kingdom before dawn.


When Mu Liang and the others arrived at the Beastman Kingdom, it was already late at night, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was no moonlight tonight.

As soon as the four of them appeared, the branches of the huge tree of life lit up with billions of stars, illuminating the entire main city of the orcs, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off them.

"It's so beautiful." Gus Mei opened her big pink lips and looked at this scene with her beautiful eyes sparkling. 290

An Jie stretched his hand to support the girl's chin, Mei Lun said with a smile: "Put the chin back.

"Oh." Gesmei quickly closed her mouth, but her beautiful eyes kept staring at the branches of the tree of life.

She followed behind the crowd and walked to the depths of the main city of the orcs.

Ge Simei looked at Mu Liang and the others, and couldn't help asking: "Don't you think the glowing tree is beautiful?"

Si Shali smiled and said, "It's beautiful, but we see it every day, and we're used to it."

"Eh?" Gus was full of question marks in his head, isn't this the kingdom of the orcs, how could he see it every day.

"You'll find out later." Angela patted the girl on the shoulder.

"Pick up the pace," she urged.

"Oh, good." Gesmei swallowed her saliva, and hastened to catch up with Mu Liang.

"His Majesty Xuanwu!" A respectful voice sounded, and Xuanniao greeted him, followed by the leader of the dog head and others.

Mu Liang glanced at the nervous Viper Commander and the others, and said calmly: "Well, it's nothing, don't be nervous. y

"Yes." Commander Viper and the others sneered.

Xuanniao glanced at Gesmei, retracted his gaze calmly, and said respectfully: "Is there anything (aiad) that His Majesty Xuanwu needs our help?"

"No, go and rest." Mu Liang waved his hand.

"Yes." Xuanniao nodded respectfully, but did not leave immediately.

Mu Liang looked at the huge branch of the tree of life, and contacted the life element spirit with a thought.

"Ling'er." He called out.

As soon as Mu Liang's words fell, the branches of the entire tree of life trembled slightly, and a large piece of fluorescent light floated out from the tree, like swarms of fireflies dancing.

Gesmei raised her face and exclaimed, "It's so beautiful..."

Fluorescence fluttered, and finally came to Mu Liang and condensed into a human form, and after solidification, it became a life element elf.

She blinked her beautiful eyes like emeralds, fluttered her wings lightly and flew into Mu Liang's arms.

"Father, I'm here." Ling'er said with a smile like a flower.

"Hey, father?" Gesmei was stunned.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand to support the girl's waist, and said: "I'm going to trouble you again.

Ling'er shook her head coquettishly when she heard the words, and said coquettishly: "Helping father a favor, how can you say it's troublesome. y

"Good girl, Ling'er has grown up." Mu Liang smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl's head, the soft hair felt good.

"Hee hee, Ling'er has grown two centimeters taller again." Ling'er smiled like a flower, fluttered her wings off Mu Liang's body, and danced twice in front of him.

"It's a lot taller." Mu Liang was stunned, the current life elemental spirit is 1.77 meters tall.

Linger Xiao Jiaohan asked: "Father, are you going back now?"

"Well, four people." Mu Liang nodded lightly, signaling to Ji Li and the third daughter.

Ling'er said crisply: "Four people, then I have to prepare."

As Ling'er grows up, he can take advantage of the connection between the tree of life and its branches to take other people on ultra-long-distance travel. In the past, he could only take Mu Liang alone.

"Okay. As Mu Liang said, he stretched out his hand and condensed a mass of life elements.

Linger's beautiful eyes sparkled immediately, holding the life element to absorb it.

"Father is so kind." She said softly.

Mu Liang laughed dumbfounded, and could feel the dependence of the life element spirit on him.

Gesmei couldn't hold back, she tilted her head and asked in a low voice: "Has Your Majesty married yet? Why are your daughters so old?"

Si Shali glanced at the girl, and said slowly: "Want to know?"

"Yeah." Gesmei nodded quickly.

A smile flashed in Si Shali's eyes, and she said word by word: "I won't tell you."

"...Stingy." Gesmei gritted her silver teeth and said.

She looked at Angela again, and the other party ignored her gaze directly, with an attitude that I didn't know anything.

The girl pouted aggrievedly, her eyes fell on Mu Liang, and she didn't dare to ask him directly.

The branches of the huge tree of life emitted fluorescence again, and approached Si Shali's three daughters as if they were alive. Little bits of fluorescence fell on them, and quickly enveloped the princess completely.

"Don't resist." Ling'er reminded in a crisp voice.

"Okay." Gesmei obediently agreed.

Only then did Ling'er look at Mu Liang, and said with a smile on his face, "Father, we can go now.

"Okay." Mu Liang responded, holding the small hand extended by the life elemental spirit, and using the ability of space to wrap several people.

Under the watchful eyes of Xuanniao and other orcs, the three women wrapped in fluorescent light flew up and headed towards the branches of the tree of life.

Gusmei's eyes were full of surprise, and he didn't know what was going to happen next, until his body was wrapped in fluorescent light and sent into the tree and disappeared.

As soon as Mu Liang and the others left, the branches of the tree of life stopped shaking, and the starlight on the leaves also became faint.

"Your Majesty, they are leaving." Commander Viper said coldly.

"Well, let's go back." Xuanniao replied without looking back.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The orc leaders left, leaving Xuanniao in place, staring at the huge branch of the tree of life for a long time without saying a word.

The dog-headed leader who walked away poked the waist of the person beside him with his hand, and asked, "What's the matter, Your Majesty?"

"Let's think about spring." The viper leader raised his hand and patted the dog's leader's hand, and the erect pupils flashed coldly.

The dog-headed commander was stunned for a moment, and his eyes widened and he said in astonishment: "Sichun, to His Majesty Xuanwu?"

"Otherwise?" The poisonous snake leader curled his lips, twisted the snake body and walked towards the side hall, ignoring the silly dog-headed orc.

The dog-headed leader grinned, never thought that Xuanniao would have a day of spring.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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