Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2507: It's So Attractive. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yue Qinlan walked into the palace, followed by Gesmei with eyes full of surprise.

The girl's beautiful eyes were shining, and she looked around as soon as she entered the palace. Seeing the decoration style of carved dragons and painted phoenixes, her pink lips parted slightly.

"It's so beautiful." Gesmei murmured lightly.

"Like?" Yue Qinlan turned around and asked.

Gesmei nodded again and again, and said crisply: "Yeah, it's much better than the dungeon."

"The corner of Yue Qinlan's mouth twitched, comparing the palace with the dungeon?

She exhaled lightly, her face recovered gracefully and said: "Let's go, I will take you to the place where you are temporarily staying."

"Hmm." Gusmei responded, her beautiful eyes still looking around.

"Master Qinlan, good morning." Buff and Cen Fei'er had already woken up and were cleaning the palace.

Yue Qinlan tapped her chin lightly: "Morning."

"Master Qinlan, who is this "Five Four Three"?" Buff asked curiously.

Yue Qinlan explained casually: "The guests brought back by your majesty will live in the palace temporarily.

"Hey, Your Majesty is back?" Buff and Qin Fei'er's beautiful eyes lit up immediately, and they nodded friendly to the girl after being pleasantly surprised.

"Well, I need to make more breakfast today." Yue Qinlan reminded.

"Yes. Buff obediently agreed.

Yue Qinlan looked at the girl and motioned: "Miss Gesmei, come with me."

"Okay." Gesme smiled friendly at the little maids again, turned around and followed the pace of the elegant woman.

Yue Qinlan brought the girl to the side hall. The room would be cleaned regularly, and since this is a palace and close to the tree of life, there was no dust in the room.

She pushed open the door and said gracefully, "Miss Gesmey will live here temporarily."

"Okay, thank you." Gesme said gratefully.

As she walked into the room, the lantern beetle that illuminated the room lit up, illuminating the room with a gentle, bright light.

"It's very comfortable to look at." Her beautiful eyes lit up.

Yue Qinlan said crisply: "It's fine if you like it, you can go wash up, and you can come to the restaurant to have breakfast later.

"Okay, thank you." Gesmei thanked again.

Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully, walked into the bathroom and briefly introduced the usage of various toiletries, and then turned and left after a few words of advice.

Gesmei looked at the closed door and murmured softly: "There are so many things to pay attention to......"

She sat on the bed for a while, the soft mattress and quilt made her almost sleepy, but thinking about having breakfast, she cheered up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

The girl stayed in the dungeon for several years and got used to sleeping on a hard wooden bed. How could she not be confused when she saw such a comfortable environment after so many years.

On the other side, when Mu Liang returned to the palace study, Qing Wu thoughtfully brought over hot animal milk.

"Your Majesty, drink a cup of animal milk to cushion your stomach." She gently put down the warm cup, which was filled with milky white animal milk.

"En." Mu Liang nodded lightly, picked up the animal milk and took a sip.

He thought of something, turned his head and asked, "Where's the fox fairy?"

"Master Hu Immortal is probably not awake yet." Qingwu said in a crisp voice.

Mu Liang's eyes softened, and he nodded, "I thought she was in Shanhai Commercial City."

Qing Wumei said with a smile: "Lord Fox Immortal knows that His Majesty is coming back today, so he came back last night."

"Okay, I'll go see her. After finishing speaking, Mu Liang drank the animal milk, got up and left the study.

Qing Wu whispered: "Your Majesty and Lord Hu Immortal have such a good relationship."


Mu Liang gently pushed open the door of the side hall where the fox fairy lived. The curtains in the room were still drawn, so the environment was very dark, but it didn't prevent him from seeing the room clearly.

There was a bulge on the soft big bed, half of the fox fairy's head was buried in the pillow, half of the furry tail rested on the body, and the other half hung down on the edge of the bed.

With a smile in his eyes, Mu Liang quietly watched the fox-tailed woman until her slender eyelashes trembled uncontrollably.

"Since you're awake, why are you still pretending to be asleep?" He sat on the edge of the bed amusedly, stretched out his hand and pinched the face of the fox-tailed woman.

After hearing the words, the fox fairy opened her beautiful red eyes, and gave the man an angry look. She woke up as soon as Mu Liang opened the door and came in, but kept pretending to be asleep to see what he wanted to do.

She stretched lazily, and said in a charming tone with a smile on her face: "I pretended to be asleep because I thought you would do something."

What do you want me to do?" Mu Liang stared at the fox-tailed woman with deep eyes.

"Hehehe, think about it~~~"

The fox fairy winked like silk, stretched out a finger to hook Mu Liang's chin, and said charmingly: "I miss Your Majesty."

"Mu Liang's throat moved, and he couldn't help but marvel in his heart, a fox is a fox no matter what, it's so attractive.

"Your Majesty~~~" the fox fairy called out delicately.

"You are such a vixen." Mu Liang smiled wryly, but unfortunately there are still many things to be busy today, and he can't love his children.

"Hehehe, I am what I am." Said the fox fairy and sat up, wrapping his hands around the man's neck.

Mu Liang took a few deep breaths, smelling the scent of the fox-tailed woman, and felt completely dazed.

Hu Immortal's eyes turned, and he gently pressed his lips, leaving a trace of moistness and said: "You are busy, and I am also busy today. After the matter of the Xu Clan is resolved, Your Majesty will accompany me to have a good rest."

"Okay." Mu Liang's throat rolled, and he answered hoarsely.


The fox fairy smiled coquettishly again, and asked with a smile like a flower: "Would you like me to call you Your Majesty, or by your name?"

"I like them all." Mu Liang said with deep eyes.

The fox fairy raised her fair chin, and said in a flattering voice: "Or, I can also call you big brother.

Mu Liang couldn't help asking: "Did you learn these words from TV?"

"It was discovered." The fox fairy smiled sweetly.

She liked to watch TV series for a while, and after she was busy at night, she would soak in the bathtub, and then choose a TV series to watch while enjoying the massage of the little maid.

Mu Liang smiled wryly, no wonder he thought these words were very familiar, they were all lines from the script he wrote.

"Okay, go out quickly, I have to wash and change clothes." The fox fairy let go of his hands, and got up to chase people away.

Mu Liang said softly, "It doesn't matter if I'm here."

"No 5.0 is fine, otherwise you don't have to eat breakfast." Hu Immortal's eyes lit up, I believe Mu Liang understood what she meant.

"Okay." Mu Liang's eyes showed regret, he got up and left the side hall helplessly.

When he returned to the study, Yue Qinlan sat on the side seat and flipped through the documents, and slightly raised her eyebrows when she saw him come in.

She put down her crossed legs and said gracefully: "I thought I wouldn't see you again until noon.

"Ahem~~~" Mu Liang coughed dryly, and sat on the dragon chair without changing his face.

He patted the woman's hand, and said in a clear voice: "Why, there are still many things to be busy."

"It's good that you know, finish the approval of these documents quickly, I will use them in the afternoon." Yue Qinlan raised her chin to indicate the piles of documents on the desktop.

"...I got it." Mu Liang smiled wryly, and resignedly picked up the documents and began to approve them.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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