Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2510: You Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Liyue takes Gesmei back to the palace, and Buff and others go up to welcome her.

Seeing the silver-haired girl covered in sweat, Xiao Zi hurriedly said, "Miss Li Yu, let me prepare bath water."

"Yeah." Li Yue nodded.

She looked at Gesmei who was still looking blank, and said coldly: "I'll go wash up, you can take a rest."

"Okay." Gesmei took a deep breath and forced a smile.

The silver-haired girl walked towards the side hall, and the little maid hurriedly followed, helping to take off the ghost armor on her body, and then carefully cleaned the blood stains on it, which needed to be maintained.

Gesmei came to sit on the sofa, and the little maid thoughtfully brought hot tea.

Qingwu said crisply: "Miss Gesmei, have a cup of hot tea, it can soothe your mind."

"Okay, thank you." Gesmei forced a smile on her face, holding the teacup and sipping tea.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, she felt much better.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yue Qinlan returned to the palace, seeing the girl's sad face, she was a little curious.

She asked gracefully, "What's the matter?"

Qing Wu shook her head, not knowing what kind of stimulation the girl received when she went to the air force base.

Yue Qinlan didn't ask 893 any more, turned around and walked towards the study.

"Lu Lupin~~~"

She knocked on the door of the study, only to hear the voice of Mu Liang's promise before pushing the door open.

"I'm back." Mu Liang looked up at the elegant woman who walked in.

She twisted her slender waist and came to his side, put down the new documents she brought back, and said gracefully: "These two documents are urgent, you can read them first, and you can review the others later."

"Okay." Mu Liang opened the document and began to approve it.

Yue Qinlan raised her slender legs and asked: "What's wrong with Gesmei, I just saw her dull face.

Mu Liang explained casually: "I asked Li Yue to take her to the air force base to see Xu Gui."

Yue Qinlan raised her eyebrows lightly when she heard the words, and guessed: "Is she scared?"

"Maybe." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Okay, let's not talk about her." Yue Qinlan nodded lightly.

She looked a little more serious, and said: "There is a lot of pressure on Bird City, do you want to send soldiers to reinforce it?"

Flying Bird City has always been a city that the Xu Clan takes care of. Since last month, Xu Gui's attacks have continued day and night.

If it wasn't for the fact that Youmu's avatar often made shots, Bird City might have already been breached by the Xu Clan.

Mu Liang kept the pen in his hand, thought for a while and said: "Let the people from the Mage Association go to Bird City first.

Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes, and agreed: "It's okay, I'll ask about the preparations of the Fama Kingdom later.

"En." Mu Liang agreed.

He asked again: "What about the situation in Yeyue City?"

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "It can still persist over there, with Texid around, will it be breached in a while.

"That's good." Mu Liang nodded, closed the approved document and handed it to the woman.

Yue Qinlan flipped through it, put it away, and said crisply: "Listen to Liyue, the interrogation of the Immortals is over, have you read the interrogation report?"

"Not yet, is there anything special?" Mu Liang asked with interest.

Yue Qinlan shook her head, and said gracefully: "I don't know much, let Liyue tell you later."

"Alright." A cold light flashed in Mu Liang's eyes.

He doesn't want to touch the Immortals right now, and wait until the matter of the Xu Clan is settled, but if the Immortals continue to hop around like this, he will make another arrangement.

Mu Liang tapped the table with his fingers, and asked again: "How is the situation over there at Wincosa?"

Yue Qinlan leaned forward slightly, said with a light smile, "She is very strong, and she helped kill many virtual ghosts."

"Where is she now?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

He originally thought that Winksha would not care, but now it seems that he is not.

Yue Qinlan took out the notepad and flipped through two pages, then said softly, "We are about to arrive in Jinyuan City."

"Why did you go to Jinyuan City?" Mu Liang was surprised.

Yue Qinlan explained: "There is a virtual ghost with supreme strength in Jinyuan City (bcdd), and Sujin can't stop it, so I asked Wen Kesha to help."

The time for the Void Ghost Emperor to wake up is getting closer and closer, and the number of high-level Void Ghosts has begun to increase. Several Void Ghosts with supreme strength have appeared, and some of them are solved by Mu Liangmu's avatar.

"Well, that's fine. Mu Liang nodded slowly. The wooden avatar has been very busy recently, and has to sit in the transit bases of Fengcheng and Bird City.


Yue Qinlan sighed, and said sadly: "If there is no wooden avatar, Fengcheng should not be able to stop the Xu clan.

"Well, Jinfeng is still injured." Mu Liang's eyes flashed.

Not long ago, Jin Feng, the lord of Feng City, was seriously injured. If it hadn't been for Mu's avatar, she might have been torn to pieces by Xu Gui.

Yue Qinlan suggested: "If this is the case, it is better to let the Common people from Fengcheng come to Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said in a gentle voice: "If this is the case, then we can save some manpower and devote ourselves to guarding the transit base.

There are branches of the tree of life in the transfer base. After the people in Fengcheng are transferred, the transfer base can become easier to defend, and it can also divert the virtual ghosts, so that they will not all flood into the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Yue Qinlan said crisply: "Then arrange it like this, transfer the common people in Fengcheng, and let the strong enter the transit base."

"Well, after Jinfeng's injury recovers, let her make arrangements." Mu Liang nodded.

The Xuanwu Kingdom can't spare more people to arrange the personnel transfer in Fengcheng. The best way is to let them solve it by themselves. The Xuanwu Kingdom will let the transport spaceship help transfer the people

"It's up to you to decide." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Time is getting tighter. I don't know where Xu Guishi is hiding." Mu Dian's eyes glowed coldly.

Yue Qinlan said in a sad tone: "Maybe we have to turn over the old continent to find him.

Mu Liang smiled wryly, the wooden avatar had searched for so long, but he couldn't find where Xu Guihuang was, the other party was really good at hiding.

He couldn't help suspecting that Xu Guihuang was proficient in space ability, if this was the case, it would be a big trouble when fighting him in the future.

Yue Qinlan sighed, the pressure on her shoulders increased.

"Don't think too much, I'm here." Mu Liang patted the woman's shoulder.

"You put too much pressure on yourself." Yue Qinlan's tone softened, and a hint of distress flashed in her eyes.

"Those who can do more work." Mu Liang chuckled.

"Unreasonable." Yueqin gave Mu Liang a blue and white look.

Mu Liang smiled, stretched out his hand to pinch the woman's face, the feeling was better than before.

He said softly: "Let's have dinner, I don't need to sleep tonight, I have to go to Xi Beiqi to keep watch.

"Yeah, I don't know when she will be resurrected." Yue Qin's blue eyes sparkled.

"I can only guard it." Mu Liang said softly.

Ten days was just his estimated time, and he was afraid that the spore resurrection would be delayed or delayed.


ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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