Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2554: It Makes People Feel Stuffy. (1 More)

Tina blinked Green's beautiful eyes, looked at Mu Liang innocently and asked, "Is Xu Guihuang very powerful?"

Mu Liang shook his head.

The Dragon Lord looked at the girl, and said in a deep voice, "He can destroy a whole continent, is he considered powerful?"

Tina opened her pink lips, her eyes were full of fear, and she said weakly: "It's very powerful.

Mu Liang glanced at her quietly, and felt that the girl was not born in a Common family, but more like she was carefully cared for in a greenhouse.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, when will my injury heal?" Dragon Lord asked in a deep voice.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Let's raise it, it will be fully healed in about three days."

Killing intent flashed across Dragon Lord's eyes, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Your Excellency Mu Liang, is there a way for me to recover quickly, I'm going to kill Xu Gui."

The killing intent in his heart was about to substantiate, Xu Gui destroyed Feilong Valley, killed tens of thousands of his subjects, and also killed many flying dragons.

Mu Liang glanced at him indifferently, raised his hand and waved casually, and another mass of life elements fell on the Dragon Lord.

The Dragon Lord's body trembled slightly, he closed his eyes and began to absorb the life elements with all his heart, making the injury better as quickly as possible.

Mu Liang looked at Tina and asked peacefully, "What is your awakening ability?"

Tina hesitated for a moment, but still said: "I can create illusions, and I can also cover up all the auras under the illusions, making the illusions more real."

"Create an illusion?" Mu Liang's eyes flickered, thinking of the second elder of the oasis, his awakening ability is somewhat similar to that of the girl.

Tina tilted her head slightly and asked, "Does your lord want to see my awakening ability?"

"Okay." Mu Liang nodded.

The corners of Tina's lips raised, revealing an innocent smile, and then looked at him quietly.

Mu Liang's eyebrows twitched slightly, and he waved his hand, the girl in front of him trembled a few times like ripples on the water.

"Hey, how did Yinren find out?" Ti's astonished voice sounded.

As early as when a smile appeared on her face, she had already used her awakening ability, and everything around her had been replaced by illusions.

"I can feel it." Mu Liang said indifferently.

After the girl used her awakening ability, it was indeed difficult for people to detect, and she could even confuse the real one, making people think that nothing happened.

"My lord is amazing." Tina's voice sounded again.


Ripples appeared in Mu Liang's sight, and the illusion was removed by the girl, but the people around did not notice it.

Tina walked out from behind Mu Liang, with a surprised expression on her face. She had never been seen through when she used her awakening ability before.

Mu Liang looked sideways at the girl, knowing that she came to his rear after using her awakening ability, and this awakening ability would be very suitable for assassination missions.

"Where's your family?" He asked calmly.

Tina's eyes dimmed, and she whispered: "I don't know, our big ship capsized and everyone disappeared."

Mu Liang nodded slowly, judging from the current situation, it is very difficult for other people on board to survive.


The ground suddenly shook, making many people unable to stand still.

Because of the vibration, a large stone fell from the top of the head. If it hit the wounded, the undead would also aggravate the injury.

Mu Liang raised his hand and waved lightly, all the falling stones were shaken into powder and flew down like snow, unable to cause harm to everyone.

"What happened?" Tina tensed up.

The Dragon Lord also opened his eyes and stood up slowly, the injuries on his body no longer affected his actions.

"It's Xu Gui who is coming to attack again." He said hoarsely.

"I don't know, go out and have a look." Mu Liang turned and walked out.

The Dragon Lord stepped forward without hesitation, and the Flying Dragon King also folded his wings and followed behind.

Everyone who could move stood up and walked outside.

Tina hesitated for a moment, but hurriedly caught up with the Dragon Lord, blinking curious eyes at Mu Liang's back.

She lowered her voice and asked: "Master Dragon Lord, if you compare with Lord Mu Liang, who is stronger?"

"Of course it is him." Dragon Lord said without hesitation.

Tina opened her mouth in surprise, she has seen the scene where the Dragon Lord and Xu Gui fight, Mu Liang looks so young, will he be stronger than the Dragon Lord?

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang walked out of the crack in the mountain, and saw the group of virtual ghosts gathered outside again.

In less than an hour, the number of virtual ghosts gathered again exceeded 50,000, among them were virtual ghosts with king rank breath.

The Dragon Lord looked serious, if all these virtual ghosts were killed, only Mu Liang could survive here.

Tina's face was as pale as paper, and she was obviously frightened by the dense crowd of virtual ghosts.

"It's so scary." Her body trembled slightly, seeing so many virtual ghosts for the first time made her feel physically uncomfortable.

"Let's fight." The Dragon Lord took a deep breath, turned over and was about to go up to the back of the Flying Dragon King.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Let me come, you are too slow."

The Dragon Lord was stunned for a moment, and asked in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, do you want to face all the virtual ghosts alone?"

"Well, your moves are too slow, and you will cause a lot of casualties." Mu Liangping explained in a harmonious voice.

Dragon Lord was silent for a moment, knowing that Mu Liang was telling the truth, but it made people feel chilling.

Mu Liang glanced at the crowd, then walked towards the group of virtual ghosts.

∼Chu Jie Jie~~~”

The virtual ghosts roared and started the third wave of charge.

With a thought of Mu Liang, the surrounding gravity changed, and all the running ghosts fell to the ground, and the bones in their bodies made the sound of exploding.


In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of virtual ghosts lost their fighting ability, their bodies were pressed to the ground by a hundred times the gravity, and their bones were shattered into "big cakes"

The dragon master's pupils contracted, and there was a look of shock on his face. It's been a long time since we saw each other, and Mu Liang's strength has become much stronger again.

"It's amazing." Tina's eyes lit up, and the fear in her heart eased a lot.

"Hoo Hoo~~~"

A large green flame rose from Mu Liang's palm, and soon covered the surrounding virtual ghosts.

The virtual ghosts roared mournfully, but their bodies could not move until they were completely burned into ashes by the Green flames.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The ghost in the distance roared again and again, wanting to attack Mu Liang, but he didn't dare to stride across the green flame that contained life breath, so he just let out an impotent roar.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and threw the scroll of the universe away.


The picture scroll of the universe becomes larger in the wind, covering most of the island, and the cosmic galaxy replaces the sky of the island.

"What is this?" Tina widened her beautiful eyes in surprise.


The galaxy falls down and covers the ghosts who are still alive. There are many magic circles in the galaxy, which can easily strangle the ghosts covered by them.

The Dragon Lord had a serious expression on his face. It was the first time he saw such a spiritual weapon, and his heart was already in turmoil.

Half an hour later, the scroll of the universe shrunk and fell back into Mu Liang's hands, and all the ghosts around were dead, and their bodies were incinerated into ashes by Green's flame.

Mu Liang turned back and said indifferently: "Okay, let's start packing up, let's get out of here as soon as possible."

"I understand." Dragon Lord agreed after taking a deep breath.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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