The gunner shouted from a distance: "My lord, Poseidon is ready, do you want to launch now?"

"Launch." Yue Feiyan raised her hand and waved vigorously, giving the signal to launch.

At the same time, the spirit weapon cannon and the annihilation weapon were activated together to cover up the movement of the Poseidon's launch.


Cannon fire raged, energy beams of light and artillery shells fired in volley, bombarding pieces of virtual ghosts into pieces.

Poseidon has already shot out from the barrel of the missile launching spirit weapon, plunged into the deep sea, and headed for the sea outside the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Gulu Gulu~~"

The sea god's shell lights up with the light of the magic circle, and the water magic circle affects the surrounding sea water, pushing the missile forward at extreme speed.

The function of the water magic circle is to eliminate the resistance of the water, and at the same time give the missiles the power to move forward, so that the sea god's moving speed in the water is not inferior to the moving speed on the sea surface.


Poseidon shines with the blue light, it is difficult to be found in the deep sea, and it flies past the hordes of virtual ghosts, passing through the sea of ​​mist and the gate of the Xuanwu Kingdom to the salt water area.

The sea was turbulent, and above the sea was Roy's avatar, who was currently controlling the Void Qi to resist the lightning in the stormy sea area, allowing more Void Ghosts to enter the port.

"It's going to explode." Yue Feiyan held up the binoculars and saw the clone of Roy outside the gate of 36 Xuanwu Kingdom.

She calculated the time, and it only took two short breaths from the sea god entering the water to reaching the bottom of Roy's avatar.

As soon as the red-haired girl finished speaking, Sea God rushed out of the sea in the next second.

Xu Guihuang's avatar looked down, and the next moment his eyes were filled with dazzling blue light, and Sea God exploded.


A violent roar resounded through the sky, and the sea water violently churned up, creating huge waves 100 meters high.

This time the Seagod exploded on the sea surface, the power produced was different from that in the water, but it also caused damage to the Holy Void Ghost.

The roar was deafening, and the virtual ghosts around the center of the explosion were thrown a thousand kilometers away, and when they fell into the water again, they were already dead and couldn't die anymore.

Everyone standing on the Thousand Thorns Pass could feel the shock from Seagod's explosion.

"Did you die?" Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes.

Hu Immortal said coldly: "If he is Xu Guihuang's avatar, Sea God should not be able to threaten his life."

The reason why she gave the order to launch the Seagod was to test the strength of that black figure.

If he can survive the Seagod's attack, he is probably Xu Guihuang's avatar.


The emptiness that blocked the thunder and lightning in the sea of ​​storms dissipated, and the dense lightning fell again, striking the ghosts who hadn't had time to pass through the sea of ​​mist.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The virtual ghosts screamed again and again, and hundreds of virtual ghosts were split into flying ash by lightning.

Under the nervous eyes of Yue Feiyan and the others, the thick smoke outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom slowly dissipated, revealing the figure of Black in the air, and the hearts of Yue Feiyan and the others sank.

"Interesting, this weapon can actually hurt me." Roy's avatar had fierce eyes, and the bloody light flashed with murderous intent.

One of his arms was broken, and he looked a little embarrassed, but soon there was emptiness around him, and the broken arm recovered in the blink of an eye.

Roy's avatar moved its arms, raised its eyes to look at Hu Immortal and the others on Qianji Pass, and the corners of its lips slowly rose.

Hu Xianmei's red eyes flashed with fear, and she said in a firm tone: "He is the avatar of Xu Guihuang."

Her mental power is already much stronger than that of her peers, which is related to her own ability to charm, which is no less than the spiritual power of a holy master.

But the black figure in front of her made the foxtail woman feel fear, which meant that her mental power was far above her.

"How strong is Xu Guihuang's avatar?" Yue Feiyan's throat was astringent, and fear welled up in her heart.

She pretended to be calm and continued to order to attack Xu Gui.

The fox fairy said coldly: "I don't know, but it is definitely not the strength of the common holy rank, it may be the quasi-emperor rank."

"Hai Shendu is useless, what should I do next?" Xi Beiqi descended from the sky and returned to the girls from the battlefield. There were several black marks on her face, which were the blood of Xu Gui.

The fox fairy said in a hoarse voice: "Sea God is useless, let Xiaozi and the others take action is not an opponent (ahai), wait for Mu Liang to come."

"Will he wait?" Yue Feiyan said, looking at Black's figure outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom.

With just one glance, Roy's avatar disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had passed through the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom and came to the port minister.

Spirit weapon cannons and annihilation weapons couldn't stop him at all, as if he had entered the land of no one.

"Damn it." Hu Immortal raised his heart.

The nine fox tails behind her were stretched straight, and the hairs on the tails stood up." Looking warily at the figure in the air.


The air force soldiers controlled the worker bees to form a formation, surrounded Roy's avatar in the middle, and aimed their crossbows and longbows at him.

"Don't attack." Yue Feiyan shouted hastily.

Facing Xu Guihuang's avatar, the air force soldiers are not enough to kill him with one hand, so don't make unnecessary sacrifices.

The soldiers of the Air Force retreated a certain distance when they heard the words, and the crossbows in their hands were still aimed at Xu Guihuang's avatar.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Roy's avatar laughed a few times, tilted his head slightly and said, "You're quite interesting."

"Who are you?" Hu Immortal asked in a cold voice, to verify his inner guess.

"Roy." Roy clone said indifferently.

"Roy, Void Ghost Emperor." The fox fairy's pupils contracted, and the guess was confirmed.

She kept her tone as calm as possible: "You are not the main body, but a clone."

"Very smart." Roy's avatar grinned, but the killing intent under the smile was so obvious.

"What do you want?" Yue Feiyan asked subconsciously.

Her voice was trembling, and she couldn't hide the fear in her heart.

"Why?" Roy's avatar looked at the red-haired girl "with a nasty smile.

He leaned forward slightly, and said word by word: "Of course I'm here to kill all of you humans."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's breathing was stagnant, and fear welled up in their hearts.

"Then you can try." The fox fairy's eyes flickered slightly, he raised his hand and slid through the space storage magic tool, and took out a jade-like long sword.

She is not good at fighting people head-on, but there is no other way right now, relying on the ability of charm cannot affect the virtual ghost emperor avatar, so she can only fight hard.

Roy looked at the fox-tailed woman from his avatar, and said with a sinister smile, "You are very beautiful, I don't want to kill you, but become my slave."

He was a human being before, so he still had reservations about his aesthetics. Facing the beauty of the fox-tailed woman, his heart was moved for a rare moment.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The fox fairy raised her thin eyebrows, and anger climbed onto her pretty face.

Roy's avatar said proudly: "You don't have to worry, as long as you become my person, you will be transformed into as perfect as me."

He still hates humans, even people like foxtail women, so he still has to transform women into Wai Wai.

"Ugly thing, who wants to become like you." The fox sneered coldly, and raised the long sword to bully him.

. . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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