Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2577: Ten-Headed Snake Form. (2 More)

Yue Qinlan's face was solemn, and more and more virtual ghosts entered the port.

She looked at the blood-colored emptiness in the sea of ​​storms, thinking about how to disperse the emptiness, so that the lightning could block the swarm of ghosts and reduce the pressure on the port.

On the city wall, the thorny flower that had been silent for a long time woke up, and ten huge vines rose from the city wall, stretching out like a green snake.

Ten-headed snake flower to display its natural ability, wood mimicry ten-headed snake form.

Like a giant snake, the vines are flexible and attack the high-level ghosts in the air. At the same time, the vines branch out into thousands of vine branches that are as thick as human thighs, attacking the ghosts trying to leap over the city wall.

The thorny flower is poisonous, Xu Gui was stabbed by the thorns on the vine, and his limbs became sluggish, and the weak Xu Gui was paralyzed all over his body.

With the help of Ten Thousand Thorny Flowers, the pressure on the Air Force soldiers was further reduced, and they seized the right time to make up the "April 17" knife, causing the paralyzed Void Ghost to die directly.

The swarm of bees originally hidden in the thorny flowers soared into the sky, covering the swarm of virtual ghosts like dark clouds.

The king bee appeared, commanding the bee swarm to attack, and the scene became more intense.

The appearance of the swarm relieved everyone's pressure a lot.

Yue Qinlan's face eased a lot, the bee swarm and the myriad thorns flower stopped many virtual ghosts, otherwise the Xuen group would have already entered the Thousand Thorns Pass.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

In the depths of the seabed, groups of virtual ghosts are approaching the Thousand Thorns Pass. They climb up the stone wall, and the port is above their heads.

Qin Yu waved a long whip in her hand, and killed all the ghosts who approached.

Her original blue eyes turned purple. This was due to the influence of the thunder armor. The blue lightning that had awakened her ability had now all turned into purple lightning.

"Bang bang~~~"

Qin Yu kicked the ground hard, jumped ten meters high, and used her awakening ability to fill the surroundings with purple arcs, like a millstone with big ears, and began to strangle the ghosts.

Qiaoer brandished the long knife in her hand and killed two third-order virtual ghosts, her pretty face under the helmet was covered with blood.


She spat out the blood in her mouth, raised her hand to wipe her face, and took the time to look in Qin Yu's direction.

"There is no place for relay." She looked around, there were more and more ghosts, and they could move freely in the sea, which was not good for soldiers.

Qiao'er thought for a while, took out an empowering pearl to wear, and jumped out flexibly, using her temporary ability to create pieces of cloud platforms.

Qin Yu stepped on the cloud and mist platform with her strength, and smashed out the purple lightning bolts to solve the problem for the soldiers who were in danger.

There are a lot of cloud and mist platforms on the port, which gives the powerhouses of the Xuanwu Kingdom a foothold, and it is easier to deal with the ghosts with strong jumping ability.

Qin Yu praised Qiao'er: "Well done."

Qiaoer showed a row of bright teeth, and continued to use her ability to create a cloud platform.

Suddenly, the sea water at the port surged, and groups of virtual ghosts rushed out of the sea and headed straight for the Thousand Thorns Pass.

Yue Qinlan's complexion changed, and she shouted: "Be careful, Xu Gui is attacking from under the sea."

She raised her hand to display her awakening ability, controlling the sea water to restrain the ghost that suddenly appeared.


Suddenly, a sky-shattering roar came from the depths of the misty sea, shaking everyone's ears.

"Little Xuanwu." Yue Qinlan said in astonishment.


Under the port, the earth and rocks in the deep sea surged up and condensed into stone pillars, piercing the sea water like sharp giant spears, stabbing the virtual ghosts hiding under the sea into honeycombs.

Some stone pillars even broke through the surface of the sea, smashing high-level ghosts passing by directly.

The rock turtle released the gravity field, and the virtual ghosts in the deep sea were like boulders falling into the water. They sank into the bottom of the sea without any resistance, and were finally covered by layers of thick earth and rocks until they were crushed to death.

The Rock Armor Ghost's attack killed hundreds of thousands of Void Ghosts in the sea at once, and the sea water was stained black by the surrounding blood.

The strength of the twelfth-level rock turtle is extremely terrifying. If it is not carrying the Xuanwu Kingdom on its back, it can solve most of the millions of virtual ghosts.

"Little Xuanwu, good job." Yueqinlan let out a long sigh of relief, with the help of the rock turtle, the ghosts in the deep sea don't need to be distracted to deal with it.


Outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, there was a violent roar in the black-colored Void Ghost Emperor's domain, which shows how fierce the battle inside is.

Yue Qin's blue eyes showed worry: "Mu Liang..."

"Hoo hoo~~~"

Yue Feiyan landed on the city wall from the sky, panting heavily.

"Are you okay?" Yue Qinlan asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Yue Feiyan shook her head, took off the helmet of the Suzaku armor, her fiery red hair fell down...

The high-intensity battle made the red-haired girl feel very tired and needed to stop for a while to breathe.

She swung the Suzaku fan thousands of times in a row, and the whip almost broke. The many high-level spiritual weapons on her body made her powerful, but it was another burden.

The red-haired girl took out the healing medicine and drank it in one gulp, allowing her body to recover quickly. Her blood-colored eyes were still staring at the vampire in the air.

Yue Feiyan took a deep breath, put on the Suzaku armor and helmet again, took out the Suzaku fan and soared into the air.

"Mother, take care of yourself." She left a sentence and rushed into the ghost group again.

Yue Qinlan looked dignified, staring at her daughter's figure, praying that she would not get hurt.


The battle before the Thousand Thorns Pass became more and more intense, and more and more soldiers were injured, but the number of virtual ghosts seemed to have never decreased, and they were still densely packed and countless.

"A ghost has climbed up the city wall." Someone shouted.

Yue Qinlan's body trembled, and she quickly looked towards the city wall, and sure enough, she saw hundreds of virtual ghosts climbing up the city wall.

There are too many virtual ghosts, relying solely on the current combat power of the Xuanwu Kingdom, it is difficult to stop all these virtual ghosts in front of them.

"Leave it to me." The Dragon Lord roared [holding the mountain-breaking ax and went up to meet him.

Winkesha glanced at it from a distance, and continued to attack the high-ranking virtual ghost in front of her.

Among the millions of virtual ghosts, there are also many virtual ghosts with strengths above the eighth level.

Among them, there are more than 500 virtual ghosts of the king rank, 23 virtual ghosts with the strength of supreme 4.0, and five virtual ghosts of the holy rank.

Xinxi stopped two holy ghosts with her own power, and Wen Kesha stopped one.

The other two holy ghosts are hiding in the dark and haven't appeared yet.

Yue Qin's blue heart gradually sank. If only Xu Guihuang's avatar could lead millions of Xu ghosts to attack the Xuanwu Kingdom, what would happen when Roy woke up two days later?

She said in a serious tone: "I hope most of the virtual ghosts are here."

But... how is it possible.

Yue Qinlan had no time to think about it, and ordered the soldiers to prepare weapons for trial.

She gave orders in an orderly manner: "Launch Poseidon, Thor, Vulcan, and aim at the virtual ghosts in the stormy sea."

"Yes." The gunner responded respectfully and quickly completed the preparations before launching.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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