Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2579: Enter The Dark Ages. (2 More)

In the Kingdom of Zierdodri, in the city of Shire, the capital of the kingdom.

In the palace, Yom stared at the TV with a dignified expression, while the surrounding nobles who watched the live broadcast fell into a long silence.

Lingxi sat beside Yom, and her daughter Lingyun stood behind them, staring at the TV with her beautiful eyes.

Yom grabbed his wife's hand and said slowly, "I have decided to send people to support the Xuanwu Kingdom. What do you think?"

The nobles were all shocked when they heard the words, and they all looked at each other and didn't want to speak.

"Your Majesty has already made a decision, so you don't need to ask us." The Duke said slowly.

The Marquis followed suit and nodded: "That's right, as long as His Majesty decides.

The other nobles nodded in agreement, the Duke and the Marquis both nodded, and they had no room to refuse.

Yom looked at the Duke and Marquis coldly, and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it.

The Duke was silent for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty, supporting the Xuanwu Kingdom in this special period will only cause the kingdom's strong people to perish."

"That's right, I don't think there is any need for support, the Xuanwu Kingdom will stop those ghosts." The Marquis said in a deep voice.

The Earl agreed: "Well, the appearance of the Xu Clan is originally the fault of another continent, and they need to bear the consequences themselves.

"That's right." Some nobles agreed, while others shook their heads silently, disapproving of what they said.

Lingxi's eyes were cold, and he said in a cold tone: "If the Xuanwu Kingdom can't stop the attack of the Xu Clan, let the Xu Ghosts enter our continent, and wantonly massacre the people in the kingdom, will you bear the consequences and crimes?"

"With the strength of our Zierdodeli Kingdom, even if the virtual ghost comes, we can deal with it." The Marquis couldn't help but said.

Lingxi looked at it coldly, raised her chin and asked, "You are probably blind, or you are overconfident, how many ghosts of the Void did you not see?"

The nobles fell silent. In the live broadcast, there were three holy-rank virtual ghosts. How could the Qierdodeli Kingdom deal with it.

"Don't forget, there is also the Ghost Emperor~||." Yom patted his wife's hand and said.

The count bit his head and said: "The Xuanwu Kingdom may not lose..."

Yom asked in a deep voice: "No matter how strong the Xuanwu Kingdom is, it's still just a kingdom. What are the chances of winning against the Xu clan who can destroy the entire continent?"

The earl was speechless, he didn't know how much chance the Xuanwu Kingdom had in winning, and he was awakened by the king's words, the strength of the Xu clan could destroy the entire Old Continent.

Lingyun couldn't help but said: "The Xuanwu Kingdom doesn't have to fight hard, as long as the Misty Sea channel is opened and the virtual ghosts come to the New World, they can relax a lot.

The princess' words silenced everyone again. This is very likely to happen, and it also made everyone present tense.

Lingxi said slowly: "This is a battle between races. If the Xuanwu Kingdom is defeated, who else in the human race do you think can compete against the Xu race?"

The Queen's words made everyone more silent, at least they knew that no one in the Erdodri Kingdom could deal with Xu Guihou.

Yom asked in a deep voice: "So, do you have any opinions on sending people to support the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

The duke respectfully said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will help gather strong men and leave for the Xuanwu Kingdom today. y

"I'll wait the same." The Marquis, the Earl and others agreed one after another.

Yom said word by word: "I hope you can pay attention, if you fail this time, then our continent will enter a dark age in the future.

If the Xuanwu Kingdom loses, the Xu Clan will inevitably attack the New World aggressively. The vast land and large population here will make the Xu Clan become stronger and stronger quickly. If the human race is not united, it will be impossible to win.

"We understand." The Duke nodded solemnly.

On the other side, Lanlupo Kingdom, inside the palace of Yili City.

Su Linyisi, the knight commander and others also watched the live broadcast.

Su Linyisi suddenly said: "Uncle Zhang, call the knights and magicians and follow me to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Yes." Uncle Zhang didn't ask much, got up and left the main hall quickly.

In the palace, other nobles looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one had any objections.

After Su Linyisi became the queen, she quickly took control of the entire Danglupo Kingdom by using strong methods and extraordinary skills.

These nobles also know that behind the Lanlupo Kingdom is the Xuanwu Kingdom.

It is also because of the support and help of the Xuanwu Kingdom that the Lanlupo Kingdom can develop rapidly.

Su Linyisi looked around at everyone, and ordered in a cold voice: "Everyone go back and summon the strong to support the Xuanwu Kingdom together.

"Yes." The nobles responded in unison.

Even if they don't want to, they have to do it. Their respective families are deeply involved with the Lanlupo Kingdom. This is a matter of both prosperity and loss.

These people understood a truth very early on, if the Xuanwu Kingdom can't stop the Xu Clan, then the Lanlubo Kingdom near the sea will be the tenth kingdom attacked by the Xu Gui.

For the sake of future stability and the idea of ​​sending charcoal to the Xuanwu Kingdom, the nobles and major city lords are willing to support the Xuanwu Kingdom.

In Haiting Kingdom, the former Saluner City is gone, and the people who used to live there are now temporarily living in the commercial city built there by Xuanwu Kingdom.

Baishuang, King Haiting and other nobles also temporarily lived in the commercial city, which was licensed by Mu Liang, but the management and ownership of the commercial city still belonged to Xuanwu Jinguo.

When the Xu family is resolved in the future, the Haiting royal family will rebuild the city of Salon, but before that, they must first accumulate enough money.

Rebuilding a royal city requires a lot of money.

Judging from the current situation of the severely damaged Haiting royal family, it is possible to rebuild the royal city immediately, but it will only make the current situation worse.

After discussion, the Haiting royal family decided to wait for the matter of the Xu clan to be completely resolved and the two continents to settle down before starting to rebuild the royal city.

King Haiting also had a plan and decided to cooperate with the Xuanwu Kingdom, and the workers of the Xuanwu Kingdom would help build the royal city and create a clean and tidy new city.

With this cooperation, Haiting Kingdom will bleed a lot, including the expansion of (Li Mo's) commercial city, and the main city of Haijiang will draw a larger land branch into the commercial city.

At the same time, the construction of the new port in the main city will be managed by the Xuanwu Kingdom.

In the commercial city, in the temporary palace, King Haiting, Bai Shuang and others watched the Xuanwu Kingdom's live broadcast altar.

". "Father, I'm going to the Xuanwu Kingdom to help. "Bai Shuang stood up, her face full of perseverance.

King Haiting said seriously: "Sit down, you are too weak to help."

Bai Shuang flattened her mouth and looked at her father.

"Good boy, this time father will go by himself," King Haijiang said slowly.

He was going to help. After Salun'er City was destroyed by the Four Xu Kings, if Mu Liang hadn't brought people to help in time, Salun'er City would have suffered heavy casualties.

He plans to repay this favor now, and it will be much more convenient to discuss cooperation with Xuanwu Kingdom in the future.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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