Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2583: It's Not As Simple As A Pet. (2 More)


In Acropolis No. 12, the cold wind kept howling, and there was no snowfall today.

Alina stood in front of the air-raid shelter entrance, listening to her subordinates report on their work.

The air-raid shelter of No. 12 Acropolis was built right under the ski resort and ice rink. It also has eight entrances, and the roots of the tree of life provide oxygen.

Ah Qing said respectfully: "Captain, all the houses have been inspected, and the people have been moved to the air-raid shelter."

Alina nodded in satisfaction, and ordered: "Very well, everyone, take the time to rest and replenish your body's consumption."

"Yes." Members of the Highland Guard and Ghost Tactical Assassin Team responded in unison.

Elena led six members of the tactical assassination team, twelve highland guards, and two thousand army soldiers, and was responsible for the security work of No. 12 Acropolis.

Ah Qing came to stand beside the pink-haired girl, and said in a worried tone: "Captain, we are not many in number, if there are too many virtual ghosts, we can't stop them.

"If you can't stop it, you have to block it." Alina raised her hand and knocked the girl on the head.

Ah Qing straightened her back and saluted: "Captain misunderstood, I don't want to back down, I just want to discuss ways to deal with Xu Gui."

Alina blinked her pink eyes 18, raised her eyes and asked, "Do you have a good idea?"

"No." Ah Qing shook her head.

"Shut up." Alina raised her hand to her forehead, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Okay." Ah Qing pursed her lips.

Elena glanced at the girl, and comforted: "Don't worry, there are His Majesty's pets here.

Ah Qing's mouth twitched, it was the sacred beast of the Xuanwu Kingdom, it was not as simple as a pet.

But with Alina's words, her confidence was much stronger.

"Tap T T T T ~ ~ ~"

The sound of hurried footsteps came, and the liaison officer came to the pink-haired girl with a solemn expression.

He raised his hand to salute, and said solemnly: "Captain Elina, news came from Thousand Thorns Pass that 150,000 ghosts broke through the defense line and entered the kingdom, and the clerk ordered to wipe out ghosts with all their strength."

"One hundred and fifty thousand virtual ghosts!" Alina's expression became serious in an instant.

The liaison officer continued: "Yes, but the 150,000 virtual ghosts dispersed after entering the kingdom, and a group of virtual ghosts came to us."

"How many?" Alina asked.

The liaison officer whispered: "There are nearly 20,000 of them, and there are two king-level strengths around them."

"Two king rank ghosts." Alina's eyelids twitched, this is not good news.

The liaison officer said in a deep voice: "Yes, based on their advancing speed, they will arrive at Acropolis No. 12 in two hours. 7"

"Why so fast?" Alina cried out again in astonishment.

"Wang-level virtual ghosts move with those low-level virtual ghosts, so the speed will be much faster." The liaison officer explained.

The goal of the Xu Clan is to clean up all the humans in the Xuanwu Kingdom. This is the order of the Xu Ghost Emperor. The Xu Ghosts dare not slack off.

"I see." Elena nodded solemnly.

She turned to look at the soldiers, and ordered solemnly: "Okay, everyone follow me to the city wall and activate the defense formation.

"Yes." The soldiers and the ghost special forces stood up and finished the rest work as quickly as possible.

"Let's go." Elena waved her hand, and hurried towards the city gate.

The No. 12 Acropolis has a large protective formation, which was built by Mu Liang himself.

The No. 12 Acropolis is too big, and it is impractical to draw a holy-level magic circle as large as the city, so Mu Liang took the next best thing and used 88 magic circles to form a big city protection formation.

Among the eighty-eight magic circles, the main five are king-level magic circles, and the three supreme magic circles can resist the attacks of holy-level virtual ghosts at least three times after being activated.

If Wang Jie Xugui wants to break through the protective formation, he must attack at least fifty times in a row.

In order to build the protective formation, Mu Liang used a lot of rare materials, including twenty eighth-level monster crystals and fifty seventh-level monster crystals.

It is precisely because of the large moat formation that the people in the Acropolis do not have to evacuate to the New World, but just stay in the underground air-raid shelter.

If it wasn't for the large formation protecting the city, when these 150,000 virtual ghosts entered the Xuanwu Kingdom, Yue Qinlan would have let the strong come back to defend.

Alina boarded the city wall, stepped on the snow and looked ahead, which was the direction of the Thousand Thorns Pass.

"An hour and a half." She said in a low voice.

The ghost special forces and soldiers boarded the city wall, and the good team waited for the pink-haired girl's order.

As soon as everyone stood up, the manager of Acropolis No. 12 rushed over, and he also received the news.

The manager asked seriously: "Miss Alina, when will Xu Gui arrive?"

"One and a half hours, now you take people to activate the defense formation." Alina ordered solemnly.

"Yes." The manager nodded vigorously, and led the people to activate the city defense formation.

He is the manager of Acropolis No. 12, and he knows how to activate the Great Fortress Formation.

Seeing the manager leave, Elena continued to order: "Check all the spirit weapon cannons, and close all the city gates at the same time, and get ready for battle."

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison, and they all moved swiftly.

After another half an hour, Acropolis No. 12 vibrated, the city walls lit up, and complicated magic runes emerged.

The magic runes are extremely complicated, and it will hurt your eyes if you stare at them for a long time.

These magic runes seemed to be printed on the city wall, and soon intertwined into a hemispherical barrier, covering 663's entire No. 12 Acropolis.

Elina stretched out her hand and lightly poked the magic barrier in front of her. The hand felt soft and elastic, and ripples swayed from where her fingers touched, and quickly spread to the entire barrier.

When an attack falls somewhere on the barrier, it will be transmitted to the entire barrier by the magic circle, which is equivalent to allowing the entire barrier to resist an attack from one place. This is also the key to resisting the attack of the holy ghost.

Ah Qing asked softly: "Captain, won't the holy beast be kept out?"

Alina waved her hand and said: "It doesn't matter, it's the same inside and outside, as long as it can solve the virtual ghost.

Her task is to prevent Xu Gui from entering the Acropolis No. 12. It is better for the holy beast to be outside the Acropolis, so that it can cooperate with the soldiers to deal with Xu Gui.

"Understood." Ah Qing nodded.

At the same time, other acropolises also entered a state of preparation for war.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The war drum and Xuanwu bell were sounded at the same time, and the breath of chill permeated the Acropolis.

Soldiers were running on the city wall, and one by one the defensive formations were activated, waiting for Xu Dong's arrival.

In the entire Xuanwu Kingdom, except for the prison, people in other villages and towns have been transferred to the Acropolis, including the seabed town.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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