Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2606: Whether The Human Race Can Last Forever Depends On This Time. (2 More)

Thousand Thorns Pass, above the towering city walls.

Yueqinlan, Huxian and others were all there, while the ghost special forces in charge of Liyue, Nijisha, Yan Bing, Elina and others were scattered in David's cities, and the Holy Light Guard stayed in the main city.

The Xuanwu Kingdom's arrangement of personnel is the same as when facing the attack of a million virtual ghosts. The difference this time is that there are many powerful people from the New World to help.

Behind Yueqinlan stood her sister Yueqinyi, and beside Huxian were Sujin, Baiyu and others.

Above everyone's heads were warships and transport spaceships, as well as a floating island, which was a temporarily rebuilt oasis filled with weapons.

Belline stood on the oasis, wearing armor and looking solemnly ahead.

Beside her are the Great Elder of Oasis, the Second Elder of Oasis, and the Fourth Elder of Oasis.

"It should be a decisive battle." Bellyn said in a deep voice.

"It's up to this time whether the human race can last forever." Oasis Great Elder nodded slowly.

A coldness flashed in the eyes of the second Elder Oasis, and he said in a hoarse voice: "We have dealt with ghosts for so many years, it's time to put an end to it.

Belline lowered her head and looked down. There were many strong men on the city wall, and the number of experts from the New World to support had reached one million, and there were still strong men coming in a steady stream.

Among the million masters, twenty-five are kings of various kingdoms, and the strong men of the orc kingdom also came, including the black bird king and the orc leaders.

Xuan Niao asked coldly: "Your Excellency Qin Lan, the person you sent out to inquire about the news hasn't come back yet?"

"Not yet." Yue Qinlan frowned and shook her head, feeling a little worried in her heart, could it be that the scout had an accident?

The woman thought of Huxi, she should be asked to inquire about the Xu Clan's movements.

"Sister Qinlan, do you want me to go?" Hu Xi asked bluntly.

"Wait a minute." Yue Qinlan shook her head and decided to wait a little longer.

There are as many as 18 scouts sent out this time, and it is unlikely that none of them will fail to come back.

"Okay." Huxi nodded.


The city wall under everyone's feet shook, the magic circle on it lit up, and the complicated magic runes flickered non-stop, offsetting all the strength of the vibration.

Everyone is no longer surprised by this, this kind of vibration has lasted for several hours, only those magicians still exclaimed from time to time.

The magicians were shocked by the magic circle on the city wall. The magic circle covering the entire kingdom's city wall was enough to shock people for ten years.

Yue Qinyi looked back towards the direction of the main city. Mu Liang had been in seclusion for half a day, and the evolution of the rock turtle had also been going on for half a day.

"I don't know how long it will take this time." She said softly.

Yue Qinlan took her sister's hand and comforted her: "No matter how long it takes, we have to guard it."

"En." Yue Qinyi nodded vigorously.

Hu Immortal's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "I just hope that nothing will happen to Mu Liang, I can't control the rest."

Yue Qinlan said word by word: "Same, but I also want to protect the Xuanwu Kingdom that Mu Liang worked so hard to build."

It can be said that the Xuanwu Kingdom was built with her own eyes.

Yue Qinlan's mind came up with the appearance of the rock turtle when it appeared in the Yuetan tribe, but the current appearance can be said to be very different.

It is precisely because of this that she knows that it is not easy to build the Xuanwu Kingdom. She has experienced too many things during the period, and she will never allow it to be destroyed like this.

The corner of Fox Immortal's lips raised, and he said crisply: "Then swear to protect it to the death."

"Yes." Yue Qinlan's eyes became firm.

"Where's His Majesty Mu Liang?" Xuanniao stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

When she arrived in the Xuanwu Kingdom, Mu Liang had already started retreating, so the two did not meet.

"He's breaking through." Yue Qinlan said calmly.

Xuanniao asked in amazement: "Breakthrough?"

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered, and she said coldly: "As long as Mu Liang succeeds in breaking through, then Xu Guihuang will not be his opponent.

Her words are very firm, but she has no idea in her heart. She said this just to appease people's hearts and make everyone have a fighting spirit.

The fox fairy glanced at her, the tail behind her swung lightly, and didn't say much.

Xuanniao's eyes lit up, and suddenly she felt confident in her heart.

"Then hold on until His Majesty Mu Liang completes the breakthrough." Her eyes became firm.

"Your Excellency Muliang is already very strong. I never thought he could break through at this time. He is really strong." Zierner sighed.

King Haiting agreed: "Who says it's not? Killing you and me before breaking through is as easy as crushing a bug. Now that we're going to break through again, the Ghost King will lose."

"The Xu clan must lose." The other strong men shouted in unison.

Many top powerhouses present had seen Mu Liang make a move. After all, Mu Liang had spent a month traveling all over the major kingdoms before, and many people present had lingering fears due to Thunder's method.

…0 for flowers………

Yue Qinlan's mouth moved, and she silently prayed for Mu Liang to go well, otherwise Haikou would have already boasted.

Wen Kesha, Dragon Lord and the others didn't feel that Yue Qinlan was exaggerating. They had seen Mu Liang deal with Xu Guihuang's clones before, and how could they defeat those clones without the strength.

"Why haven't the scouts come back yet?" Shakov's face became serious.

"Let me go and have a look." Hu Xi said as he was about to jump off the city wall.


There was a sound of breaking through the air in the distance, and several worker bees flew into the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom one after another, and the faces of the scouts on their backs all turned pale.

"My lord, we are back." The worker bees landed on the city wall, and the soldiers staggered off the backs of the worker bees.

"What's the matter, did you meet Xu Gui?" Yue Feiyan walked forward quickly.

Only five scouts came back, all with large and small injuries, and one of the soldiers had his left arm broken at the root.

Fortunately, he had the healing secret medicine and the hemostatic secret medicine, which prevented him from dying due to excessive blood loss.

"Yes, there are thousands of virtual ghosts. They should be spies of the virtual clan. We met them, and the others died." One of the soldiers said with a sad tone.

"Didn't you see the Void Ghost Emperor?" Xi Beiqi asked.

Yue Feiyan said speechlessly: "It doesn't matter, if they meet the Ghost Emperor, they will not be able to return.

"That's right." Xi Beiqi said resentfully.

She asked again: "Where did you meet the virtual ghost?"

The air force soldier gave the coordinates of the sea chart, and it was only a three-hour flight distance from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"It's very close, the Ghost Emperor Xu should be here soon." Yue Qin's blue eyes revealed a cold light.

Yue Feiyan nodded solemnly, indicating that the scouts could go down and rest for a while.

Yue Feiyan looked at her mother and asked, "What should I do now, first launch the trial missile to intercept it?"

Yue Qinlan shook her head and said: "Don't worry, let's see the situation first, launching the trial missile now may be blocked by the Void Ghost Emperor, it's just a waste of missiles.

"That's right, then wait a little longer." Yue Feiyan nodded slowly, her complexion becoming more serious.

Yue Qinlan took a deep breath, still worrying about one thing, why Mu Liang's wooden clone hasn't come back yet?

ps: [2 more]: Please customize one. .

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