Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2615: There Are Too Many Abilities. (1 More)

Outside the Thousand Thorns Pass, the battle between Mu Liangmu's avatar and Xu Guihuang is still going on.


Roy's eyes showed killing intent, and the bloody emptiness in his hand condensed into a long spear, which directly pierced the wooden clone's chest.

Mu Liangmu's avatar's face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to strike back with a frost spear.

Roy narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a flick of the bloody spear, he easily shattered the Frost Spear, and the sharp tip of the spear went straight to the wooden clone's chest.

Mu Liangmu's avatar leaned back, the shattered Frost Spear condensed again, and with a flick of his wrist, the spear shot straight at Xu Guihuang's forehead.


Roy snorted coldly, tilted his head back slightly, then slammed forward hard, and the frost spear hit his forehead and burst directly.

Xu Guihuang's forehead was bloody and empty, and the frost spear could not hurt him.

He grinned grimly, "Are you tickling me?"

Mu Liangmu's avatar raised his hand to grab the bloody spear that was shot, and emerald green flames rose from his palm to wrap the spear inside, directly burning and vaporizing the bloody spear.

He looked at Xu Guihuang, and said indifferently: "Your attack is also very weak."

The blood in Roy's eyes flickered, and he tilted his head slightly and smiled: "I hope your mouth can be so hard in the future."

Mu Liangmu's avatar looks calm, with his hands and five fingers stretched out, nine colors wrapping around his fingers to form 463 colored silks.

This is the silk of the nine-colored silkworm. As long as the nine-colored silkworm does not die, these silks will not break.

With a flick of his hands, the nine-colored silk flew out and bound Baixu East.

Roy rushed forward, and the bloody emptiness in his hand condensed into a long knife and slashed at the colored silk.

When the blood-colored long knife touched the colored silk, Mu Liangmu's avatar moved its fingers, and the silk bound the blood-colored long knife.

Roy tried hard to cut the colored silk with his hands, but found that he couldn't cut it at all. The hardness of the colored silk was beyond his expectation.

Mu Liangmu's avatar used the ability of 'Great Power' to tear off the blood-colored long knife in the hands of the Void Ghost Emperor. At the same time, it used the shadow spider silk ability to try to restrain the Void Ghost Emperor for the next attack.

Xu Guihuang's body froze for a moment, but returned to normal in the next moment, and did not give the wooden clone a chance to attack at all.

"The strength is not high, but the ability is quite a lot." Roy showed an interested expression on his face.

He stepped closer to the wooden clone, and said in a gloomy tone: "I'm starting to be interested in you, how did you get so many abilities?"

Mu Liangmu's avatar retreated, launched an attack without saying a word, and with a movement of his mind, he controlled the holy light and thunder punishment to descend from the sky.

(adbh) boom~www

The Holy Light Thunder Punishment covers a range of 100 meters around, cutting off the retreat route of the Void Ghost Queen.

"It's useless." Roy grinned grinningly, and the blood-colored emptiness spread out, blocking the falling Holy Light and Thunder Punishment.

He took the opportunity to get close to the wooden clone, and reached out to grab his head, wanting to end the battle early.

As soon as Mu Liangmu's avatar moved his mind, he was about to leave when he used his space jump ability.

"Don't even think about leaving." Roy snorted, blood-colored emptiness imprisoned the surrounding space, interrupting the wooden clone's next move.

The next moment, Xu Guihuang's hand was pressed on the wooden clone's head, and blood-colored emptiness gushed out, wrapping the entire head of the wooden clone.

Mu Liangmu's avatar froze, his consciousness became confused, and his raised hand fell down weakly.


Roy grinned: "I got you."

The colored light flashed past, and a gap appeared in the emptiness surrounding the wooden avatar, which allowed the wooden avatar to take a breath, and its consciousness became clear.

A look of astonishment flashed across Roy's face, and the corners of his raised mouth froze.

The whole body of Mu Liangmu's avatar flickered with purple electricity, which scattered the blood-colored deficiency energy on his head, and his body retreated quickly.

He let out a long breath, and looked at Shangxu Ghost Emperor incomprehensibly.

Roy asked coldly, "How did you break free?"

"You guessed it. Mu Liangmu's avatar spoke indifferently.

His eyes flickered, and he knew that just now, the protection of luck had played a role, and a ray of hope appeared in the desperate situation, so that he could break free from the shackles of the bloody and weak energy.

Roy moved his wrist and said coldly: "It doesn't matter, you still have to die.

Mu Liangmu's avatar looked at Xu Guihuang coldly, felt the power emerging from his body, and understood that the physical strengthening of the main body had stepped up to a new level.

He took the initiative to attack, kicked his body to start, and with a flick of his wrist, he took out a silver spear and killed Xu Guihuang.

Roy's complexion remained unchanged, and a new blood-colored long knife was condensed to fight fiercely with the wooden clone.

As soon as he fought against each other, he felt startled, and realized that Mu clone's strength had become stronger again, which was not good news.


The speed of the battle between the two sides was more than doubled, the surrounding space was shattered, the sea water below him surged violently, and the virtual ghosts not far away were affected, causing over ten thousand casualties.

As time passed, Roy became a little irritable. It was a shame that he failed to kill the wooden clone after a day of fierce fighting.

There are too many abilities and weird changes.


Mu Liangmu's avatar flew out, half of his arm exploded into pieces, and the silver spear he was holding fell into the salt water area.


He took a deep breath, condensed life elements to repair the broken arm, and then raised his hand to grab the sea surface, and the silver spear broke through the water and returned to his hand.

Yin stared at the wooden clone, and realized that his strength had strengthened again.

"Come on, let's continue." Mu Liangmu's avatar said in a cold voice, releasing the life domain, covering the surrounding kilometer range.

Roy laughed out of anger, a pair of wings sprouted from his back, blood-colored emptiness billowed out, and also covered a thousand-meter range around him.

He didn't want to waste any more time. If he continued to fight with the wooden clone like this, accidents might happen. He wanted to get rid of the wooden clone as soon as possible so that he could deal with Mu Liang's main body.

Xu Guihuang waved his hands, the bloody domain and the life domain overlapped, and began to suppress and destroy.

Mu Liangmu's avatar was full of energy, the Xuguihuang domain was still very strong, and the life domain was overwhelmed.

Roy spread his hands, his body split from the middle, and soon became two identical bodies.

The eyes of Mu Liangmu's avatar flickered, and he used the ability of 'split copy', turning his body into two.

Roy narrowed his eyes, and had a new understanding of the ability of the wooden clone.

The four figures fought quickly, each with the blessing of the domain, and their strength increased a lot.


It's a pity that Mu Liangmu's avatar is still weaker. Soon, he was crushed and beaten by Xu Guihuang and the bloody clone, and half of his body was pierced, almost disintegrating on the spot.

Mu Liangmu's avatar took a deep breath, and after repairing his body, he continued to fight with Xu Guihuang.

Roy's eyes were cold, and with a thought, blood-colored tentacles appeared in the blood-colored field and rolled towards the wooden clone.

Mu Liangmu's avatar was forced to dodge, and his body shot out streaks of purple lightning to attack the approaching tentacles, and no one could do anything in a short time.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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