Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2621: Attack The Main City. (1 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, on the wall of the main city.

Liyue looked at the Thousand Thorns Pass with a serious expression, her long silver hair was blown by the wind, and she held her longbow tightly in her hand.

Gesmey had already put on the ghost armor, and stood beside the silver-haired girl silently with her mouth pursed.

The main city, including the cities of David, has received the news that Xu Gui has entered the kingdom, and all parties are ready to fight, Liyue and others are no exception.

With the sound of hasty footsteps, the scouts ran up the city wall and stood in front of the silver-haired girl.

He raised his hand in salute and said, "My lord, we will reach the main city in about half an hour.

"Understood, continue to pay attention to Xu Gui's movements." Li Yue said coldly.

"Yes." The scout raised his hand in salute, turned around and ran away.

Gesmei couldn't help asking: "How many virtual ghosts are attacking the main city this time?"

Li Yue said coldly: "Two hundred thousand."


Gesmey's throat moved, her slender eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, and she felt her heart beat a little faster.

Liyue glanced at her, and would no longer mention letting women take refuge in an underground air-raid shelter. Since she had already made a decision to fight, she could not be a deserter.

"Don't look at me like that, I won't leave." Gesmei said word by word.

Li Yue raised her eyebrows lightly, her lips curled slightly and said: "You think too much, and I didn't let you go.

"Oh." The corners of Gesmei's mouth moved, and she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

She thought of something, and asked, "Liyue, the thunder spirit beast has gone to Thousand Thorns Pass, what other holy beasts are there in the main city?"

Li Yue's eyes flickered slightly, and she said coldly: "There is a holy tree, don't worry."

Hearing this, Gesmei raised her eyes and looked at the top of her head. The huge canopy of the tree of life gave her a sense of security.

As time passed, the earth shook in the distance, and a large black cloud and mist surged towards the main city. It was the high-level ghosts controlling the emptiness and galloping with the low-level ghosts.

"Here we come." Liyue's expression became serious, and she put on the helmet of the holy light armor.

She turned around and ordered: "The guards of the Holy Light listen to the order, and use the Holy Light Thunder Punishment to attack the ghosts."

"Yes. The Guardians of the Holy Light responded in unison.

The next moment, the Holy Light armor on the Holy Light Guard lit up with golden light.


A few streaks of golden light appeared on the huge canopy of the Tree of Life, followed by more than a dozen beams of holy light and lightning penetrating through the canopy and falling, accurately hitting the running virtual ghosts.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

In the blink of an eye, nearly a thousand virtual ghosts were killed, which made the high-ranking virtual ghosts furious and moved forward faster.

"Continue." Li Yue ordered in a cold voice.

The guards of the holy light continued to activate the holy light armor without saying a word, controlling the holy light thunder and punishment to fall from the sky.


More than a dozen golden lights descended from the sky, taking away the lives of a group of virtual ghosts again, and there was still a golden electric current beating in the air.

The virtual ghosts became more and more angry, and launched an attack before they got close to the main city.


The high-ranking virtual ghosts opened their mouths and spewed out blood-colored breaths towards the main city.

The huge tree of life lit up, and green light fell down to protect the main city, blocking all the bloody breath.

The tree of life is a twelfth-level existence, and it is extremely powerful in itself. The green light that protects the main city is another application of the life field.

Seeing this, Ge Simei breathed a sigh of relief, and her nervous heart relaxed a lot.

"Continue to attack." Li Yue ordered loudly.

The Holy Light and Thunder Punishment descended from the sky again, continuing to kill the approaching Xusi.

At the same time, both the spirit weapon cannon and the annihilating weapon were activated, aimed at the approaching virtual ghost, and the shells poured out.

It's just that there are too many virtual ghosts. After a round of attack, there are still hundreds of thousands of virtual ghosts alive, and they have already approached the main city wall.

Gesme began to chant magic spells and cast lightning magic to attack the approaching virtual ghosts.

The strong men who came from the kingdoms also started to attack, the magicians supported from the rear, and the knights charged with weapons.

The huge tree of life hung down one by one vines, like a long whip thrown towards the Xu Dongs.

This scene is extremely spectacular, the vines are flying all over the sky, flexibly avoiding the attack of the virtual ghost, and pinching the virtual ghost with precision.

The vines that bound Xu Gui began to take root, and the white roots directly penetrated Xu Gui's skin and penetrated deep into his body, spreading out a strong breath of life, destroying Xu Gui's body from the inside.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The virtual ghosts roared again and again, struggling to get rid of the shackles of the vines, but unfortunately they were too weak to be the opponent of the tree of life.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The pure white figure rushed out from the main city, jumped over the high school and entered the ghost group.

It was a snow-white magical beast with six legs and a head that looked like a snow leopard on the earth, but there were streaks on its body that looked like flowing clouds, and the six feet were also surrounded by flowing clouds.

0......seeking flowers......

"Six-legged clouded leopard." Li Yue's eyes sparkled.

This is Mu Liang's domesticated beast, which was brought back from the New World. Before the evolution, An Qi had been feeding it. Later, Mu Liang evolved it to level ten, from a clouded leopard to a six-legged clouded leopard.

The appearance of the six-legged clouded leopard made Gesmei's eyes brighter.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

It landed on the ground, and the flowing cloud pattern on its body moved, as if there was a real wind blowing the flowing cloud.

Invisible fluctuations spread out from the six legs of the six-legged clouded leopard, covering the land within three kilometers in front.

After a few breaths, the ground became soft like water, causing the bodies of the virtual ghosts to sink, and their forward movements stopped immediately.


"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The six-legged clouded leopard rushed out, moving like a ghost among the virtual ghosts, and slapped the virtual ghosts with its sharp claws.


In the next moment, the deflated balloon of the ghost's body that was attacked by it collapsed.

This is the six-legged Liuyun Leopard's innate ability, Liuyun Domain. In the domain, it can soften all objects it touches, including life forms.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The high-level virtual ghost roared angrily, fluttered its wings and soared into the air, got rid of the quicksand-like ground, and hit the six-legged clouded leopard.

The six-legged clouded leopard avoided the attack with a flexible dodge, and its body burrowed into the soft ground to hide. This is an application of its natural ability.

The high-level virtual ghosts roared again and again, and started an indiscriminate attack, sweeping the earth with bloody breath.

The huge canopy shot down vines again, attacking the high-level ghosts in the air.

The high-level virtual ghosts started to fight back, shooting bloody breath towards the huge tree crown, but unfortunately they were all blocked by the green light curtain in the end.

At this moment, the six-legged clouded leopard rushed out from the ground, leaped high and slapped its paw on the body of Gao-order Xu Si.

In just a split second, the body of the high-level virtual ghost softened, its wings lost support, and its huge body fell from the sky.

"It's so strong." Gesmei exclaimed, her hands kept moving, and she cast lightning magic to attack the falling Void Ghost.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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