Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2623: No Accidents Are Allowed. (1 More)

Outside the gate of Xuanwu Kingdom, the realm of life and the realm of the ghost emperor are superimposed, like two small worlds colliding fiercely.

In the field, the blood-colored emptiness and the breath of life competed with each other, and the two figures fought quickly.


Mu Liangmu's avatar flew out, and quickly adjusted his posture to stand firm in the air, and the broken arm quickly healed and returned to its original state.


Roy tilted his head, grinned and said, "Give up resistance, you are not my opponent."

"You can't kill me either." Mu Liangmu clone said indifferently.

Roy narrowed his long, blood-colored eyes, and his face sank. It was a shame to him that he had not killed the enemy after two days of fierce fighting with the wooden clone.

He still felt a little remorse in his heart, he should have killed him with all his strength when he first fought with the wooden clone, and he wouldn't be in trouble now.

After two days, the strength of Mu Liangmu's avatar has been several times stronger than before, and the strength is still steadily taking office.

"That's right, then I'll kill 08 for you to see." Roy grinned, and the bloody aura around him twisted, and the aura he emitted became more and more terrifying.

Mu Liangmu's avatar frowned, he didn't expect Xu Guihuang to hide his strength.

Roy's body twisted, and the bones in his body made a sound like frying beans. The blood-colored arm was twisted and deformed, and ten white bone spurs grew out of the skin.

There are black curved horns that curve upwards from his head, a total of twelve horns, six long and six short.

Before the transformation, Xu Guihuang looked a bit human, but after transformation, he was like a monster, with six arms growing out of his flanks, and behind him was a thick tail covered with white barbs.

"Too toe toe~www

Roy moved his wrists, with a comfortable expression on his face, and grinned grinningly: "It's still the most comfortable like this.

The pupils of Mu Liangmu's avatar shrank, and the aura emitted by Xu Guihuang was so powerful that he was a little startled.

Just as he was about to retreat a certain distance, his body was imperceptibly locked, and he raised his eyes to meet the blood-colored eyes of the Void Ghost Emperor.


In the next second, Roy appeared in front of Mu Liangmu's clone, and his sharp blood-colored nails pierced the neck of Muliang's clone.

The dark eyes of Mu Liangmu's avatar widened, and a look of disbelief flashed in the bottom of the eyes, he couldn't feel Xu Guihuang's movements at all, and his body was already under control.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Roy approached the wooden clone, his blood-colored eyes met his black eyes, and breathed out: "Now, can I still kill you?"

Mu Liangmu's avatar moved its mouth, and said hoarsely: "I can't."

After his words fell, his body turned into a cloud and dissipated, floating away from Xu Guihuang's fingertips.

The corner of Roy's mouth froze with a smug smile, watching the clouds recondense in the distance, turning into a wooden clone again.


The eyes of Mu Liangmu's avatar flickered, and he used the ability of 'Ghost Driven' to turn his body into a cloud to get rid of the control of the Void Ghost Emperor.

With a thought, the wound on his neck healed quickly. After all, the wooden avatar is not a body of flesh and blood, and it can heal even if its head is severed.

"Interesting." Roy showed two rows of sharp teeth, and let the wooden clone escape again and again, which made him extremely angry.

The deep eyes of Mu Liangmu's avatar are shining with light, and complex lines appear on the surface of the body. These lines are like mountains and rivers, and also like the lines of various rock veins.

Roy frowned, noticing the change in the wooden avatar, and there was a mysterious and mysterious aura on his body.

Mu Liangmu's avatar clenched its fists and murmured softly: "The law of...

This is an ability that suddenly emerges from the body, but it can be felt that this is not a complete ability, and the inheritance of the law of earth is still going on.

"Is it almost over?" Mu Liangmu clone whispered to himself.

Roy's face was ugly, and he felt that the wooden clone had become stronger again, and the gap between the two was rapidly shortening.

"We must kill him as soon as possible." He snorted coldly, and his body disappeared in place.

Mu Liangmu's avatar took a step back, his body also disappeared in place, and the next moment Xu Guihuang appeared at the place where he disappeared.

Roy's face remained unchanged, his body disappeared again, and he followed the wooden clone.

The two sides fought again, and the space shook.

"Suppress the world." The cold voice of Mu Liangmu's avatar sounded.

The surrounding space became solidified, which made Xu Guihuang's figure pause.

Mu Liangmu's avatar raised his hand and spread out his five fingers, using the law of the earth, condensing a large amount of earth and rock out of thin air, forming a piece of land and smashing it directly at the Void Ghost Emperor.

Roy's expression changed, and he felt overwhelming for the first time.

The land made by the wooden avatar is not ordinary land, but has the 'potential' between heaven and earth, just like ants are born unable to fight against a continent.

At this time, the Void Ghost Emperor is like an ant, facing the land created by the wooden clone, it will be affected by 'potential', this is one of the applications of the law of earth.

"Damn." Roy growled angrily.

He stretched out several pairs of arms, and blood-colored emptiness quickly condensed in front of him, forming an energy ball with a diameter of ten meters, which he ruthlessly threw to face the falling land.


The energy ball collided with the land, making a violent roar, and the Void Ghost Emperor's domain and the life domain trembled at the same time.

After the explosion, Xu Guihuang and Mu clone moved away, both of them were injured.

Mu Liangmu's avatar looked indifferent, with his current strength, he could barely compete against the Void Ghost Emperor by borrowing the 'power' of the two continents.

Roy's arms stretched out, his chest heaved violently, his body was surrounded by bloody flames, and his strength increased by 740 again.

He launched the attack without saying a word, impatient to kill the wooden clone, no accidents were allowed, the current wooden clone made him a little afraid.

"You're scared." Mu Liangshen said calmly.

"Shut up." Roy yelled angrily, his bloody emptiness intertwined into thorns, enveloping the wooden avatar like a cage.

"The Law of Earth." Mu Liangmu's avatar thought.

The space in the domain was distorted, and the gravity changed drastically. This acted on Void Ghost Emperor, greatly affecting his actions.

The wooden avatar possessing the law of earth has raised the application of gravity to a new level. The previous limit of gravity was one, but now it is one hundred, which is the difference between nothing and the earth.

Roy's eyes widened with anger, and his body released a large amount of blood-colored emptiness to resist the surrounding gravity, and the condensed blood-colored thorns also became unstable.

Mu Liang raised his hand and grabbed it from the air, once again lumps of earth and stone condensed around him, spinning and smashing towards Xu Guihuang.

Roy raised his head to the sky and screamed, controlling the bloody emptiness around him to resist, the two sides began to fight each other, and no one could do anything to the other.


The violent roar resounded through the sky and the earth, which made the powerhouses from all sides startled.

. . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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