Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2627: See The Hope Of Victory. (1 More)

Liyue holds a longbow and pestle to the ground, supporting her body so as not to fall down.


The silver-haired girl's throat twitched, there are so many ghosts in the main city, how tragic is the battle at Thousand Thorns Pass?

"No, I can't fall down now." Li Yue stood up with strong support, drew out the arrow in the quiver at her waist, took a deep breath and continued to bend the bow and set the arrow.

The next moment, a pair of powerful big hands held down the silver-haired girl's hand, and a familiar aura enveloped the girl.

"Okay, leave this to me." A warm voice sounded in the girl's ear, and a strand of black hair fell down.

Li Yue's body trembled, the silver-white pupils under the helmet shrank, and the tense force in her hands relaxed.

She hurriedly turned her head to look at the person behind her, met Mu Liang's black eyes with a hint of gold, and immediately relaxed.

"Mu Liang, is your retreat over?" Li Yue's voice trembled slightly, and she could clearly feel that the person behind her was not the wooden avatar, but Mu Liang's body.

"Well, it's just over." Mu Liang said in a gentle voice, and lightly exerted force on his hand, causing the silver-haired girl to let go of the hand holding the longbow.

Hearing this, Li Yue asked concerned: "Are you all right, are you injured?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Mu Liang said softly, condensing the life element in his hand and patted it into the girl's body.


Liyue let out a groan, a smear of blood quickly appeared on her originally pale face, and the powerlessness in her body also quickly faded away.

Mu Liang said softly: "You rest, I'll take care of it here."

"Okay." Li Yue blinked her silver-white eyes, also curious about how strong Mu Liang is now.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The six-legged clouded leopard also sensed Mu Liang's appearance, and its head emerged from the soft soil, flicking its tail and whimpering at its master.

"Good boy, thank you for your hard work." Mu Liang smiled, stretched out his hand to rub the head of the six-legged clouded leopard, and fed him 10,000 evolution points.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The six-legged clouded leopard roared contentedly, and narrowed its eyes slightly to enjoy the pleasure brought by the evolution point.

Mu Liang condensed life elements to feed the six-legged clouded leopard to heal its wounds quickly.

His appearance quickly attracted the attention of others.

"It's Your Majesty." The soldiers exclaimed in surprise.

"Your Majesty Wanan." Members of the Holy Light Guard and Ghost Tactical Assassin Team raised their hands and saluted.

"That's His Majesty Xuanwu." The powerful men from the various kingdoms who came to help them said in surprise.

"Great, Majesty Xuanwu is here, so it won't be difficult to deal with these virtual ghosts."

"His Majesty Xuanwu, Wanan..."

The powerhouses of the major kingdoms cheered, seeing the hope of victory, they all knew that King Xuanwu was in seclusion, and when he left the seclusion, it would be the day of the Xu Clan's extinction.

"Your Majesty." Gesme put down her hands, and leaned against the battlements exhaustedly, with a smile on her pale face.

Mu Liang nodded lightly at the crowd, his eyes fell on the surrounding officials.

He raised his hand and slapped forward and forward, the earth shook suddenly, and mysterious regular divine lines appeared one after another.


The earth and rocks churned, wrapping the attacking virtual ghosts like dumplings, and the gravity inside them increased by a thousand times. With the appearance of the god pattern, the earth and rocks became harder than diamonds and directly killed all the virtual ghosts.

After a few breaths, the earth and rocks fell back to the ground, and the ghostly corpses that had turned into muddy flesh floated up, all of which were swallowed by Mu Liang's devouring space.

Gusmei opened her lips wide, and was too shocked by the scene in front of her to speak.


The strong men from all over the world swallowed their saliva with difficulty, and their faces also had expressions of disbelief.

"Isn't this true? In less than ten seconds, all the virtual ghosts will die?" A magician said with a trembling voice.

The two-meter-tall knight fell to the ground, took off his helmet and panted, "There are six king-level ghosts, and they died without a chance to resist. How strong is His Majesty Xuanwu?"

"I don't know how strong His Majesty Xuanwu is, I only know that the Xu Clan is about to end." Another magician grinned, with tears rolling down his face.

Her friend died in this battle, and she hated the Xu Clan deeply.

Mu Liang put down his hands calmly, and with a thought, he expanded the life field, and quickly treated the injured strong men.

Li Yue's beautiful eyes looked at the busy Mu Liang without blinking, her admiration for him could not be increased.

Mu Liang turned around and came in front of the silver-haired girl, and said softly: "Rest well here, I'll go to Thousand Thorns Pass to have a look."

"I'll go with you." Li Yue said hastily upon hearing this.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "You still need to host here, in order to avoid accidents, wait for me to come back."

"Okay, you pay attention to safety." Li Yue didn't insist anymore, but her beautiful eyes were fixed on Mu Liang's eyes......

"Okay, it should be over soon." Mu Liang smiled slightly, and reached out to pinch the silver-haired girl's face.

"En." Li Yue nodded vigorously, feeling the same way in her heart.

Mu Liang didn't waste any more time, stepped forward, and his body disappeared in place.

Li Yue looked at the direction Mu Liang left and opened her mouth, stood still for a while, took a deep breath, turned around and gave orders in an orderly manner.

"Start to clean up the battlefield, treat the wounded, and take care of the casualties." Her voice was cold, but there was less tension.

The silver-haired girl knew that Mu Liang would not lose, she thought so from the bottom of her heart.


Mu Liang passed by the No. 10 Acropolis, and a hundred thousand virtual ghosts were attacking the large formation protecting the city.

With a movement of his mind, the holy lightning strikes fell, and each sacred thunder penalty had a diameter of more than fifty meters, directly covering one hundred thousand virtual ghosts.


After the golden thunder light passed, there was only a piece of scorched earth left on the ground, and the corpses of the virtual ghosts had been blasted into fly ash.

Mu Liang didn't stop, and continued to go towards the Thousand Thorns Pass. The attack just now was just a matter of convenience for him.

With his current strength, he can use the holy lightning punishment to attack the ghost, and he can instantly kill the supreme ghost with one blow. If the ghost of the holy rank does not dodge, he can also kill him with one blow.

In the Acropolis No. 10, all the strong men stared at the scorched earth in front of them with dumbfounded eyes, speechless for a long time.

"Which Your Excellency made this move?" the magician in a black robe asked in a difficult tone.

Another knight couldn't believe it: "Don't be kidding, can we have someone here who can instantly kill eight master-level ghosts and two supreme ghosts?"

"Impossible, otherwise these virtual ghosts would have died long ago, why wait until now?" A magician nodded in agreement.

"I feel a bit familiar with the attack just now..." The highland guard's voice became suspicious.

Yan Bing took off his helmet and looked in the direction of Qianthorn Pass. The attack that just fell from the sky was the same as the innate ability of the Holy Light Golden Crow, and also the same as the attack method of the Holy Light Guard, but its power was completely different.

Yan Bing thought of something, and his beautiful purple eyes lit up: "It's not the Holy Light Golden Crow, nor the Holy Light Guard, it can only be...Mu Liang."

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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