Xuanwu Kingdom, in the main city.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The bell rang melodiously, a total of twelve rings.

Under the main city square, Cheng Xiao listened intently to the bell above his head, with a somewhat stern expression on his face.

When the last bell fell, she looked sideways at her mother and said, "Mother, this is the first time the bell has rung in recent days, could something have happened?"

Yazitou responded without raising his head: "I don't know, there is Your Majesty, and you don't have to worry about something going wrong."

She was playing chess with Xue Ye, it was backgammon, it was brought by Cheng Xiao in the suitcase when he packed his luggage, and it happened to be used to pass the time at this time.

When everyone first entered the air-raid shelter, they were panic-stricken for the first two days. After a long time, the people became bored and the tense atmosphere eased. Everyone started to find something to do to pass the time.

"Mother, father is still outside, how can we not worry." Cheng Xiao looked at his mother speechlessly.

The chess piece in Yuzi's hand stopped, sighed faintly, and put down the chess piece boredly.

She looked worried, and said worriedly: "I'm also worried about your father. I haven't heard from you for five days. I don't know how he is now..."

"It should be fine, there is no movement up there." Xue Ye comforted her.

After getting along these few days, she became familiar with Yuzi, mother and daughter, and often talked to them about various interesting things in Japan.

"Yeah, I hope." Yuzi nodded slowly.

Cheng Xiao leaned on the shoulder of the vampire girl, and said depressedly: "I don't know how many days I will stay here."

Yuzi put his palms together and prayed: "It's fine to stay here for a few days, as long as the Xuanwu Kingdom is safe, and your majesty and your father are safe."

"Your Majesty will be fine." Cheng Xiao said confidently.

In her impression, King Xuanwu is an invincible existence, even Xu Gui can't hurt him.

Yuzi glanced at her daughter, who admired improvement very much.


Suddenly, a series of vibrations sounded in the underground air-raid shelter.

"What's wrong?"

"The sound seems to be coming from the entrance."

"Hey, is it possible to go out?"

The people in the air-raid shelter immediately cheered up, and more people were afraid, worried that something bad would happen.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Xiao became nervous and stood up with a thud.

Yuzi also stood up and looked around in a panic.

Xue Ye moved her ears and said, "It sounds like someone is opening the door of the air-raid shelter, so there should be no danger.

As soon as she finished speaking, the entrance gate of the underground air-raid shelter was opened, and figures came down one after another.

"Everyone pack up your things, you can leave the underground air-raid shelter." Li Yue's cold voice sounded.

Her words were like a stone thrown into calm water, easily arousing the hearts of the people and causing everyone to be in an uproar.

"Can we go out now, really?" Someone couldn't help asking loudly.

"Really." Liyue replied calmly.

The main city is no longer in danger, and the protection of the people can be lifted, allowing the people to return to normal life one after another.

Another person asked respectfully: "My lord, is it safe outside? Will it be dangerous to go out now?"

The holy light armor on Liyue is a status symbol, so most of the people know that the silver-haired girl's status is not low, and they dare not be rude in words.

"It's safe outside, there are no virtual ghosts coming into the main city, so don't worry." Yue Yue said calmly.

She looked around the crowd and continued: "The Xu Ghost Emperor has been killed by His Majesty, and the Xu Clan has been defeated.

The silver-haired girl's words once again aroused everyone's emotions, and cheers resounded throughout the underground air-raid shelter.

Most of the people here used to live in the Old Continent, and they are well aware of the horrors of the ghosts. How can they not be excited when they hear the news of the defeat of the Xu clan.

"Woooooooo, the human race has won." Many people cried out directly.

"Victory, His Majesty Xuanwu is my eternal god."

"Great, I don't have to worry about being attacked by ghosts in the future...

The people shouted excitedly, celebrating the exciting news.

Liyue watched quietly, and could empathize with the joy in the hearts of the people. This is indeed good news worthy of celebration and cheers.

After a while, the mood of the people calmed down.

Only then did Liyue continue to speak: "See where you are now, and evacuate the underground air-raid shelter in order, people in the first area go first, don't push and crowd.

The underground air-raid shelter is divided into twelve areas, named after numbers, from one to twelve areas, of which the first area, the main area, the eastern area, the ninth area, and the 12th area are close to different entrances and exits.

"Yes." The crowd responded excitedly.

Liyue reminded: "Take your things out and don't leave them in the underground air-raid shelter. If someone's garbage is found left in the same place, he will clean up the entire underground air-raid shelter."

The people trembled when they heard the words, and they all began to check the ground around them, for fear that there would be rubbish falling.

Li Yue's eyes flickered slightly, Mu Liang's appearance flashed in her mind, what is he busy with now?

Since the end of the war, she hadn't seen Mu Liang, because she was too busy and had a lot of things to do after the war.

Elina and the others also returned to the main city, and before they sat down, they were arranged by Mu Qinlan to do various things.

"I can go out now, I don't know where my father is?" Cheng Xiao said excitedly, holding his mother's hand and shaking it.

Fengzi laughed and said, "Don't shake it, tear it off."


She heard the silver-haired girl say that no ghosts entered the main city, which meant that her husband was safe, and she was in a beautiful mood at this moment.

"Mother doesn't want to see father?" Cheng Xiao asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

Yuzi taught softly: "At this time, your father will be very busy, let's not make trouble."

As the deputy head of the guard, Cheng Yu had just lifted the first-level combat readiness status in the main city. He still had a lot of aftermath work to deal with, and he would have to be busy for at least a few days before he could rest.

"Oh, yes." Cheng Xiao pouted and nodded.

"Go out first." Xue Ye reminded.

It was the turn of the people in the second district to evacuate, and all three of them happened to be in the second district.

"Yes, let's go out first." Cheng Xiao cheered up, dragged his suitcase and followed the flow of people out.

Xue Ye was excited at this time, the Xu Clan was defeated, how is Yeyue City now, are the vampires of the Ye Clan safe?

She wanted to go out quickly and wanted to know the situation of Patriarch Texid.

Xue Ye paused. If Yeyue City is fine, will she go back to live in the Old Continent?

"Sister Xueye, why don't you leave?" Cheng Xiao turned around and asked doubtfully.

"It's okay." Xue Ye came back to his senses, and followed the girl's pace.

She has made up her mind in her heart that Xuanwu Kingdom has a job she likes, and Yeyue City can go back occasionally, but it is impossible to stay in Yeyue City all the time.

Xue Ye's eyes flickered, and she whispered to herself: "I hope everyone is okay...

. . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize it. .

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