Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1653: Aren't You Very Calculating Now? (2 More)

"I'm back~~~"

The soft and crisp voice echoed in the main hall of the palace, Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi walked into the palace one after another.

"Miss Yue Feiyan, Miss Xibeiqi has worked hard." Buff waited for the maid to greet her, and helped take off the armor on the two girls.

Xi Beiqi twisted her neck and complained: "It's quite tiring, that dragon master's brain is too stupid, and he can't learn many things.

"That's right, it's a bit stupid, I have to teach it slowly." Yue Feiyan agreed.

"What did you teach?" A charming voice sounded, and the fox fairy poked his head out from the sofa.

Xi Beiqi said in a helpless tone: "Sister Fox Fairy, the Dragon Lord, I will teach him all kinds of commands, and he can forget them when he turns his head.

"Take your time, we are newcomers after all." Hu Immortal reassured.

"That's the only way." Xibeqi pouted, sat down on the sofa, picked up the apple on the coffee table, and took a big bite.

She puffed her cheeks and asked indistinctly, "What about improvement?"

"Your Majesty went to inspect outside the city." Buff explained.

The terrain on the turtle's back changed too much, so Mu Liang took Liyue to 24 to intervene, guiding the rock turtle to control the terrain changes.

"It's getting dark, why don't you come back?" Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes, and also picked up an apple and began to bite.

Buff glanced at the swinging clock on the wall, and said softly: "It should be soon, I'll go in the morning."

"Tomorrow is the memorial service, are my clothes ready?" Yue Feiyan asked.

"It's ready." Buff said obediently.

"That's good." Yue Feiyan felt relieved.

The smile on her face disappeared, and her heart became heavy when she thought of the Air Force soldiers who died on the battlefield.

The fox fairy reached out and pinched the red-haired girl's face, and said softly: "The dead are gone, one must look forward.

"Yeah." Yue Feiyan nodded sullenly.

"What are you talking about?" A soft voice sounded, and Su Jin stepped into the main hall.

Hu Immortal explained casually: "Let's talk about tomorrow's memorial service."

She moved aside to give Sujin a place to sit down.

Su Jin said softly: "I heard from Mu Liang that all the flags will be flown at half-mast tomorrow, and the whole country will mourn for three minutes."

This is a regulation that has been written into the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom. All acropolis and villages and towns must implement it, and the same is true for forces belonging to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

And this news has been notified to all the people of the Xuanwu Kingdom through newspapers, television, and radio, and it will be carried out on time tomorrow.

"Well, yes." The fox fairy nodded.

"My heart is a little heavy." Su Jin said softly.

Everyone became silent, the impact of this war was great, and the number of casualties was too many.

Yue Qinyi's voice sounded: "I decided to make a movie to record this war and let everyone remember it.

She came out of the side hall and heard all the conversations of the people.

"You have to tell Mu Liang about this." Hu Immortal reminded.

"I will. He has to write the script himself." Yue Qinyi blinked her blue eyes.

"You won't?" The fox fairy smiled.

Yue Qinyi shrugged, and said crisply: "I can write, but I'm sure not as good as Mu Liang."

She is better at making movies and TV dramas, and is an amateur at writing scripts, and professional things should be left to professional people.

Hu Immortal nodded in agreement: "That's right, the movies and TV series produced by the improved script are very good-looking.

She turned her beautiful eyes and suggested: "We should focus on those kingdoms that didn't come to help, and help them become famous.

"I know." Yue Qinyi's eyes flickered.

All the kingdoms that joined the New Continent sent people to support them, and the death and injury to the Xu Clan would not be so tragic.

She thought of something and asked, "Will those people from the celebration banquet come?"

The fox fairy asked, "Are you referring to the people in the kingdom who didn't help?"

"That's right, the news of the celebration banquet was announced a few days ago, and they should have received the news." Zi Shi nodded.

"I'm afraid it's shameless." Hu Immortal sneered.

"It's really coming, Mu Liang will make them bleed profusely." Yue Qinyi blinked her water blue eyes.

The corners of Hu Immortal's lips raised, and he said in a calm voice: "Don't worry, even if they don't come, they will still bleed profusely, and they still have to pay the pension.

"Can I also ask for a pension?" Yue Feiyan asked abruptly.

"What are you talking about, you haven't died yet, what kind of pension do you want?" The fox fairy rolled his eyes at the red-haired girl.

Yue Feiyan murmured, "Don't be in vain."

"There may not be a pension, but a bonus should be available." A smile appeared on Hu Immortal's face.

Everyone has worked so hard, for the safety of the human race, what happened to the bonus points?

"Then I want a bonus, just a high-level spiritual weapon." Yue Feiyan's beautiful eyes lit up.

Xi Beiqi regained her spirits immediately, raised her hand and shouted, "I want it too."

"..." Yue Qinyi's mouth moved, and each of them got a high-level spiritual weapon as a bonus, which kingdom would agree?

The fox fairy was amused, and said in a bad mood: "What are you thinking, your request is still possible with Mu Liang, how could those kingdoms give you a high-level spiritual weapon.

"Try it, those kingdoms are very rich, not short of this little money." A cunning flashed in Yue Fei's eyes.

"Go and talk to Mu Liang." Hu Immortal smiled and waved his hand.

"What are you talking about?" A gentle voice sounded, and Jia Jia and Li Yue walked into the palace.

"Mu Liang, I miss you." Yue Feiyan's beautiful eyes lit up, and she was about to pounce on her when she got up.

Yue Qinyi had sharp eyes and quick hands, grabbed her daughter's hand and scolded with a smile: "Be honest with me."

Yue Feiyan pursed her lips, looked at her mother resentfully, she just wanted to hug Mu Liang, why not let her?

"Mu Liang is already very tired." Yue Qinyi said without changing expression.

"Oh." Yue Feiyan pursed her lips, turned her head and looked at Mu Liang aggrievedly.

A smile flashed across Mu Liang's eyes, he raised his hand to pinch the red-haired girl's puffy face, and said softly, "What were you doing just now?"

Yue Feiyan regained her spirits immediately, and said with great interest: "We are still alive, so we can't get pensions, but we can ask for bonuses. Those kingdoms should give them, right?"

"Bonuses, it's not difficult to ask for more money." Mu Liang said confidently.

"She wants a high-level spiritual weapon." The fox fairy's light voice sounded.

..." Mu Liang was at a loss for words.

Yue Feiyan said in a serious tone: "Yes, those kingdoms are very rich, and they have not lost anything in this war, and they should be able to produce high-level spiritual weapons."

"What high-level spiritual weapon do you want, which is as good as the one I refined?" Xia Yuqi asked seriously.

"That's right, then I still want the Warcraft spar, and then Mu Liang gives me the spiritual weapon?" Yue Crimson turned her red eyes.

Mu Liang couldn't laugh or cry at once, who said that Yue Feiyan is stupid, isn't she very calculating now.

He stretched out his hand and flicked the red-haired girl's forehead, and said dotingly: "Yes, I will help you refine it when I am free.

"Hee hee, I knew Mu Liang was the best." Yue Crimson said admiringly.

"What a familiar sentence." Hu Immortal sighed, forgetting how many people heard the same sentence.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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