Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2656: The Strongest Of The Human Race. (1 More)

"Your Majesty, safe!"

As soon as Mu Liang appeared, all the soldiers guarding the martyrs' cemetery raised their hands in salute, and without exception, they all showed worship and admiration.

King Haiting's eyes were deep, he watched Mu Liang and whispered to himself: "I can't see through him more and more......"

After only seeing each other for a few days, Mu Liang became even more unfathomable in his eyes, giving people an existence that can only be admired.

Su Linyisi said calmly: "The well-deserved number one powerhouse of the human race."

The people around fell silent, and they all agreed with Su Linyisi's words in their hearts. Muliang's strength is obvious to all.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang stepped out of the transport spaceship, glanced at the people present, saw that everyone was dressed in black and white, he was satisfied in his heart, at least the people who came had enough respect for the deceased.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time." He said calmly.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang was joking, we are just here too." Someone said flatteringly.

"Yeah, we've just arrived too." Many people spoke out - echoed.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, he nodded to the familiar people, and then walked towards the martyrs' cemetery under the protection of the highland guards.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The others followed suit and entered the martyrs cemetery together. The rows of steles stung everyone's hearts.

There is a name on each stele, and there is a green tree behind the stele, giving people a solemn feeling.

Yue Qinlan's cold voice sounded: "There are ashes of the deceased under the stele, and if the body cannot be found, it is the Clothes Tomb."

Most of the people buried here are soldiers of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and some of them are the powerhouses who died in the major kingdoms.

If their relatives and friends want to bring the dead back to their roots, they can also go to the administration to register, and then take the relics and ashes.

Mu Liang stared at all the steles, feeling a little heavy, for he built this place himself.

"What time is it?" he asked softly.

"Your Majesty, it's already eight fifty-five." Hu Immortal said softly.

Mu Liang was silent for a moment, and said word by word: "Ring the bell and lower the flag at half-staff."

"Yes." Liyue agreed, and personally went to lower half of the national flag outside the martyrs cemetery.

At the same time, all the cities of David, commercial cities, villages, and transport spaceships that received the order began to lower their flags at half mast.

Not only the Xuanwu Kingdom, but the major commercial cities in the New World that belonged to the Xuanwu Kingdom also lowered their flags at half-staff, and at the same time the bells rang through the long street.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, all the Xuanwu bells were rung, and the bells were loud and long, as if they were sending off the heroic spirits.

"Mourning." Mu Liang's calm voice sounded and spread to all the people present.

His words were also transmitted through the live broadcast spiritual weapon, resounding throughout the New World.

Mu Liang leaned on his chest with one hand, bent down and lowered his head.


Everyone present bent down and bowed their heads, and the atmosphere became dull and sad.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The bell is still ringing and will continue until the end of the memorial service.

This scene was transmitted to the public live broadcasts of the major kingdoms through the live broadcast spiritual weapon, and many people bowed their heads in mourning.

In each David City, all the people stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads in mourning towards the Martyrs Cemetery.

Time passed, five minutes passed, the bell stopped, and only the lingering sound lingered on the minister.

Mu Liang raised his head to look at the towering stone tablet, and said in a serious voice: "The world will appreciate your dedication, everything you have done will be remembered by the world, and your name will be famous for hundreds of years...'

This is a memorial speech written by him himself, written with sincerity.

"The world will remember it." Su Linyisi murmured softly.

Mu Liang's tone became serious: "Martyrs of the Xuanwu Kingdom, your family and country will take good care of you.

Only the people of the Xuanwu Kingdom are the martyrs in his mouth, including soldiers of the three armed forces, ghost special forces, patrol guards and so on.


As soon as Mu Liang's words fell, a cool wind blew around the rows of stone monuments and green trees, without taking away any leaves, and finally the wind dissipated in the air.

"Salute to all heroes and martyrs." He shouted loudly.

"Farewell to all heroes and martyrs..." Everyone shouted in unison.

Mu Liang straightened up, turned around to look at the crowd, and said in a clear voice: "The memorial service is over, please don't be late for the celebration banquet tonight."


"His Majesty Mu Liang invited us, how could we be late.

"We'll be on time..."

All the people present expressed their opinions one after another, and their words were full of respect and flattery.

Mu Liang looked indifferent, put the bouquet prepared by the little maid under the stele, bowed three times to the stele, turned and left.

Hu Xian, Yue Qinlan and others stepped forward one after another, put down the bouquets of flowers, imitated Mu Liang's movements, bowed three times to the stele and left.

...asking for flowers......

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

After Mu Liang and the others left, other people came forward to worship one after another, and soon the stone tablet was filled with flowers.

The Xuanwu Kingdom advocates smokeless sacrifices, so flowers and fresh fruits are used instead.

The transport spacecraft soared into the sky and left the Martyrs Cemetery under the protection of the highland guards.

"Qinlan, the day five days ago is designated as the annual public memorial day, and the whole country has a three-day holiday." Mu Liang said suddenly.

Five days ago was the day when the war between the Xuanwu Kingdom and the Xu Clan ended.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan's heart moved, she took out a notepad and wrote down Mu Liang's words.

Mu Liang continued: "Every year on the public memorial day, the king will come to the martyr's cemetery to pay homage.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "I understand, from now on, I will let someone spare you these three days every year.

"Well, at the same time every year at this time, condolence gifts are sent to the families of the martyrs." Mu Liang continued with sleepy eyes.

He looked at the woman and reminded: "Don't forget to take care of and visit the families of these martyrs on weekdays, so as not to be bullied."

"Okay, I'll remember." Yue Qinlan's tone became serious.

Many soldiers are the only sons of their families. Now that they died in battle, their families and the country are obliged to look after them.

Hu Xian suggested: "Several nursing homes can be built to solve the worries of the soldiers."

Mu Liang showed praise in his eyes, nodded and said: "Well, the family members of soldiers who have mobility problems can be sent to nursing homes and the state will take care of them for free.

"Also, for disabled soldiers, the state will reimburse all treatment expenses, and the installation of prosthetic limbs will also be free." His eyes flickered, thinking as comprehensively as possible.

"There is also the issue of employment for disabled soldiers." Yue Qinlan added what Mu Liang wanted to say.

"Yes." Mu Liang smiled.

The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips rose, and she said in a brisk tone: "Don't worry, I have considered all these.

"Yeah, I don't worry about your work." Mu Liang laughed dumbfounded.

"Mu Liang, you are so kind to the soldiers." Yue Feiyan sighed sincerely.

Mu Liang said in a serious tone: "They threw their heads and blood for the Xuanwu Kingdom, what I did is nothing.

"Yeah." All the girls nodded vigorously, agreeing with Mu Liang's words.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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