Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2671: It Looks Like A Lost Soul. (2 More)

In the study, Mu Liangduan sat on the dragon chair with a cup of hot tea in front of him.

In front of the desk, An Qi and Qing Wu stood upright, slightly lowering their heads, looking at their noses and hearts.

Both of them had a lot of thoughts in their minds, wondering why Mu Liang called them alone, and why he didn't call other little maids.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Mu Liang watched the two of them calmly.

An Qi and Qing Wu shook their hands, feeling that Mu Liang, who was not smiling, was a bit serious, and then remembered that he was the lord of a country.

The two secretly looked at each other, both wondering what Mu Liang meant, they didn't do anything bad.

Qing Wu bit the bullet and said: "Your Majesty, I don't quite understand...

Mu Liang said indifferently: "What have you guys been talking about these days, let's hear it."

"Hey..." Qing Wu and An Qi were stunned at the same time.

"Hey what?" Mu Hao laughed.

Seeing the smile in his words, the two girls felt relieved. They still liked the smiling king.

Qing Wu blinked her beautiful eyes and asked, "Does Your Majesty really not know?"

Mu Liang said angrily, "If I knew, what would you do here?"

He was too busy during this time, so he didn't pay attention to the changes of the palace ladies.

"Your Majesty, we are all guessing who you want to marry as your wife." An Qi said weakly.

Mu Liang's eyes narrowed, and he asked in surprise, "Why guess this all of a sudden?"

Qingwu said in a small voice: "Lord Qinlan said that His Majesty is going to get married, but we don't know who he will marry, so we were all curious, so we guessed in private."

"..." Mu Liang's mouth moved, a little dumbfounded.

An Qi asked curiously, "Is Your Majesty really going to get married?"

Mu Liang nodded slowly, the marriage is on the agenda, but it still needs time to prepare, the guest list and other issues have to be resolved.

Qing Wu couldn't help asking: "Then who is Your Majesty going to marry, can we know?"

"No, your mouths are tight." Mu Liang glanced at the two of them.

"Your Majesty~~~"

Qing Wu and An Qi pouted at the same time, looking at Mu Liang with pitiful eyes.

"...It's useless." Mu Hao laughed.

"Then when will His Majesty hold the wedding?" Qing Wu asked.

An Qi also asked: "What do we need to prepare, do you need help?"

Mu Liang said clearly: "I'll tell you when the time comes, don't make random guesses from now on.

"Okay." An Qi and Qing Wu smiled resentfully.

"Go out." Mu Liang waved his hand.

"Yes. An Qi and Qing Wu respectfully agreed, turned and left the room.

Mu Liang leaned on the back of the chair, his eyes flickered, and he said to himself: "My life's major event, why do other people care more about it than me..."

Outside the study, just as An Qi and Qing Wu left, they were surrounded by Elena and others.

"Miss Alina, Lord Fox Immortal, what's the matter with you?" An Qi spoke softly, feeling like she was being watched by a hungry wolf.

Hu Immortal narrowed her beautiful eyes, and asked slowly: "Tell me honestly, what did Mu Liang ask you to do?"

"No, it's nothing..." An Qi stammered in reply.

Alina said with certainty: "Impossible, there must be something wrong.

An Qi spoke softly: "That's right, that's right..."

"..." The corners of Fox Immortal's eyes twitched, and the little maid hesitated for a long time, unable to utter a complete sentence.

She raised her hand and tapped the little maid's forehead: "Say.

"Your Majesty is getting married, but we don't know with whom. We don't know anything else." An Qi's words spit out like a cannonball.

Qingwu explained: "Well, Your Majesty just asked what we were talking about these days, why we were so secretive, and then told us about getting married, we don't know anything else."

"Mu Liang is getting married?" Hu Immortal and the others exclaimed in astonishment, and the pupils in their beautiful eyes shrank.

Her throat moved, and she asked, "Who did you marry, you don't know?"

An Qi and Qing Wu shook their heads together, with sincere and serious expressions on their faces.

"Okay." The fox fairy's furry ears twitched, and her pretty face flushed slightly.

She seemed to have thought of something, and then the blush on her face disappeared, and there was a touch of sadness in her eyes.

Alina glanced at the fox-tailed woman, hesitated to speak, and finally closed her mouth.

The fox fairy glanced at the little maids, and said: "Okay, don't guess if it's okay, it's not good to spread rumors when the time comes, you know?"

"Yes." Qing Wu and An Qi nodded obediently.

"Go get busy, don't get together." Hu Immortal waved his hands and walked towards the study with his slender waist twisted.

Qing Wu lowered her voice and said: "Master Hu Immortal, wouldn't you ask His Majesty directly?"

0…ask for flowers…………

"Very likely, I don't know if I will be disappointed." An Qi pursed her pink lips.

Qing Wu blinked her beautiful eyes and said: "Actually, His Majesty is very worthy of marrying Mr. Hu Immortal.

"But what about Lord Qinlan?" An Qi asked in a low voice.

Elena put her hands on her hips, this: shit, I told you not to talk about this, are you still whispering your ears?"

She raised her hand and gave the two of them a head-scratching blow, and smiled triumphantly in their aggrieved eyes.

On the other side, the fox fairy raised his hand and knocked on the study door.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

"Enter." Mu Liang's peaceful voice sounded.


The fox fairy pushed the door open and walked towards the man with his slender waist twisted.

Mu Liang casually asked: "Today's rest?"


The fox fairy said elegantly: "There is Sujin over there in the commercial city, I can go there later."

She sat down beside Mu Liang, and neatly arranged the documents on the desktop.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang stared at the beautiful rose-red eyes of the fox-tailed woman. Her eyelashes were very long, which set off the eyes very brightly.

The tail behind the fox fairy swayed slightly, and swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

She was in a complicated mood, so she couldn't ask Mu Liang who she wanted to marry, because the intention was too obvious.

"Huh?" Mu Liang put his hand on the forehead of the fox-tailed woman.

"I don't have a fever." The Fox Immortal snorted coquettishly.

Mu Liang laughed dumbfounded, and asked concerned: "Then why do you look like you've lost your soul?"

The fox fairy raised his chin, rolled his eyes arrogantly and said: "No, you are wrong."

Mu Liang's heart moved, and he could probably guess the purpose of the fox-tailed woman.

The fox fairy turned her beautiful eyes, and said in a charming voice: "I heard from Liyue that you want to make a new delicacy, when will you make it for me?"

Mu Liang smiled and said, "Just after lunch, you're thinking about new delicacies?"

"I can still eat it." The fox fairy raised the corners of her lips and said.

"In this case, let's do it now." Mu Liang stood up as he said.

"Okay." The fox fairy got up and walked out, with the fox tail half hanging behind him.

The two walked out of the study, and met the eyes of Alina and the others, all looking like they were gossiping.

"Are you all free?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows and asked.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize the spoon. .

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