Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2679: Hospital Inspection. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang, Yue Qinlan and others walked into the inpatient building of the military hospital, and the dean who received the news had already brought other doctors who were free to greet them.

"Your Majesty, Wanan." The dean and others saluted respectfully.

"En." Mu Liang nodded.

He looked at more than a dozen doctors and asked, "So many people are here, aren't you busy now?"

The dean respectfully said: "Your Majesty, the wounded are now in the recovery stage. They only need to take their medicines and change them regularly. They are not as busy as they were at the beginning."

"Well, take me to see the wounded." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please follow me." The dean gestured with his hand, and walked ahead to lead the way.

The dean of the military hospital is an uncle in his forties. He has researched on secret medicines and magic medicines. He also performs some surgical operations on weekdays. He took the position of dean by virtue of his own strength.

The inpatient building has six floors. In addition to the traditional stairs, there are transportation ladders for the convenience of transferring patients, and the beds can go up and down the stairs smoothly.

"Your Majesty, the wounded soldiers are placed on the second to fifth floors." The dean said as he walked into the transport elevator.

The inpatient building has six floors, with the top floors being more private wards for those of high status and special status.


The transportation elevator stopped on the second floor, and the smell of disinfectant and alcohol could be clearly smelled.

Mu Liang stepped out of the transport ladder and looked around. The ground and walls were very clean, and it was obvious that they would be cleaned frequently.

On the wall of the hospital corridor, there are several bottles of disinfectant water, which is convenient for visitors to disinfect their hands.

Liyue had already taken down a bottle of disinfectant, first sprayed herself a few times, and then pointed the spout towards Muliang.


Mu Liang stretched out his hand, and continued to walk towards the ward area after a brief disinfection.

Seeing this, the others also sanitized honestly, and followed Mu Liang into the ward.

The general wards are very spacious, and each ward is equipped with four beds as standard, and the wounded are lying on the beds at this time.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The arrival of Mu Liang and others woke up the wounded, thinking it was time to change their dressings, they looked blankly at the door of the ward.

After they saw clearly that it was Mu Liang, their expressions became respectful and they struggled to stand up and salute.

"Your Majesty Wanan~". "The soldiers shouted excitedly.

"Lie down well. Mu Liang said peacefully.

"Yes." The soldiers paused and lay down obediently.

Mu Liang, Yue Qinlan and the others stepped forward and came to the first hospital bed. The wounded soldier was lying very straight, with solemn expressions on his face.

Yue Qinlan laughed and said: "Relax, be careful that the wound is opened."

"Yes." The soldier's face was reddish, but his body was still straight.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice: "How is your body recovering? Is there any discomfort?"

The soldier said in a serious tone: "Return to Your Majesty, I have almost recovered, and I can return to the barracks to resume training in two days.

Mu Liang nodded, and said, "There's no rush, I'll let you rest for half a month before returning to the team after the injury is fully healed."

Excited on the soldier's face, he stammered and asked, "Really, really?"

"Well, we should go back and get together with our family." Mu Liang nodded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The soldier shouted excitedly.

"Okay, take care of your wounds." Mu Liang patted the soldier's shoulder and walked to another hospital bed.

The soldier nodded vigorously with red eyes: "Yes."

Mu Liang and the others walked towards the second hospital bed, and the soldiers on it also had a sullen face, and when they saw Mu Liang approaching, they even raised their hands to salute while lying down.

He said respectfully, "Your Majesty, Wan An."

"Relax. Mu Liang comforted me.

"Yes." The soldier nodded excitedly, looking at Mu Liang with fanaticism and admiration.

Mu Liang looked at the soldier's hands and legs wrapped in white gauze, and could vaguely see red seeping out, the wound had not fully healed.

He asked seriously, "Does it hurt or itch?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, it's a little itchy." The soldier said respectfully.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and said: "Itching is a good thing, it proves that the wound is gradually recovering, but you have to be careful not to let the wound open again."

The soldier nodded excitedly: "Yes, thank you Your Majesty for your concern."

"Well, take good care of your wounds, all wounded and sick soldiers have a half-month vacation." Mu Liang said clearly.

The other soldiers were all happy when they heard the words, and half a month was enough for them to have a good rest.

The dean and others were by Mu Liang's side, sighing inwardly, Your Majesty is really kind.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang walked out of the ward and went to other wards. Except for those soldiers who were still in a coma, the other wounded soldiers received his condolences.

He looked at the dean and asked, "Where are the disabled soldiers?"

"Your Majesty, the disabled soldiers are placed in the No. 2 inpatient building." The dean explained.

Yue Qinlan asked coldly, "Why are you treated separately?"

The dean explained: "My clerk, this is all for the convenience of management. Disabled patients need to be treated intensively. Doctors and nurses have to patrol the ward many times a day, which will affect the rest of the wounded."

The vice president added: "Besides, there are more nurses and doctors in the No. 2 inpatient building, which was originally an intensive care area, so they can get better treatment. "

Yue Qinlan nodded slowly, and said gracefully: "I understand, let's go."

"Yes." The dean respectfully agreed, and guided Mu Liang and others to the No. 2 inpatient building.

The structure of No. 2 inpatient building is the same as that of No. 1 building, and the layout of wards and other aspects are also the same.

Mu Liang, Yue Qinlan and others walked into the first ward. The wounded on the bed were all awake, but they were all pale and had various disabilities.

"Your Majesty." When the soldiers saw Mu Liang coming in, they subconsciously stood up to salute, only to realize that their left hand had been broken.

He looked at the empty left hand, his eyes turned red, and finally held back his tears.

"You don't need to salute, you're a solid boy." Mu Liang said hastily.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The soldiers remained respectful.

Mu Liang said in a serious tone: "Your contributions are known to the public, and everyone is very grateful (good Nuo Zhao).

The soldiers shook their heads and said, "Your Majesty, these are what we should do. The people of the country want to protect their families and the country's music."

Mu Liang took a deep breath: "Don't worry, you shed blood and tears for the kingdom, and the country will not treat you badly. After recovering from your injuries, there will be suitable job arrangements for you, and the army will pay for your artificial limbs. Subsidies Issued every month.

The prosthetic technology in the Xuanwu Kingdom has progressed, thanks to Feng Yu and Zhi Hai, people who have lost their arms and legs can live on their own.

The soldiers showed joy when they heard the words, and saluted excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Take good care of your wounds." Mu Liang said softly.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The soldiers choked with red eyes.

Mu Liang exhaled slowly, nodded his head and turned to leave. There are still many things he can do better, but it will take time.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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