Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2683: You Guys Are Too Domineering. (1 More)

Mia looked at the king on the throne, remembering what Xiaoxiang told about Huxi and Randy's actions, and her "sincere greetings" to the king.

She couldn't help but said, "He's really a bald old man."

"..." Xinxi's mouth moved a bit, she didn't look like she would attack her opponent as soon as they met.

Iconel on the main seat opened his eyes wide with anger. He was already angry when he heard that the Xuanwu Kingdom came again, but now he was verbally attacked when he first met, and the anger in his heart had almost reached its peak.

Mia moved her mouth, and explained in a sincere tone: "What I said just now was unintentional, do you believe it?"

"Do you believe me?" Iconel said angrily.

"I don't believe it." Mia pouted, with an indifferent look on her face.

From her point of view, the old man in front of her is an enemy who is likely to make the Xu clan come back.

Ikenel stood up and released his momentum to press the three of them.

"Hmph!" Xinxi raised the crutch and dropped it heavily.


The entire palace shook, and the aura of 09 exuded by Ikenel was defeated.

Ikenel's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked at the ordinary-looking old woman in horror, his heart sank.

He was like a bonfire that was lit, and now Cincy poured cold water on him.

Ikenel stared at the old woman, and felt the threat of death from her, which was the breath of the holy rank.


He felt a lump in his throat, and if Cincy wanted to kill him, he could easily crush him with just one hand.

Mia said calmly: "We are here this time to collect pensions and bonuses for our Majesty.

Ikenel said in a low voice: "Your Xuanwu Kingdom is too domineering."

He didn't want to pay for this pension, thinking that it had nothing to do with the Kingdom of Iconel, and it was more appropriate to use the money for the Longevity Research Institute.

"Domineering?" Mia raised her eyebrows lightly, her furry cat ears stood upright.

She raised the corners of her lips, and said coldly: "If you really want to be overbearing, I can empty the treasure house of your palace right now, and you have no ability to stop it.

Ikenel gritted his teeth, he was not Xinxi's opponent, and he really couldn't stop the other party from robbing the palace's treasure house.

"My patience is limited, don't waste time." Xin Xi looked up at the old man.

Putting her hands on the crutches, she asked in a low voice, "In a word, to give or not to give?"

Ikenel's eyes showed anger, and his face was filled with aggrieved expression.

"Give..." He growled in his heart, but he agreed.

Mia nodded in satisfaction, and said coldly: "Very good, two billion basalt coins, or one thousand ninth-order warcraft crystals.

"Why two billion basalt coins?" Ikenel twitched his face. This was different from the amount seen in the documents two days ago.

Mia said indifferently: "Didn't Huxi and Randy make it clear to your Excellency that if you don't give it the first time, the amount of the pension will be doubled the second time."

The corners of Ikenel's eyes twitched, he didn't give Huxi and Randy a chance to talk, and he was about to start after reading the document.

"Impossible, two billion Xuanwu coins are too much." He gritted his teeth.

Xin Xi said indifferently: "I don't think it's much, but it's completely acceptable to you.

With murderous intent in her eyes, she stared coldly at the old man on the main seat. If he continued to talk nonsense, she didn't mind making a fuss.

"..." Ikenel felt the fear and struggled crazily inside.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "It takes time to raise money."

"I'll give you half an hour, it's enough." Mia said and sat down by herself.

Xin Xi didn't say a word, she turned around and sat beside Catwoman, playing with the flagon in her hand, but she couldn't drink the fine wine, that feeling made her extremely uncomfortable.

She looked at Inel, if the old man dared to talk nonsense again, she wouldn't mind venting her displeasure on him.

Ikenel felt the real killing intent, and didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he called the second prince who had already been frightened, and asked him to prepare the Warcraft spar.

Mia calmly said: "Remember, if there is one less Warcraft spar, it will be doubled."

The second prince who was about to leave shook his body and left the main hall as if fleeing.

Ikenel sat on the main seat, looking even older, because his hatred for the Xuanwu Kingdom reached its peak.

Mia looked at the old man with cold eyes, still thinking about the Longevity Research Institute in her heart, wondering when Mu Liang would come.

Xin Xi opened the jug, took a deep breath, smelled the aroma of the wine to satisfy her hunger, and secretly cursed Mu Liang in her heart.

Xiaoxiang stood behind Catwoman, shaking her body from time to time, this was because she was nervous and relieved.

She has lived in the palace for three years, and heard a lot of rumors that the king has a tyrannical character, and maids are often executed for trivial matters. Now seeing him aggrieved like a prisoner, she feels very happy.

Ikenel also noticed Xiaoxiang, but she was wearing a large black robe and her face was covered by a hood, so she didn't recognize who she was.

Feeling the gaze of the old man, Xiaoxiang quickly lowered her head even lower, for fear of being recognized.

Iconel narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering who the person under the black robe was, but he didn't have the guts to do it.

Time passed, Catwoman looked at her watch, half an hour was about to pass.

Mia looked at Iconel and reminded: "There are still five minutes."

"..." Ikenel's eyelids twitched, and he secretly scolded his second son for his poor efficiency.

"What's the rush?" he asked angrily.

Xin Xi said indifferently: "There is no rush, but when half an hour is up, don't say anything when you are being beaten.

. "Ikenel twitched his face, and didn't feel that the old woman was joking.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~" 260

Hasty footsteps came.

The second prince led a group of knights into the main hall, all carrying large wooden boxes in their hands, and it could be seen that the wooden boxes were very heavy.

"Father, I'm back." The second prince said with a pale face.

Ikenel gritted his teeth and asked, "Is there a lot of Warcraft crystals?"

"No, I added some more, just because I was afraid of making a mistake." The second prince said seriously.

Ikenel glared at his son, waved his hand to signal him to step back, looked at Xin Xi and said, "Take the pension and go."

"No hurry, let me count the number first." Mia stood up without haste, and counted the number of Warcraft crystals by herself.

Ikenel suppressed the impatience in his heart, and lowered his eyes to wait for Catwoman to finish counting all the Warcraft spar.

Time passed bit by bit, and Catwoman counted the last box of Warcraft spar, and put all the boxes into the space storage magic equipment with satisfaction.

The second prince couldn't help asking: "Is there any problem?"

"No problem." Mia said coldly.

"Since that's the case, please go ahead." Ikenel said word by word.

Mia looked at the old man and said coldly: "Don't worry, we have another important thing this time.

"What's the matter?" Ikenel stared at Catwoman, with an ominous premonition welling up in his heart.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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