Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2685: They Will All Be Liquidated One By One. (1 More)

Ikenel glared at Mu Liang, and roared: "Your Excellency, as the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom, wants to meddle in the affairs of the Ikenel Kingdom?"

Mu Liang said indifferently: "If it involves the Xu clan, no matter who it is, it will pay the price."

"Your Excellency is declaring war with other kingdoms." Ikenel's tone was crazy.

Mu Liang's heart moved. The information contained in Ikenel's words is huge, and this research may involve many kingdoms.

He raised his eyes and said firmly: "So what, I will liquidate all the forces involved in this research."

"You know, our Majesty has this strength." Xin Xi added lightly.

Mia said coldly: "If the news about the study of virtual ghosts gets out, do you think the kingdoms that suffered heavy casualties will let you go?"

Ikenel grinned and said: "So what, if those old immortals know, I'm afraid they will be very excited, I don't believe they don't want to live forever."

Mia frowned, and had to admit that Ikenel's words were very realistic. The closer a person is to death, the more he wants to live.

Mu Liang said coldly: "There's nothing wrong with pursuing longevity, but it's absolutely not okay to set your mind on Xu Gui.

"You can't stop it. If you destroy a Changsheng 893 Research Institute, there will definitely be other forces doing the same." Iknell grinned.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Then I hope these forces can be stronger than the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Ikenel wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't say a word, and the space around him froze, restricting his movement.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang stepped forward, raised his hand and pointed at Ikenel's forehead, injecting soul poison into the depths of his soul.


Ikenel's eyes widened in shock, the severe pain deep in his soul made his body tremble, but he couldn't move.

He could clearly feel that his soul was being torn apart, and the soul toxin spread to every corner of his soul, destroying all vitality, and his consciousness became trance due to the severe pain.

The tearing of the soul made Iknel's body stop shaking, and at the same time, the vitality in his body was rapidly drained, and the breath of death permeated his whole body.

In just one minute, Ikenel's soul was completely shattered, leaving only an empty shell in his body.


Mu Liang put down his hands, and Ikner's body fell on his back.

His eyes were still open angrily, and the look on his face was full of fear, as if he had experienced some terrible accident.

The second prince's pupils constricted, and his body trembled violently because of fright. He knew that his father was dead.

Xiaoxiang raised her hand to cover her mouth, and swallowed back her exclamation. She never thought that the once tyrannical king would die like this.

Xinxi was speechless, shook her head and commented: "Tsk, the mouth is quite powerful, I didn't expect that I didn't even have the ability to resist."

Mia's mouth moved, the old woman knew how to kill people.

Mu Liang looked at the second prince coldly, and asked in a cold voice, "How much have you been involved in the Longevity Research Institute and Xu Gui's research?"

"I..." The second prince's voice trembled, recovering from the shock of his father's death.

He and Ikenel don't have much father-son affection. After all, as a king, he has more than twenty children.

"You want to die too?" Mu Liang asked indifferently.

The second prince shook his head subconsciously, and hurriedly said: "I don't know what the longevity research institute is at all."

Mu Liang looked away, knowing that the second prince was not lying, and the matter of the Changsheng Research Institute was only related to a small number of people.

"Mia, lead the way." He said calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, come with me." Hearing this, Mia walked towards the passage behind the main hall, where Iconel's study was.

Before Mu Liang left, he asked: "Xinxi, gather all the royal family members, and make the next arrangement when I come back."

"Understood." Xinxi replied, and her eyes fell on the distraught second prince.

A trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Second Prince, did you hear what our Majesty said?"

The second prince swallowed his saliva and said harshly, "I will cooperate."

"Very well, take me to find someone. Xin Xi nodded in satisfaction, raised her crutches and paused on the ground.

The second prince stood up quickly and took the old woman to find other members of the royal family.

On the other side, Mu Liang was led by Catwoman to the study deep in the main hall. The maids didn't dare to stop them at all, even after seeing Mu Liang's face, everything could be forgiven.

"It's here." Mia pushed open the door of the study, went straight to the bookshelf in the corner, and raised her hand to trigger the mechanism, revealing the entrance leading to the underground behind the bookshelf.

Mu Liang frowned slightly, already feeling empty.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The two walked down the ground one after the other, the more they went down, the stronger the emptiness.

"Who?" A suspicious voice sounded, and two strong men in dark armor suddenly appeared, stopping Mu Liang and Catwoman.

Although the movement on the ground is loud, the ground cannot perceive it, so the people here don't know what happened on the ground.

Just as Mia was about to make a move, Mu Liang ignored the two of them and continued walking forward.

"You..." The two strong men just wanted to stop them, but found that their bodies could not move.

The next moment, a hole was opened in the soil beside him, and the two of them were directly buried in it, leaving only one face outside, so that they would not be smothered to death.

Mia raised her eyebrows lightly, put down her hands and continued to follow Mu Liang.

"Tap ha ha ha ha ~ www

Mu Liang paused, and in front of him was a heavy steel door.

He raised his hand and slapped lightly, and the steel door fell down.


The steel door fell down to reveal the room inside, where you can see several smaller virtual ghosts imprisoned, all of them are around level five in strength.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

When Xu Guimen saw Mu Liang coming in, his blood-colored eyes showed a fierce light, and he stared at him firmly.

Mu Liang's face was cold, and with a thought, the surrounding space distorted, and the divine pattern of the law of earth appeared, and the space distorted to form a black hole, strangling and swallowing all the virtual ghosts.

"You shouldn't exist." His tone was calm, the divine pattern of the law of earth spread out, and the small room collapsed instantly.

Mia followed Mu Liang out of the room and went to the next room.

The two walked all the way, no one could leave the underground laboratory, as long as everything related to the virtual ghost was destroyed, only a few experimental subjects and people from the Longevity Research Institute remained in the end.


All the imprisoned virtual ghosts were cleaned up by Mu Liang, leaving not even a drop of blood, and finally completely destroyed the Longevity Research Institute.

In this Longevity Research Institute, there are a total of twelve virtual ghosts, and the strongest one is the seventh-level virtual ghost, but it's a pity that Mu Liang can't even withstand half a move.

"Mu Liang, what about these people?" Mia looked at the few people who were huddled in the corner. They were all members of the Longevity Research Institute, and they were also members of the Immortals.

"Keep it useful." Mu Liang said calmly.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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