Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2691: Haven't You Climbed Into Muliang's Bed Yet? (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xibeqi pushed the bicycle out of the highland, and under the watchful eyes of the highland guards, the girl rode the bicycle to the temporary resettlement area.

She is going to find Texid, but Mu Liang still has to tell him.


Xi Beiqi has a rest today and doesn't have to go to the air force base, so she is riding a bicycle very leisurely.

By the time she entered the temporary resettlement area, it was already fifteen minutes later.

The temporary resettlement area at this time is much quieter, and not many people still live here.


Xi Beiqi set up her bicycle and walked briskly to the building where the Yeyue family lived.

"The little princess is back." The vampire warrior on duty at the door shouted.

"Where is the ancestor?" Xi Beiqi asked casually.

The vampire warrior respectfully said: "The ancestor is inside."

"Understood." Xi Beiqi waved her hand, walked into the building with light steps, and walked to Texid's room.

"Xi Beiqi, why are you here?" A surprised voice sounded, Orris came out of the room, and had a face-to-face meeting with the vampire girl.

Xi Beiqi rolled her pretty eyes and said angrily, "Why, I can't come?"

The corners of Oris' eyes twitched, and just as he was about to speak out, his father's voice came from the room behind him.

"Shibeki is here, come in quickly." Leopolu's voice came from the room.

"Okay." Xi Beiqi responded, raised her chin towards Orlis, and walked into the room with her slender waist twisted.

She has always disliked Orlis, from childhood to adulthood, but not to the point of disgust.

Orlis gritted his teeth, turned around and followed into the room.

In the room, Texid sat at the top, Leopolu and Great Elder Gies sat at the bottom.

As soon as the vampire girl entered the room, all eyes fell on her.

"Don't stare at me like that. If you don't know, you might think you're going to suck my blood." Xibeqi rubbed her neck uncomfortably.

Ji Si's face trembled, his eyes showed helplessness, and he raised his hand and said, "Stop talking nonsense, what did Mu Liang say?"

Leopolo asked hastily: "Yes, has the improvement been agreed?"

Xibeqi ignored the two elders, but looked at Texid, who was superior, and walked forward with her lips pouted.

She said helplessly, "Old Ancestor, you are making it difficult for me."

With a smile in his eyes, Texid raised his hand to rub the head of the vampire girl, and sighed: "No way, all this is for the Yeyue family [Song You and Mu Kang have a good relationship.

If you want to form a force in the Xuanwu Kingdom, you can send a girl

Test your tone.

"But Mu Liang didn't agree." Xi Beiqi rolled her eyes and said.

"What, I still haven't agreed." Gies and Leopolou looked ugly.

Keith said dejectedly: "I didn't agree last time, and I didn't agree this time, I knew it.

"For Shibeki's sake, I should agree." Leopolu frowned in confusion.

"My face is not that big." Xi Beiqi rolled her eyes again.

Leopolo asked subconsciously: "Have you not climbed into Muliang's bed yet?"

"What are you talking about?" Xibeqi raised her eyebrows, as if she was about to kill the third elder.

Gith sighed, "Third Elder, shut up."

Leopolo shut his mouth tactfully, he may not be able to beat Xibeqi now, the strength of the vampire girl has improved too fast.

Xibeqi glared at Leopolu, speechless in her heart, she also wanted to climb into Mu Liang's bed, but she had no chance.

Thinking of this, the girl's eyes dimmed.

She sat down beside Texid, and said Mu Liang's word for word, and everyone in the room fell silent.

Texid sighed: "Since this is the case, let's discuss what to do next. Where should the Yeyue family go?"

Gies and Leopoldo looked at each other, and the two fell silent.

Orlis curled his lips and said: "It's nothing more than those few options, go back to Yeyue City, go to the New World, and stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Leopolo said in a deep voice, "Otherwise, go back to Yeyue City."

Texid said indifferently: "There is no one in Yeyue City, and neither the Michel family nor the Lufa family have returned."

Xibeiqi asked in surprise: "Hey, where did the Michel family and the Lufa family go?"

Texid said in a deep voice: "The Michel family and the Lufa family have both gone to the New World, and they seem to choose to find an uninhabited island to settle down.

"Is that so, choose to escape from the world?" Xibeqi muttered.

Texid shook his head and said, "They probably won't stay away from the Xuanwu Kingdom, at most they can find an island nearby and live there."

Xi Beiqi nodded and said: "That's right, the Xuanwu Kingdom is so good, it's hard to come back after going too far."

"Old Ancestor, otherwise, let's find an island to settle down." Olis said.

...asking for flowers......

"This is a good choice." Leopolo nodded in agreement.

Keith was silent, thinking about the pros and cons.

Xibeiqi blinked her golden eyes, and said: "If you want me to say, it's better for everyone to stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom, otherwise they will be discovered by the Immortals, and they will be taken back for autopsy for experiments

"With the ancestors here, there is no need to be afraid of the Immortals." Ollie said proudly.

Xi Beiqi rolled her eyes and said: "Why, when people in the family go out, everyone is accompanied by the ancestor?"

Orlis opened his mouth: "Uh..."

"I seem to be very free, I want to be your bodyguard?" Texid asked squinting.

"Old Ancestor, I'm joking." Orlis said with a smile.

"Hmph." Texid snorted coldly.


He looked at the vampire girl and said peacefully: "If you stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom, the Yeyue family will be scattered and resettled, and they will have to find jobs to support themselves.

Xi Beiqi spread her hands and said crisply: "Old Ancestor, our Yeyue family doesn't have a lot of wealth to inherit, so there's no need for everyone to get together, it's good for everyone to visit each other when they are free."

Tesheed pondered, pondering the pros and cons of doing so.

Xi Beiqi reminded: "Old Ancestor, time is running out, this place will be demolished in two days."

The main city will be expanded, the location of the temporary resettlement area will be classified as the inner city, and the newly expanded area will be classified as the outer city.

"Old Ancestor, let's make a decision." Jisi said hoarsely.

Leopolo nodded in agreement: "Yes, we all listen to our ancestors."

"In this case, then stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom." Texid raised his eyes.

Xi Beiqi blinked her beautiful golden eyes, not surprised at all. Anyone who has stayed here knows how livable the Xuanwu Kingdom is.

"Then everyone has to start looking for a job." Keith smiled wryly.

"With the strength of the Great Elder, you can find a good job." Xi Beiqi said casually.

Geese nodded slowly. He also has some assets, and he can not work in recent years, but the long lifespan of a vampire is destined to make it impossible for him to rest forever.

Xi Beiqi waved her hand and said, "Then everyone clean up and do identity registration. You can only settle down with a temporary ID card."

"En." Keith and the others responded.

ps: [1 more]: The second size of the positive size is smaller. .

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