Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 939 One hundred billion. (1 more)

"Guru Guru~~~"

In the kitchen, Mino took a long spoon and gently stirred the corn animal bone soup in the pot.

"It must be delicious." "Mino's nose moved, and the aroma came out.

She scooped up a small half spoon of soup, brought it to her lips and blew it gently, tasting the saltiness of the soup.

"Well, the saltiness is just right." Mino spoke up, knowing that Mu Liang doesn't like to eat too salty food, so he deliberately put a little less salt.

"Miss Minuo, the steamed buns are also cooked." Wei Youlan said in a dainty manner.

"Take it to the restaurant. I'll call Mu Liang." Mino said, taking off his apron and walking out of the kitchen.

The earless girl came to the outside of the study and stretched out her hand to open the door.


"Mu Liang, you can have dinner." Mino probed into the study, but saw Mu Liang asleep sitting on the dragon chair.

"Fell asleep?"

The earless girl blinked her blue eyes "Three Eight Seven", walked gently into the study, and came to Mu Liang's side.

"Mu Liang?" She stretched out her hand and waved in front of Mu Liang's eyes, whispering.

Mu Liang's breathing was long and did not respond.

"I really fell asleep."

Mino bulged his cheeks and murmured in a low voice, "Maybe you are too tired, so wait until you wake up and eat.

She turned and left the study and returned to the dining room.

"Where is Mr. Mu Liang?" Wei Youlan just set the tableware.

Mino said clearly: "He is asleep, wait until he wakes up to eat.

She sat down, looked at the empty restaurant, and asked in confusion: "Where are the others?"

"Master Qinlan has gone to the administration, Liyue and the others still have tasks." Wei Youlan said softly.

"It's all busy" * Mino sighed softly, and suddenly felt that he was the most leisurely.

She looked down at a steaming table of food.

After half an hour.

"What's the matter, with a depressed face?" A gentle voice sounded, and Mu Liang stepped into the restaurant.

"Mu Liang!!"

Mino got up and said in surprise: "Aren't you asleep?"

"After squinting for a while, I didn't fall asleep." Mu Liang said gently.

"Then eat something first, and then continue to sleep after eating." Mino stood up happily and helped Mu Liang serve the soup.

"It looks delicious." Mu Liang praised.

The soup stewed by the earless girl is very rich, in addition to corn and beast bones, there are lotus roots and lotus seeds.

Ta Ta Ta

"Can I have dinner?" Yue Feiyan rushed into the restaurant excitedly, her Vermillion Bird armor before she could take off.

She opened the dining chair and sat down, looked at the golden soup, and said confidently: "It's so fragrant, it looks like this soup is made by Mino."

"Eh, how do you know?" Mino stared at his beautiful blue eyes.

"Hehe, because only you like to cut the ingredients into two finger widths, Xiaolan and the others cut them at random sizes." Yue Feiyan smiled.

Mu Liang heard the words and looked at the soup in front of him. Sure enough, the corn and lotus root and other ingredients were cut into two evenly wide fingers.

"Unexpectedly, you will observe these details." He smiled.

"I also found it accidentally." Yue Feiyan said with a smile "hehe".

"I didn't even notice." Minuo Qiao blushed, as if a little secret had been discovered.

"I'm not late, am I?" "The Fox Fairy walked into the restaurant one step at a time.

Mino stood up and smiled like a flower: "Sister Fox, sit down and have dinner."

The earless girl is in a happy mood and likes to be lively.

The fox fairy Shi Shiran came to Mu Liang and sat down. After taking a mouthful of the hot soup, he immediately felt his body warm.

"What did you do?" Mu Liang asked casually.

"Sister Qinlan has gone to the administration. I will help her arrange independent housing for Kaina," said Foxian Mei.

"Speaking while eating... Mu Liang said warmly.

The fox fairy nodded and asked, "Mu Liang, how do you plan to transform the outer city?"

"The transformation of the outer city is not urgent. At the moment, expanding the scale of planting is the most important thing." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Do you want to expand the scale of planting?" The Fox Fairy chewed.

You know, there are enough green vegetables grown in Black Tortoise, enough for the whole city to eat green vegetables.

"Well, the virtual ghost tide is coming, just in case, we have to go ahead of time with Guoji Food." Mu Liang said calmly.

When the ghost tide erupts, it is impossible to plant green vegetables steadily at that time.

No one knows which of the accidents and tomorrow will come first, so to avoid food shortages, it is necessary to stock up enough food in advance.

"That's it." The Fox Fairy nodded thoughtfully.

"First increase the planting scale of wheat, sweet potatoes and corn." Mu Liang decided.

Wheat, sweet potatoes, and corn can be stored for a long time, and can be processed into various starches for longer storage time.

Thinking of this, Mu Liang remembered that he had to build a few granaries to store food.

"It's fine if you decide."" Fox Fairy said in a charming voice.

Mu Liang nodded and looked at Wei Youlan and said, "Well, a debriefing meeting will be held tomorrow to inform them to come.

He has a lot of things to arrange, which will be arranged together through the debriefing meeting.

"Yes." Wei Youlan nodded obediently, remembering Mu Liang's instructions.

Fox Fairy blinked her red eyes and asked with a smile, "Mu Liang, now the inner city is too far away from the business district, shouldn't you consider getting me a flying magic weapon?"

After the rock tortoise evolves, it will take nearly one or two hours to travel from the inner city to the commercial area if it is a carriage.

Mu Liang thought for a while, and said softly: "The flying magic weapon is not fast, I will arrange the worker bee for you to use."

"It's okay, it should be more comfortable than a carriage." The Fox Fairy nodded slowly.

"Speaking of the commercial district, the road will also be rebuilt." Mu Liang said clearly.

The rock tortoise evolved this time, and the main road of the outer city collapsed.

In addition, the roads leading to workshop areas, townships, planting areas and other areas are also paralyzed.

"Thanks for your hard work." The Fox Fairy stretched out his hand and squeezed Mu Liang's thigh.

Mu Liang smiled, the foxtail woman is getting bolder.

Speaking of road traffic, he thought of trains again, and he didn't know how Sister Aliya was doing research.

To make Black Tortoise city as a whole, transportation is very important.

When the rock tortoise evolves to the ten second-level, the body size will increase again by 2.1 ten times, and the importance of the large-scale transportation vehicle train will be reflected.

Thinking of this, Mu Liang felt a big head again. For the rock tortoise to evolve to ten second-level, one hundred billion evolution points are needed.

And he now only has 6 billion evolution points, and then he has to evolve domesticated beasts such as the Star Tree and the Crystal Fish.

Mu Liang's plan is to first evolve the Star tree to ten first-level.

Then, use the larger Star Realm to work with the rock tortoise to improve the soil quality in the new area of ​​the outer city.

"What are you thinking about, but still bored." The Fox Fairy asked in astonishment.

"It's just a few small things." Mu Liang smiled and continued to enjoy dinner.

"Okay." Fox Fairy Mei's red eyes flashed, and she secretly guessed what Mu Liang was thinking.

o o o oo 0

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code.

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