Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 948 Misty Sea: The new continent.

(1 more)

The Misty Sea is located deep in the salt water area.

There is a haze of fog all the year round, the fog is very dense, and the visibility is less than ten meters.

At night, if there is no lighting, you can't see the scenery one meter away.

The area covered by fog is very large, not only the sea, but the sky is covered by fog, the scene is very spectacular.


On the other side of the Misty Sea, the sky is also gray, and the sunlight penetrating the clouds is pitiful.

At this time, on the endless sea, there are three big ships of more than 20 meters are moving forward in the wind.

This is an expedition fleet. The goal this time is to explore the archipelago near the Misty Sea.

Ta Ta Ta

Kodola hurriedly got down from the mast and shouted to the captain standing on the bow: "Captain, there is a sea of ​​mist in front of you. It's getting dark, do you want to move on?"

He is a watchman of the adventure fleet, a magician who can use clairvoyance, and can see ants as small as rice grains from a thousand meters away.

"Is going to the sea of ​​mist so soon?" Miuda turned his head back, his face full of astonishment.

Miuda, the leader of the adventure team, is a seventh-order strong man.

He was originally a respected seventh-order knight on the mainland. Later, for some special reasons, he chose to form an expedition team and venture into the sea.

"Yes, you can be there before dark." Kodola said firmly.

"Arrive before dark, it's embarrassing at this time." Miuda twitched.

He looked forward, and could vaguely see the mist across the sky, which meant that the sea of ​​mist was coming.

"Captain, the blood moon will appear after dark. Be cautious. Let's find a small island nearby for the night!!" Da Qi said in a humble voice.

Da Qi is the deputy captain of the adventure team and a Tier 6 powerhouse.

"Yes, once the sea Magical Beasts become violent, we are in danger, so be careful." Kodola also persuaded.

"It's not so unlucky. The blood moon has only appeared for a few days. There is at least one month left before the blood moon comes. The Magical Beasts will not be violent so quickly." Miuda curled his lips.

"Captain, don't be impulsive. Think about it for the fifty-eight players on the ship." Da Qi said in a bad mood.

Miuda felt a big head, and compromised: "Go on, go ahead, stop and stay overnight when you encounter the island."

"It's about the same." Da Qi grinned.

Miuda smiled and scolded, "You fellow, do you want to be the captain?"

"Don't, I am not convinced by my strength, so forget it. It's good to be a deputy captain.

Da Qi shook his head again and again, waved his hands and took a few steps back.

"That's the point?" Miuda spit.

Da Qi raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and said with a faint smile: "Hey, that's what you can do!!"


On the boat, the members of the adventure team all laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"Captain, do we really want to go into the sea of ​​mist?" a team member asked in a quiet voice.

Miuda said solemnly: "Of course, otherwise, why have we sailed for these two months?"

The adventure fleet set off from Westwind City and sailed at full speed for two months before approaching the Misty Sea.

Xifeng City is a big city close to the sea and a seaport city with a population of hundreds of thousands.

"Are there really treasures in the Misty Sea?" Da Qi whispered.

Miuda nodded vigorously, and said confidently: "Of course there is, this is what my father said, there are forgotten treasures in the sea of ​​mist."

"My father said, that's probably true..." Da Qi's eyes lit up.

Myda's father is a ninth-order knight. Although he has returned to the West, he still has a great reputation in the kingdom and is a respected existence.

"So the Sea of ​​Misty must go in and find the lost treasure that my father said, so we can eat and drink forever." Miuda grinned.

"It's really exciting." Da Qi nodded excitedly.

"Captain, I found an island where I can rest." A crew member yelled.

Hearing this, Miuda looked sideways and found that there was a small island in front of the Misty Sea, but it was enough for three big ships to dock.

He shouted: "Kodora, see if there is any danger on the island."

"Okay, Captain." Kodola eagerly climbed up the mast, his eyes lit up, and the distant island was magnified in his sight.

This is a small island. The island is bare and bare, with only some dead wood and no greenery.

"Captain, it looks safe, there is no Magical Beasts." Kodola lowered his head and shouted.

"Okay, then stop over and rest." Miuda gave the order.

"Yes, move on to the island!!" Da Qi roared, passing orders to the other two ships behind.


The three big ships changed their sailing directions and moved forward on the distant islands.

Nearly twenty minutes later, three large ships landed one after another, and their anchors were dropped into the water.

"Leave the boat, and ten people will come with me to check the situation on the island first." Da Qi said with a serious face.

"Yes!!" The team members consciously stepped forward and lowered the small wooden boat into the sea.

"Pay attention to safety." Miuda exhorted.

"I got it." Without looking back, he waved his hands and commanded the team to draw the prize and approached the island.

...For flowers...

Soon after, the people in the boat went ashore.

Da Qi said with a serious face: "A pair of two should act separately to investigate the situation on the island and pay attention to safety.

"Yes." The team members all responded, drew out their weapons and dispersed, and walked around the island.

Time passed slowly, and the sky gradually darkened.

Just when Miuda's face turned ugly, Da Qi returned with the team members he was looking for.

Da Qi waved his hands and said with a grin: "Captain, the island is very safe, you can go to the island."

Miuda breathed a sigh of relief, and cursed in an angry tone: "Damn, I thought you had something wrong."

"Hahaha, it's okay, let the captain worry." Da Qi laughed.

"Go to the island." Miuda ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes!" everyone on the boat cheered and packed up and got off the boat.

At night, the island is ascending and ablaze.


Miuda and a few people gathered around the fire to roast meat for dinner, and the other team members gathered around the other fire.

"Captain, I have heard a legend about the end of the sea of ​​mist, but I don't know the true or false." Kodola mysteriously said.

"Stop talking nonsense, talk quickly.

Da Qi raised his hand and knocked on his head, and said in a bad breath: "Don't hang your appetite."

"It hurts, it hurts."

Koduo stretched his hand to cover his head, glared at the deputy captain, and said in pain: "Deputy captain, I am a magician, can I start with a lighter?"

"Ahahaha I'm sorry for holding the money, you can say it quickly." Da Qi chuckled.

"Quickly say, don't dawdle." Miuda stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, threatening openly.

"I said, don't fight anymore." Kodola grinned, grinning.

He cleared his throat, deliberately lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "Legend, at the end of the sea of ​​mist, there is a new continent."

"That's it?" Da Qi's eyes widened.

"Um, aren't you surprised?" Kodola looked dazed, which was different from what he had imagined.

"Yeah, this is false." Miuda raised his hand to make a fist and knocked on Kodola's head.

"Ah, it hurts." Kodora clutched his head, and Pi Ya fell to the ground and rolled.

"Hahaha, speak more reliably next time." Daqi laughed loudly.

The other crew members laughed and laughed on the island.

"I think this legend may be true." Kodola was so depressed, she chose to shut up.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. So,

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