Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 954 Great tonic. (1 more)

"It will look very comfortable." Mino's beautiful eyes lit up, looking at the glazed hut on the cloud platform, exclaiming.

"It will be just one night." Mu Liang said gently.

With a wave of his hand, the glazed boat flew up and landed on the cloud platform.

The fox fairy and the girl with rabbit ears came out of the boat and followed Mu Liang into the glazed hut.

In the house, there are three colored glaze beds side by side.

"Why are there three beds?" The fox fairy blinked her warm red eyes and looked at Mu Liang suspiciously.

Mu Liang is going to sleep in a separate bed with himself?

"The three of us, of course there are three, isn't it?" Mino's eyes were puzzled, and he looked at the foxtail woman in confusion.

Mu Liang hugged him in front of him, staring at the foxtail woman with a smile on his face.

Fairy Fox's ears trembled, rolled his beautiful eyes, and said perfunctorily: "That's what I said."

"Four One Seven" but this glazed bed shouldn't sleep comfortably on the clouds." Mino whispered.

She lay down straight, her body half sinking into the mist, and she rolled like a child.

"Then no big bed." Mu Liang said with a wave of his hand, and the three colored glaze beds in the room disappeared.

Fox fairy sat down with his hands behind him, his beautiful eyes looked at the sea outside the door.


Outside the door of the glazed hut, two lantern beetles glowed brightly, illuminating part of the sea.

"Mu Liang, Fox Fairy Big sis, are you hungry?" Mino asked crisply.

"I'm fine." Mu Liang responded softly.

The fox fairy turned his head and said in a charming voice, "I'm a little hungry."

"Then I'll cook something to eat." Mino sat up after hearing this.

Mu Liang felt it, raised his hand, and took out a few glass boxes from the portable space, which contained various seasonings and spices.

"What ingredients do you want?" he asked in a clear voice.

"Either way." Mino smiled sweetly.

"Then try the sea beasts hunted today." Mu Liang smiled and took out a few large pieces of sea beasts, from the eighth and ninth ranks of the sea beasts.

These are great tonics for the weak.

Mino pressed her pink lips and asked suspiciously, "Mu Liang, is this meat really edible?"

"It should be okay. You can cook it first, and I will know if I taste it." Mu Liang was also not sure, thinking that you should be brought out next time.

"Okay." Mino pouted his small mouth, and began to deal with the Sea Fierce Beast in a proficient manner.

Without raising her head, she said, "Mu Liang, I want some clean water."

"Okay." Mu Liang answered casually.

He raised his hand to condense the water and help the rabbit-eared girl clean the flesh of the sea monster.

"Make a fire," Mino said again.

"Make me some more glazed plates."


"… Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, is this a mobile kitchen for a girl with rabbit ears?

After more than half an hour, the girl with rabbit ears cooked a pot of broth, a few large pieces of fried meat, and spicy fried long beard.

Spicy stir-fried long beard uses the tentacles of the ninth-order sea fierce beast. After peeling off the black skin, the meat inside is pure and white.

"Taste it soon." Mino looked at Mu Liang expectantly.

"Okay." Mu Liang picked up the chopsticks, picked up a long beard and stuffed it into his mouth.

He chewed, the long beard was very crisp, the taste was very similar to the earth squid, the taste was spicy, without the slightest smell.

"This is not poisonous and tastes good." Mu Liang commented.

"Then try the soup again." Minuo helped hold the hot soup and handed it to Mu Liang.

Mu Liang took the bowl and looked at the milky white hot soup, smelling a faint fragrance.

"This soup smells weird.

He was a little surprised and tried to take a bite of the hot soup. The soup slid down from his throat, and his body suddenly became warm.

"Interesting." Mu Liang's black eyes lit up and he noticed some changes in his body.

This soup is helpful to Ascension's strength, although its effect on him is minimal, it can be regarded as a good food supplement for low-level people.

"How is it?" Mino blinked his blue eyes.

"This is not poisonous, and it is good for the body. It can Ascension strength." Mu Liang said warmly.

"Can Ascension strength?" Minor and Fox Fairy's beautiful eyes immediately lit up.

Without saying anything, the earless girl picked up two empty bowls and filled herself and the foxtail woman with a bowl of hot soup.


The two women sip the hot soup dubiously, and when the soup swallowed, a warm feeling appeared in the body.

Mino squinted his beautiful eyes and said softly, "This soup is delicious. The body is warm."

"I can Ascension have a little strength, but it is very limited." The Fox Fairy showed surprise in his eyes.

"If you drink it often, it's still good for your body," Mu Liang said softly.

He fished out the sea fierce beast meat from the pot, which came from a fifth-tier sea fierce beast.

The fox fairy put down the soup bowl and said gracefully: "That's how it is said. It's just a bit unrealistic to drink this soup every day, unless we breed this kind of sea beast ourselves."

"Then raise your own." Mu Liang said suddenly.


The Fox Fairy was stunned, and hurriedly said: "I'm just letting Luo say, you don't have to take it seriously."

Mu Liang shook his head and said with a serious face: "No, I think you make a lot of sense. Black Tortoise should develop aquaculture industry."

"Marine aquaculture?" "The Fox Fairy's head crooked, what is this?

"Mu Liang, it's a Tier 5 Sea Fierce Beast, but it's not easy to raise." Minuo said softly.

"There will be a way." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he already had an idea in his heart.

In his opinion, Black Tortoise is already big enough to raise a group of sea monsters.

It's just that he is considering whether to breed in cages or build a small inland sea on the rock turtle's body to breed sea beasts.

Cage aquaculture, a common mode of global marine aquaculture, is to use huge floating cages on the sea.

The fox fairy said leisurely: "Then you have to find a way to find its kind, grab a few more and take it back.

"It shouldn't be too difficult." Mu Liang tapped his finger on his thigh.

If you encounter the same sea beast again, maybe you can try to domesticate it, and then find its kind afterwards. 2.1 is not a problem.

"You can try." Fox fairy raised his eyebrows lightly.

What she thought of, Mei smiled and said: "If the breeding is really successful, the gourmet restaurant can have one more signature dish in the future, which will definitely attract a lot of people."

"That is absolute." Mu Liang smiled lightly.


The sea was surging, and a wave rose in the distance.

"What's that?" The three of them quickly turned their heads to look.

On the surface of the sea, a bright light appeared, illuminating the surrounding waters.

Behind the light, there is also a vague shadow, from the outside, it is pedestrian.

Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, stood up and looked at it.

"Mu Liang, can you see clearly?" The Fox Fairy asked in surprise.

"It's human." Mu Liang said softly.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code.

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