Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 959 To live in the sky. (3 more)

"Are we going to live in a tree?" Mino's blue eyes widened.

The others were equally stunned, subconsciously raising their heads to look at the huge crown of the tree of life.

"Do you really want to live in the sky this time?" Yue Qinlan whispered softly.

"I won't live that high." Mu Liang said with a laugh.

If you really want to live in the tree canopy, the house must be heated all year round, otherwise it will freeze people.

"Where do you live?" Yue Feiyan asked inexplicably.

"I'll find out later." Mu Liang raised his head in a sense.


A familiar voice came from the crown of the tree, a green light flashed by, and the life elves appeared above everyone's heads.

The life elves at this time have become as big as a normal four or five-year-old child, with four pairs of wings thin as cicada wings behind them.

"Hey, Ling'er has grown up again." Mino said in surprise.


The "Four Three Three" life elves showed a smile and threw themselves into Mu Liang's arms.

"It's a lot heavier." Mu Liang smiled lightly and reached out to hug the elf.

"No." The life elf pursed his lips.

"You can speak?" Mu Liang frowned, surprised.

"A little bit." The life elf stretched out his little hand and gestured.

She whispered: "I learned it."

"It seems that only a few words can be said." Fox fairy said in a charming voice.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and poked the face of the life elf, and praised: "You are very smart, you have learned so many words.


The life elves laughed out two dimples, revealing small deciduous teeth.

"Come and do me a favor." Mu Liang let go and let the life spirit fly by itself.

"Eh~~~" the life elf nodded obediently.

Mu Liang rose into the air and flew upwards along the trunk of the tree of life. The spirit of life followed closely.

When the tree trunk reached a height of one or two hundred meters, he and the life elves stopped.

Mu Liang turned his head and gestured: "Ling'er, I want to build a house here, you let the tree of life grow branches here."


The life element nodded obediently, flapped its wings close to the trunk, and stroked the tree with a little hand.

The rich life elements spread out.

On the tree trunk, a bean-sized green sprout emerged from the place where the life spirit stroked it.

Under Mu Liang's gaze, Green Bud grew up at a crazy speed.

In just ten seconds, it grew into a huge branch with a length of 1,500 meters and a thickness of 200 meters.

"It would be better if it can be leveled up." Mu Liang pointed to the upward side of the branch.


The elemental spirit nodded, and with a movement of thought, the side with the branches facing upward became much smoother.

"Very good, great." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and threw a large group of life elements.

"Bah!!" The life spirit's beautiful eyes released light and hugged the life element and sucked.

After a while, all the life elements were eaten up.

The spirit of life hiccuped, patted his belly and returned to Mu Liang's side.

"Let it sink here." Mu Liang pointed to the tree trunk under his feet.

"Eh?" Life Element tilted his head, asking how deep it should be.

Mu Liang thought for a while, and said gently, "Thirty meters deep and fifty meters wide."

"Eh!!" The life elf nodded, and his little feet lightly stepped on the branches.


The green light flashed, and the surface of the branches suddenly sank. The depth was just 30 meters and the width was about 50 meters.

"It should be enough." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

This tree pit is intended to be used by Mu Liang to raise small crystal fish, so that Life will not lack water in the tree.

"Let's grow thin branches on the edge of this branch and surround it like a guardrail." Mu Liang asked again.

The spirit of life realized that the little feet lightly stepped on the huge branches again.

In the sound of a whole room, many twigs grow out of the edges of the branches, which are connected to each other and become natural guardrails.

The guardrails are 1.5 meters high, and each one has adult thighs.

"Very well, leave it to me next.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand, and the colored glaze was condensed and rebuilt the place to live according to the appearance of the palace.

He built it with colored glaze this time, and the level of detail is much higher than that of the highland palace.

The walls of the new palace are carved with dragons and phoenixes, and the roof of the palace is even more exquisite, like huge gems. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a work of art.

"Does it look too luxurious?" Mu Liang muttered softly.

He thought for a while, since all palaces are built with colored glaze, there is no extravagance or luxury.

Mu Liang continued to build the palace, and the internal structure is more life-oriented. It will be the place to live in the future, and the office will be in the original palace.

The palace is also divided into the main hall and the partial hall. The main hall can be used to receive distinguished guests, hold major meetings, etc.

"Are we all going to live here in the future?" An exclamation sounded.

Yue Feiyan and Xibeiqi brought the fox fairy and Yueqinlan up and landed on the flat branches.

"You are here, do you have any requirements or suggestions?" Mu Liang stopped his movements and looked back at the four girls.

"No, this is already very good." Yue Feiyan's eyes sparkled.

She rushed into the palace and ran wildly, attracted by the exquisite carvings on the beams and pillars, she was amazed again and again.

"It's so beautiful!!" Sibeqi was also amazed.

"Living in such a house, I am afraid that I will be reluctant to leave." Yue Qinlan joked with a smile.

"Then you can live in it for the rest of your life." Mu Liang laughed blankly.

"Then you have to recruit another clerk." Yue Qinlan cast a funny look at Mu Liang.

"Ahem, I can transform the administration into a palace.

Mu Liang coughed twice, pretending to be serious: "This way you can stay in the bureau!"

"Good idea." Yue Qinlan raised her eyebrows lightly.

"I was joking." Mu Liang stopped joking, lest he really live in, then he won't be with him at night.

"I'm serious, you can enlarge the bureau and build it with colored glaze."

Yue Qinlan said with a serious face: "This will make people more in awe, and it will also help manage Black Tortoise City."

"You can think about it. When I finish rebuilding the highlands, I will go tomorrow." Mu Liang nodded thoughtfully.

He was surprised 2.1. The elegant woman also knows how to shape the image of the bureau and increase the awe of the city people.

"Don't worry, let's remodel when you are no longer busy." Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled gently.

He continued to build the palace, perfecting many details, such as toilets and sewage problems, and it was necessary to build pipelines to connect the high ground.


The life elf raised his hand, and the glazed pipe was wrapped in bark, which made it look much more beautiful.

"Mu Liang, daily up and down is a problem, not everyone can fly." Fox Fairy said.

"You can build a transportation ladder like a high ground." Yue Qinlan suggested.

"I have other ideas." Mu Liang's mouth lifted, and he looked at the life elf again.

"Hmm?" The life elf blinked his emerald green eyes.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. .

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