(3 more)

Outer city, Thousand Spines Pass.

Yue Feiyan and Sibeqi are overseeing the training of the Air Force.

"It's time for the military parade in two days, and we must hurry up to train the formation." Yue Feiyan said with a stern face.

"It can be done." Sibeqi wrapped her arms in front of her.

She leaned against the city wall, her golden eyes looked into the air, and the air force was riding on the worker bees to practice their formation.

Leading the team are mixed-blood vampires such as Tacoco and Xia Li.

"Aha~~~" Hibbecky yawned long.

"What's wrong in the past two days, you keep yawning." Yue Feiyan said in surprise.

This is the sixth yawn of the vampire girl today.

Xibeiqi grinned, shook her head and said, "It's nothing, but the blood given by Mu Liang is about to be digested.

"Eh, absorbed it so soon?" Yue Feiyan stared at her red eyes.

"It's almost two months now."

Xibeiqi said charmingly: "I have been training recently, and I have eaten two Grade 10 Star Fruits. Of course, the absorption is faster.

"It's enviable." "Yue Fei's eyes are faint, and the strength of the vampire girl is fast.

If Sibeqi absorbs another drop of Mu Liang's blood, her strength will definitely skyrocket.

"I am very curious now. After the Star Tree has evolved into the Tree of Life, will the fruit be called the Star Fruit or the Life Fruit?" Sibeqi muttered, tilting his head.

Yue Feiyan waved her hand, grinning: "It's just a name, Mu Liang will decide."

"What would it smell like?" Sibeqi swallowed, her golden eyes gleaming because of her saliva.

"Let's pick one and try it?" Yue Feiyan turned to look towards the inner city, vaguely seeing the shadow of the tree of life.

"Don't, this has to be approved by Mu Liang." Xibeiqi quickly waved her hand and refused.

"Mu Liang won't say anything." Yue Feiyan muttered.

Xibeiqi said with a stern face and earnestly: "Although Mu Liang can't say anything, we have to rely on our own awareness, otherwise what should everyone follow?"

"Good, good, you make sense." Yue Feiyan showed her silver teeth, and was persuaded by the vampire girl.

Sibeqi yawned again, her eyes wide open and she looked towards the inner city.

"What do you think?" Yue Feiyan stretched out his hand and waved in front of the vampire girl.

"I'm thinking, will Mu Liang still give me blood?" Xibeiqi's eyes were long.

"It should be, Mu Liang is so good."

Yue Feiyan leaped slightly, sat on the wall, and continued: "You are Mu Liang's subordinate. Of course, the stronger the better.

"It makes sense, then I will go to Mu Liang now." Xibeiqi's golden eyes shined.

There was a warm current in her body, flowing towards the limbs, and there was a sense of emptiness in her heart.

"Go now?" Yue Feiyan said in astonishment.

"Hee, just now, the blood in my body has been absorbed." Sibeqi laughed.

She is now a seventh-tier intermediate master, and she takes Mu Liang's blood and waits for it to be absorbed again.

"So fast!!" Yue Feiyan stared with red eyes.

"Yes." Hibeck smiled playfully.

She leaped, her golden eyes turned blood, and the wings behind her stretched out.

She turned back and shouted: "Feiyan, today's training of the Air Force is left to you.

"Really, you go now." Yue Feiyan cursed.

The vampire girl flapped her wings and flew towards the inner city.

Seven or eight minutes later, Sibeqi approached the inner city and fell towards the huge tree of life.

She folded her wings and dived into the canopy of the tree, feeling a strong breath of life.

Hibbeck looked sideways and saw the fire feather eagle lying on the huge branch, sleeping soundly.

"No wonder I like to stay here," she said suddenly.

The breath that the tree of life emits makes all the creatures who are near feel very comfortable. If you live on the tree of life for a long time, it will be of great benefit to your body.

For example, if the injured person lives on the tree of life for a few days, the wound will heal faster.

Sibeqi continued to fall until she left the canopy, and then fell along the trunk towards the Liuli Palace.

Soon after, the vampire girl fell in front of the Liuli Palace, happily ran into the palace and walked to the study.

"Miss Xibeiqi, did you come to see Master Mu Liang?" Outside the study, Wei Youlan greeted the vampire girl.

Sibeqi nodded, and said in a small voice, "Is Mr. Mu Liang busy?"

"Master Mu Liang is still taking a lunch break. If there is no emergency, you can wait and come again." Wei Youlan said crisply.

"Then I will go outside and wait, and call me after Master Mu Liang wakes up." Xibeiqi said with regret.

"Okay." Wei Youlan nodded obediently.

The vampire girl turned around and was about to leave.

"Come in." Mu Liang's clear voice came out.

"Master Mu Liang is awake!" Xibeiqi's beautiful eyes lit up.


The study door was pushed open, and the fox fairy straightened his hair and walked out gracefully.

"Sister Fox Fairy." Xibeqi blinked her golden eyes. Fox Fairy and Mrs. Mu Liang took a nap together??

"You are here at the right time." The fox immortal flicked the vampire girl's forehead, then twisted and left step by step.

"Did I get into trouble?" Sibeqi looked at the little maid with anguish.

"It's okay, Miss, go in." Wei Youlan held back a smile, turned around and gently opened the study door.

The vampire girl took a deep breath and walked into the study in a sense of anxiety.

"What's the matter?" Behind the desk, Mu Liang leaned against the dragon chair, black eyes lazily looking at the vampire girl.

"Mu, Lord Mu Liang, I" Xibeqi hesitated, not daring to express his appeal for a while?


"Is there something wrong with the air force training?" Mu Liang frowned.

Sibeqi shook her head quickly and said, "No, everything is fine for the Air Force."

"What's that?

Mu Liang tapped his finger on the desktop and asked calmly, "Private or official?,

"That's a private matter." Sibeqi lowered her head further, feeling very embarrassed.

"Private matter? Do you want my blood?" Mu Liang thought about it in his mind and guessed it.

Xibeiqi raised her head violently, and said in amazement, "Huh? How did Master Mu Liang know?"

"My guess.

Mu Liang smiled lightly and asked, "You have completely absorbed that drop of blood last time?"

"Yeah, it's all absorbed." Sibeqi nodded.

"That's pretty fast." Mu Liang smiled.

He stretched out his hand, a drop of bright red blood condensed from his fingertips, and a few traces of gold could be seen vaguely.

Sibeqi became energetic, her breathing became rapid, and she was desperately eager for the blood at Mu Liang's fingertips.

"Open your mouth." Mu Liang flicked his finger, and the blood beads from his fingertips flew up and floated towards the vampire girl.

Sibeqi opened her lips in excitement, showing her cute little tiger teeth.

The blood accurately fell into the mouth of the vampire girl, turning into a stream of heat and dissipating throughout the body.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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