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"Haiting Kingdom?"

Mia narrowed her crimson eyes, guessing the true identity of the purple-haired girl in front of her.

Bai Shuang's eyes were erratic, and she no longer asked the question of ghost tide.

On the parade stage, Mu Liang finished his speech.


The melodious bell rang, and after nine tones, the square in front of the Great Hall became quiet.

"Now, the military parade begins." Mu Liang waved his hand with a serious face.


In the center of the square, the huge Black Tortoise drum was rang, and the penetrating drum sounded throughout the inner city.

"This voice is a high-level magic tool!!" Hoarfrost was shocked.

Her heartbeat was affected by the drum sound, and the beating frequency was consistent with the drum sound.

To have such a big impact, at least high-level magic equipment is required.

Ta Ta Ta

With the sound of the drums, the city defense troops stepped forward and lined up neatly into the square.

They all held weapons in their hands. The first team was soldiers armed with long guns, wearing uniform armor and rubber boots on their feet.

The soldiers have the same steps, and even the interval between their steps is almost the same.

When the first group of soldiers entered the field, the surrounding city residents subconsciously held their breath and were deeply attracted.

"This is the real man. I have decided to make my son a city defense army in the future."

"When the military parade is over, I will sign up to join the army."

Ta Ta Ta

The second team of soldiers entered the arena, dressed in the same manner, with the same posture, except that they were holding a military crossbow in their hands and a 463 quiver hanging on their waist.

The third team of soldiers entered the arena. This time they were wearing blue devil crab armor, and their weapons were bone knives. They were melee soldiers.


Hoarfrost's eyes were awe-inspiring. The soldiers on the square were much better than the guards of the Haiding Kingdom.

Just like the difference between genuine and miscellaneous.

The purple-haired girl couldn't help but compare the guards and knights of Haiting Kingdom, and found that there was no comparison at all.

In her impression, the guards and knights of the palace are in messy training on weekdays, and there is nothing neat and orderly.

"If the guards compete with them, they will lose miserably." Bai Shuang bit his lower lip, like a boulder in his heart.

You know, the guards of the palace don't have all the magic equipment. Compared with the city defense forces in front of them, they have lost too much.

The palace guards are not even in line with the simplest team. What can be compared?


The citizens were amazed, and for the first time intuitively felt the power of Black Tortoise.

Ta Ta Ta..

The sound of dull footsteps drew the attention of many city residents.

"Look, the city defense army is riding a fierce beast!!"

Baishuang quickly turned his head to look, and the cavalry came into the square riding on the worker ants.

Walking in the forefront are light cavalry with spears and light bucklers.

Then came the heavy cavalry, and the worker ants under the cavalry carried a military crossbow and a thick shield.

"Knight!" Baishuang's face was shocked. It turned out that there were knights in Black Tortoise.

Her purple-golden eyes were shining, and the knights in front of her were very powerful (cdcb), showing a courageous momentum.

"Much stronger than the Knights of the Kingdom"

Bai Shuang swallowed saliva. The Knights’ mounts were all ordinary Magical Beasts, but the worker ants in front of them were actually Tier 4 and Tier 5.

"My God, it turns out that our Black Tortoise city is so strong.

"It's a pity for me not to become a city defense army."

The appearance of the cavalry once again amazed and cheered the city dwellers.

In the viewing seat, Haidie and Dragon Lord were sitting together. The two of them looked solemn at this time and were shocked by the cavalry.

"It's really unexpected." The dragon lord leaned back.

The shock on his face has not disappeared since the military parade.

At this time, the mind of the dragon master is complicated.How did Black Tortoise cultivate such a powerful team, and how did it domesticate so many beasts for its own use?

Could it be that there are special awakeners who have domesticated fierce beasts?

"Black Tortoise city is far stronger than imagined." Haidie Media's eyes flickered.

She moved in her heart and remembered what she had discussed with Fox Fairy and Yue Qin Lan Ye a few days ago.


At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the air, and Yue Feiyan and Sibeqi entered the arena with the air force.

Hundreds of worker bees were divided into ten groups and flew forward in a herringbone formation.

Air force soldiers sat on each worker bee, carrying their parachutes, and saluting Mu Liang on the parade stand.

"Hello, Lord of the City!!" the air force shouted respectfully.

"Thank you." Mu Liang's majestic voice sounded.

"This is our mission." The Air Force soldier responded neatly.

The air force circled twice over the square and the city hall before turning around and leaving.

"Flight Knight? Isn't this too much?" Hoarfrost powder opened her lips wide, shocked.

You know, there are only a few flying knights in Haiting Kingdom.

Flying knights are few and far between, and the most well-known ones known by the major kingdoms belong to the dragon knights.

Hoarfrost exclaimed: "I didn't expect to see so many flying knights in this place.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

At this time, a roar resounding through the clouds sounded.

"At least Wang-rank Magical Beasts!!" Bai Shuang's body trembled, and his face became pale.

Such a terrifying sound must be above the ninth rank, and even the king-rank Magical Beasts can make it.

In the New World, Magical Beasts, like magicians and knights, are divided into Tier 1 to Tier 9, and then there are rare King Tier and Saint Tier...

The strength of King-tier Magical Beasts is not much different from that of Tier 10 fierce beasts, while Saint-tier is similar to Tier 11 fierce beasts.

"Calm down, this is the little Black Tortoise calling." Mia said coldly.

In the newspapers released yesterday and today, it was mentioned that the rock tortoise would roar during the military parade, which means that the holy beasts of Black Tortoise are about to appear.

"Little Black Tortoise?" Hoarfrost looked at Catwoman blankly.

Mia ignored her puzzled eyes and returned her attention to the square.

Ou Minyan~~~

A huge shadow shrouded, and the fire feather eagle flew over everyone's heads, and the squally wind brought up by the flapping of its wings made the citizens of the city squat.

After the fire feather eagle, it was the same huge magma dragon.

After the magma dragon, nine-color lizards, ghost spiders, thunder spirit beasts, and moon wolf kings appeared one after another.

The fierce beasts circled the square, and after saluting Mu Liang respectfully, they turned and left quickly.

They showed up in groups just to let the city dwellers understand that Black Tortoise can withstand the wave of virtual ghosts.

"It turns out that we have so many moats in Black Tortoise!!"

"I can't breathe anymore, I'm so excited.

The city people cheered with excitement, but Haidie, Baishuang and others were already shocked and speechless.

"These are ninth-tier Magical Beasts and Wang-tier Magical Beasts!!" Hoarfrost trembled.

The pupils in her eyes shrank fiercely. After living for so long, it was the first time she saw so many high rank Magical Beasts appear together.

Bai Shuang raised her hand and pressed it on the guardrail in front of her. She didn't believe that the Magical Beasts in front of her were all of Black Tortoise. There must be more powerful background, otherwise it would not be so easily revealed.

Just like the Kingdom of Hai Ting, there are also unknown backgrounds, but if compared with the city of Black Tortoise, it is still incomparable.

The purple-haired girl couldn't help thinking, if these Magical Beasts attacked the Kingdom of Haiting, can the kingdom's knights and magicians resist?

The answer is no, just the King-tier Magical Beasts can destroy the Knights.

With sweaty palms, Baishuang decided to secretly not let his father know about the city of Black Tortoise, otherwise it would bring disaster to the Kingdom of Hai Ting.

"Never provoke Black Tortoise City." Her eyes became firm.

In the audience, Haidie's heart could not be calm for a long time.

The appearance of these fierce beasts could easily destroy Haidie Island, which made her a little scared and helpless.

At the same time, she also understands that Black Tortoise is easy to destroy Haidie Island, and there is no need to play a conspiracy with her.

Hai Die no longer struggled in her heart, and had made a decision.

She raised her head and looked at the parade not far away, and found that the fox fairy was also looking at her.

"It works." The corner of Fox Fairy's lips raised.

"Then it's not in vain." Mu Liang smiled gently.

"In two days, Little Black Tortoise will reach the depths of the salt water area."

The fox said firmly: "Before that, she will make up her mind to come to you."

According to the estimated time, the rock tortoise will arrive in the sea area closest to the Soaring Dragon Valley in two days, when the dragon master and the sea butterfly and others will leave.

Mu Liang smiled and turned to face the citizens.

He said loudly: "The military parade is over!!"


The drum of war was beaten again, and the city defense forces left one after another.

The city residents gathered near the square also left, and the military parade will become a topic they will often talk about in the next few days.

"Let's go, follow me to see Mu Liang." Amid the crowd, Mia stared at the purple-haired girl.

Bai Shuang took a deep breath and motioned: "You lead the way.

The two left the square and walked towards the high ground.

When the drums stopped, the city of Black Tortoise was calm again.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. .

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