Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 975 The formula of the invisibility potion. (1 more)

Mu Liang stared at Hoarfrost and said calmly: "Your Excellency, if I remember correctly, I already answered this question a few days ago."

"I suspect you lied." Hoarshuang frowned.

Mu Liang raised his brows and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I am not obligated to answer these questions."

"You" Bai Shuang was speechless, her momentum suddenly weakened.

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered, and she said gracefully: "Go to the palace and sit down and chat. I'll call Yao'er."

Mu Liang remained silent, turned and walked into the palace.

Hoarfrost hesitated and chose to follow.

Yue Qinlan nuzzled his chin and motioned: "Xiao Lan, go and call Yao'er."

"Okay." Wei Youlan answered obediently.

Yue Qinlan looked sideways at the foxtail woman, and asked in surprise, "Fox fairy, does Mu Liang know her?"

"I don't know each other, but I met once in the salt water area when I went hunting last time." Fox Fairy smiled.

Yue Qinlan tugged at the corner of her mouth, and met once, why did she come to the door?

"If you're worried, let's go and listen." The Fox Fairy reached out and poked the elegant woman's face.

Yue Qinlan's pretty face blushed, and said strangely: 23 "Worry? Impossible."

"That's it~~~"

Fox Xianmei turned her red eyes and said in a wintry voice: "Then you stay here, I'm going to listen.,

She twisted step by step into the palace and walked to the study.

"Wait for me." Yue Qinlan pursed her red lips, quickened her pace and followed up.

"Gluck~~~"" The fox fairy who was walking in front laughed out loud.

"Laughing?" Yue Qinlan's pretty face flushed.

"It's okay, let's go." The fox stopped his smile, and his steps became more and more graceful.

When the two entered the study, Mu Liang and the purple-haired girl were already sitting opposite each other, separated by a desk.

The study has been re-arranged by Mino, mainly used for office and reception. It is also the office space of Yueqinlan, Foxx and others in the palace.

Ta Ta Ta

There were hurried footsteps, and the study door was knocked.

Knock knock~~~

"Master Mu Liang." Yao Er's well-behaved voice sounded.

"Come in." Mu Liang said casually.

The little maid opened the door and walked into the study, standing silently behind Mu Liang.

"...Hai Shuang's eyes trembled, looking at the people on the opposite side, she suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure.

"Sit down," Mu Liang said warmly.

Fox fairy and Yue Qinlan smiled at each other, and Shi Shiran sat down, still causing a lot of oppression to the purple-haired girl.

"The information of Lord Mu Liang, Misty Sea and Haiting Kingdom is really important to me.

Bai Shuang bit her lower lip and bent over and said, "Xuan, please tell me."

"About the Misty Sea and Haiting Kingdom, I really don't know where they are."

Mu Liang crossed his hands and ten fingers in front of him, looking calmly at the stubborn purple-haired girl.

"" Bai Shuang's face changed, and he couldn't figure out whether the other party's words were true or false.

She asked sincerely: "Sir, can you tell me, what is the closest kingdom to Black Tortoise?"

The fox fairy asked in surprise, "What is the kingdom in your mouth?"

"You don't even know the kingdom?" Hoarfrost's purple-gold pupils shrank slightly.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and the kingdom that the purple-haired girl said was the same as the kingdom she knew from her previous life?

He quietly asked, "Leave the kingdom aside, I'm curious, how did you get in the inner city?"

"This" Bai Shuang's eyes dodged, thinking what kind of rhetoric would be better.

Mu Liang held his face sideways with one hand, and said lightly: "Black Tortoise City, only the commercial area is open to the outside world, and the outer city and inner city are both non-entry areas."

Yue Qinlan said word by word: "For private intrusion into the inner city, according to the laws and regulations of the Black Tortoise city, imprisonment, fines, reform through labor and other punishments will be imposed."

"What!?" Bai Shuang's beautiful purple-gold eyes widened and was startled.

"This is true." The corner of Fox Fairy's lips rose.

She turned around, took out the Black Tortoise City Laws and Regulations book from the shelf, and turned to the law and regulation that the elegant woman was talking about.

Baishuang looked down for a long time before he was sure that the book actually stated those regulations that the elegant woman said.

"I, I don't know... she said nonchalantly,

Baishuang hates you for finding a hole in the hole, the princess of the dignified Haiting Kingdom, even if she sneaked in secretly, she was caught and criticized face to face.

Mu Liang asked again: "So, how did you get in?'

"I took the invisibility potion and then came over the wall," Bai Shuang said embarrassingly.

Mu Liang's eyes condensed, and he was surprised: "Invisibility potion?"

"Yes." Hoarfrost nodded.

Mu Liang sat upright and asked curiously: "Can people become invisible after taking it?"


Bai Shuang hurriedly said, "I don't have any invisibility potions anymore. I had eaten them when I came in."

The little maid kept silent, indicating that the other party did not lie.

"There is this secret medicine?" Fox Fairy and Yue Qinlan looked at each other, both surprised.

"No wonder it wasn't discovered. This is a problem." Mu Liang lowered his eyes, considering that the fog flower would cover the walls of Urn City with dreamy fog.

The fox fairy crossed his legs and said lightly: "What should I do now, the crime of hacking into Black Tortoise.

"I can give you Magical Beasts spar!!" Hoarshuang hurriedly said.

"Magical Beasts spar?" Yue Qinlan frowned slightly.

"Here." Hoarfrost took out a handful of Magical Beasts spar from his arms.

Yue Qinlan looked at the Magical Beasts spar in the hands of the purple-haired girl.Isn't this the beast spar?

"This is far from enough."

Seeing that Mu Liang didn't speak, the Fox Fairy had to continue saying: "If you break into Black Tortoise City and don't handle it well, you will be sentenced to five years in jail."

"That's not enough??" Hoarfrost powder opened her lips wide.

"463 If ​​there is a way to make the invisibility potion, I can save you from your sin." Mu Liang said suddenly.

"How to make a stealth potion!!" The pupils of Bai Shuang Mei's eyes shrank.

"Yes." Mu Liang looked at the purple-haired girl for a while.

Hoarfrost hesitated, shook his head pretendingly, "I don't know

"Master Mu Liang." Yao Er said suddenly.

"Don't lie to me." Mu Liang had Wei Mi with both eyes.

Baishuang's eyes dodged and insisted: "I didn't lie.

Yao Er said again: "Master Mu Liang.

Mu Liang reached out and rubbed the head of the little maid, and said indifferently: "Don't be clever, Yao Er can see through lies."

"What?" Hoarfrost exclaimed.

The fox fairy said with a light tone: "You choose, you will be imprisoned for five years, and the method of making the invisibility potion is the same."

Bai Shuang's eyes flickered, weighing the pros and cons in her heart. It was impossible to be imprisoned for five years. She still wanted to go back to Haiting Kingdom before the blood moon completely descended.

She finally sighed and said truthfully: "I only know that there are three main medicines for the formula of the invisibility potion. I really don't know the production method and the auxiliary materials. It is too complicated.

You know, eight main medicines are needed to refine the invisibility potion, and there are as many as 32 auxiliary materials.

o o o o o o

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. .

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