(2 more)

The dragon lord's eyes flashed, and he looked at Haidie in doubt.What did Mu Liang ask her to consider?

Haidie took a deep breath, looked at Mu Liang deeply, and asked with a serious face: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, if Haidie Island moves into Black Tortoise City, you can't force the residents of the island to do things you don't want to do!"

Dragon Lord's pupils dilated, and his heart was shocked.Haidie Island is going to join Black Tortoise City?

"Of course, as long as they don't violate the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise, they are free." Mu Liang nodded.

"You can guarantee?" Haidie still had doubts in her eyes.

"Your Excellency seems to be mistaken. We didn't ask you to come. You can refuse."

Fox Fairy Mei's red eyes flashed through the chill, and she said coldly: "Black Tortoise has no Haidie Island, and it can still operate normally."

"Your Excellency, our city lord's guarantee is not given casually." Yue Qinlan said leisurely.

"I didn't mean that." A panic flashed in Haidie's eyes.

She already had a decision in her heart, that is to join Black Tortoise City, just want to get a guarantee from Mu Liang.

Mu Liang raised his hand and pressed the hands of the foxtail woman and the elegant woman, and said calmly: "Your worries, I understand, it is still the same sentence, as long as it does not violate the laws and regulations of the Black Tortoise city, and you are not lazy, your subordinates and people It will be very comfortable."

Hai Die sighed inwardly and decided at the same time.

She stood up, saluted Mu Liang respectfully, and said sincerely: "Okay, on behalf of Haidie Island 497, I agreed to join Black Tortoise City.

After all, Life in Black Tortoise is so good. The days when Haidie lives in the city are the happiest days in her history. There is no need to worry about water, food, and safety.

"Black Tortoise City welcomes you." Mu Liang's lips raised.

"Give you a meeting gift.

He raised his hand and waved, a large wooden box appeared in front of him and floated in front of Haidie.

Hai Die reached out and took it, and his hand sank unpreparedly by the wooden box.

Life source tea?

Haidie’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she quickly opened the wooden box to check the contents.

There is indeed a box of life source tea in the wooden box.

Mu Liang said calmly: "When Haidie Island officially moves into Black Tortoise City, you will get a catty of life source tea every month from now on.

"There is life source tea every month?" Haidie looked at Mu Liang with wide eyes.

"Yes." Mu Liang answered casually.

Long advocated opening his mouth, his eyes were full of envy, but he was puzzled, why did Sea Butterfly Island agree to join Black Tortoise City?

"I understand." Haidie slowly sat down and suddenly felt that joining Black Tortoise was the wisest choice.

The Dragon Lord thought for a while, and asked, "Your Excellency Haidie, since you (cdcb) chose to join Black Tortoise City, will you leave with you tomorrow?"

Haidie blinked her beautiful eyes, and turned her head to look at Mu Liang.

"Black Tortoise City will go to Sea Butterfly Island." Mu Liang said clearly.

At the speed of a rock turtle, it only takes three days to get to Haidie Island.

"I understand." The dragon master nodded slowly.

Since Black Tortoise is going to Haidie Island, Haidie will naturally follow, so there is no need for Soaring Dragon to send people from Haidie Island back.

The dragon lord asked hoarsely: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, do you have the armor and weapons I want?"

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "It's ready. When the dinner is over, I will take your Excellency to the acceptance."

"That's good." Dragon Lord lowered his eyes.

After more than half an hour, the dinner was over.

"Thank you for the hospitality." The dragon master stood up and raised his hand to greet Mu Liang cupped hands.

Mu Liang said gently: "I hope I can see you again when the ghost tide is over."

The dragon lord twitched the corner of his mouth and said hoarsely: "Yes."

He turned around and followed the elegant woman, leaving only Haidie and Foxx in the banquet hall.

Haidie asked curiously: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, is the life source tea effective?"

"The leaves of the eleventh-order holy tree, what do you think?" Mu Liang smiled.

"It turned out to be an eleventh-order sea butterfly with a huge shock of heart, and suddenly stood up.

Increasing the upper limit of life represents the vitality and life span of the Ascension person.

You know, there is no secret medicine that can increase lifespan today, and no matter how strong people are, they cannot escape the consequences of old age and death.

Even if you are a Tier 10 master, when your body is old, you will die.

Except for special awakeners like Augsgar, there are few ways to increase lifespan.

"Calm." Fox Fairy said with a smile.

"" Hai Die pursed her red lips, how can this be calm?

Mu Liang smiled and said: "Brew and drink every day. It is estimated that in less than a year, your strength will be promoted.

"Thank you." Haidie's beautiful eyes gleamed.

She stood up and said warmly: "If there is nothing else, I will go back first.

"Go." Mu Liang looked down.

Haidie took a deep look at Mu Liang, then turned and left the banquet hall.

After she left, Mu Liang and Fox Fairy also got up and left, flying to the palace on the tree of life.

The fox fairy held Mu Liang's hand, and asked in a charming voice, "Mu Liang, where will the people from Haidie Island be arranged?"

"Settle in the outer city." Mu Liang said clearly.

Fairy Fox blinked her red eyes and asked softly, "Near Yutai Town?"

"No, I will build a few acropolises, and then settle the people from Haidie Island." Mu Liang briefly said about the follow-up plans and arrangements.

"Weicheng?" The fox shook his fox's ears suspiciously.

"At that time, we will build a few more small cities around the inner city, and those who join Black Tortoise in the future will live in the Acropolis." Mu Liang explained.

"What's the use of doing this?" The Fox Fairy asked puzzledly.

"The spread of the population facilitates the overall planning and development of Black Tortoise." Mu Liang explained casually.

Building several acropolises to form new urban settlements is conducive to the development of the surrounding land, so that the Black Tortoise city can be developed as a whole.

The city of Black Tortoise is too big now, it is convenient to divide it into several parts to manage.

"Okay." The fox fairy nodded as if he didn't understand.

"Tomorrow I will start to transform the outer city and build the acropolis." Mu Liang said softly.

"It should be very busy from now on." The fox fairy followed Mu Liang into the study, leaning his head lightly on Mu Liang's shoulder.

"Yes!" Mu Liang sighed lightly.

Before the imaginary ghost tide erupts, he wants to improve the overall strength of Black Tortoise City as much as possible, and also goes to sea to hunt sea beasts, and continue to accumulate evolution points.

Only by raising the strength of domesticated beasts, ascension, can Black Tortoise have a deep foundation. Facing the many kingdoms in the new continent, can they have the confidence to propose a deal.

All of this is for earning fierce beast spar.

Mu Liang remembered the rock tortoise, if it continues to evolve, it needs 100 billion evolution points.

This amount made him feel big, and within a few years, it would be difficult to accumulate it.

"What do you want?" The Fox Fairy reached out and poked Mu Liang in the face.

"Nothing." Mu Liang stretched his hand around the foxtail woman's waist, picked up her princess, and walked into the lounge.

"I only came last night. Do you want it again tonight?" The Fox Fairy blushed and exclaimed.

o o o oo O o

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization.

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