Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 988 There are not so many coincidences.

(2 more)

Mu Liang looked at the purple-haired girl, his eyes flickered, and calmly said, "Not yet."

"No news at all?" Bai Shuang drooped his head.

Yueqinlan's slender legs overlapped and said gracefully: "Your Excellency Baishuang, we have already sent someone to check, please be patient."

"Okay" Bai Shuang sighed, focusing on Yue~Qinlan.

She stared at Yue Qinlan's face without blinking, her purple-golden eyes widened.

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinlan subconsciously reached out and touched her cheek. There is nothing dirty, right?

Mu Liang lifted his mouth, jokingly: "Maybe you are pretty."

Yue Qin Lan Qiao's face turned red, and Mu Liang turned white secretly.

"I always feel that you have a sense of familiarity," Bai Shuang muttered.

"Think I'm familiar?"" Yue Qinlan was stunned.

Hoarfrost stretched out her hand and gestured, blocking the lower half of his face and said, "Can you block the lower half of your face?"

Yue Qinlan frowned her pretty brows and pulled up her sleeves to block the lower half of her face.

Bai Shuang was stunned, and then exclaimed: "It's so alike, exactly like the great magician in the palace.

"It's exactly the same?!" Yue Qin Lan Teng stood up with a cry.

Hoarfrost was startled and took two steps back subconsciously.

"Quickly tell me, who is the great magician in your palace?" Yue Qinlan asked.

In this world, she can look exactly the same, only twin Big sis.

"It's the great magician." Bai Shuang shrank his neck and took two steps back.

"Don't get excited, sit down first." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and sat down with the elegant woman.

He patted her back lightly, and said soothingly: "I know what you are thinking, ask clearly before drawing conclusions."

Mu Liang knew that the elegant woman suspected that the great magician of Hai Ting Kingdom was Yue Qinyi who had lost contact for many years.

Yue Qinlan let out a long breath and slowly relaxed.

She looked at the purple-haired girl and asked angrily: "When did the great magician of your palace take up the post?"

"This, I think about it"

Bai Shuang put her hand under her 1 bar, recalled for a while, and said uncertainly: "It should be two and a half years ago, I don't remember clearly.

Yueqinlan's breathing speeded up a bit when he heard that Big sis entered the depths of the salt water area three years ago, and the time is not much different.

She suppressed her excitement and continued to ask: "What's the name of the great magician?"

"It's called Yueyi." Bai Shuang responded.

"Yueyi?" Yue Qinlan opened her red lips and looked lonely.

Mu Liang jumped around the corner of his eyes, raised his hand and knocked the elegant woman on the head without angrily.

He couldn't help laughing: "Silly, this is the fake name she used to cover her identity."

"Eh, Yueyi, Yueqinyi!" Yueqin's blue eyes lit up, and he felt that what Mu Liang said made sense.

She was astonished: "So, Big sis went to the New World?!

"It is very possible, and it is not ruled out that it is just a coincidence." Mu Liang calmly said.

Yue Qinlan shook his head, and said firmly: "No, there are not so many coincidences."

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and rubbed the next bar, and said in doubt, "That's true, it's just how did your Big sis get to the New World?"

"I don't know either." Yue Qinlan sighed lightly.

Bai Shuang blinked her purple and golden eyes, what are they whispering?

Mu Liang looked at the purple-haired girl and asked in a warm voice, "What kind of magic can the big magic do?"

"She knows water magic and is very powerful." Baishuang Eye Dew worshipped.

The great magician is an eighth-order magician, and his strength is ranked in the Hai Ting Kingdom.

Yue Qinlan and Mu Liang looked at each other, and they were even more sure that Yue Yi was Big sis Yue Qin Yi.

"Do you know the Great Mage?" Bai Shuang asked in surprise.

Mu Liang pressed Yue Qinlan's hand and shook his head, "I just think the name is familiar."

The elegant woman endured it, but her heart had already flown over the salt water area, thinking how Big sis is now.

"Okay," Bai Shuang whispered.

"You go back first, and I will tell you when there is news about Haiting Kingdom and Misty Sea." Mu Liang said gently.

"Yeah." Baishuangtao pulled his head, turned and left the study in a loss.


The door was closed, and the sound of footsteps went away.

"Mu Liang, don't you tell her?" Yue Qinlan asked in surprise.

She was referring to the deepest part of the salt water area, which was probably the news of the Misty Sea.

"Don't worry, wait until Baize Lion finds other news." Mu Liang said calmly.

"But having said that, the Sea of ​​Misty has been found, where will the Kingdom of Hai Ting be?" Yue Qinlan's slender hand pressed on the back of Mu Liang's hand.

Mu Liang's eyes flashed, and he warmly said, "I guess the New World and Haiting Kingdom are probably on the other side of the sea of ​​mist.

"It should be, otherwise we should have known the intelligence of those kingdoms." Yue Qinlan nodded in agreement.

...For flowers...

She pursed her red lips, thinking about Big sis in her heart.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and gently lifted the elegant woman's chin, and said warmly, "When the ghost tide is over, I will take you to the New World."

Yue Qinlan hesitated and said softly, "Will this delay the development behind Black Tortoise?"

"Don't worry, when the ghost tide is over, Black Tortoise will also go to the New World.

Mu Liang flicked the elegant woman's forehead with his fingers and smiled: "The New World has a large population, which is more conducive to the development of Black Tortoise and can earn more spars."

"It's just that there is no shortage of water or green plants on the New World. What are we going to do with those kingdoms?" Yue Qinlan asked crisply.

From the mouth of the purple-haired girl, I learned that the New World has water and green plants, and the air quality should be better.


Mu Liang chuckled: "There are many things that can be traded, such as cloth, canned food, alcohol and the like."

Black Tortoise not only has water and green plants, but also many other things. Don’t worry if there is nothing you can trade to earn spar.

"If this is the case, the price of drinks and the like can be raised a little bit." Yueqin's blue eyes glowed with blue water, and he picked up the notepad and wrote.

"Before going to the New World, we need to build a few more transport spacecraft." Mu Liang thought.

He doesn't want to give up the market here, so he needs a transport spacecraft to transport goods, and the three major transit bases require several transport spacecraft to use.

When it comes to the New World, it is also necessary to transport the spacecraft to the major kingdoms to discuss trade matters.

If you use a transport spacecraft to make noodles, those merchants in the kingdom should be polite, right?

Yue Qinlan flipped through the notepad and said: "When the outsourced parts are shipped back from Jinyuan City, Shacheng, and Fancheng, the construction speed of the transport spacecraft will be much faster."

"After counting the time, they haven't returned to their respective cities.

Mu Liang leaned back and said calmly: "After they give the order to collect the beast materials, then start processing the beast spar, and finally transport it back. This will take several months."

"In order to save manpower, there is no way." Yue Qinlan shrugged.

She said gracefully: "This is much faster than we do it ourselves.

"Well, let's do that first." Mu Liang yawned.

"You can sleep well." Yue Qinlan said softly.

She stood up, stepped lightly and left the study.

ps: [2 more] Please customize. So,

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