Trainer: I Build My Home on the Back of Xuanwu

Trainer: I build a home on the back of Xuanwu Chapter 124

Yuffie sighed: "People above Tier 4 are immune."

She always felt that this dizziness secret medicine was too bad, and it was effective for people below the fourth rank, which was completely useless.

After all, for people below the fourth rank, she can solve the opponent with one move, and what kind of stun medicine is needed.

"Can it be made into an aerosol style?" Mu Liang thought of Earth's smoke bombs.

"This is a bit difficult, but I can give it a try." Yuffie's golden eyes lit up, thinking it was a challenge.

"By the way, how is the production of the second-order strengthening secret medicine?" Mu Liang remembered the new progress of the strengthening secret medicine that he had not paid attention to for a long time.

"It's already made."

Yuffie chewed the meat and said vaguely, "Didn't I tell you?"


Mu Liang twitched the corners of his eyes and said angrily, "You didn't inform me at all."

"Really not?" Yuffie turned to look at the pink-haired girl blankly.

"Probably not." Elina turned her head weakly.

She knew that the second-order strengthening secret medicine was successfully made, but she didn't notify Mu Liang that too late that day, but she forgot when she woke up the next day.

"You two... you're really confused." Li Yue couldn't help wiping her forehead.

"Make a little more second-order strengthening secret medicine, which will be used in the future." Mu Liang planned to use it for future military expansion.

"Understood." Yuffie nodded earnestly and wrote it down.

"The three of you share this dizzying secret medicine."

Mu Liang looked at the three daughters of Liyue, Elina, and Mino, and said solemnly, "Teach them a lesson tonight, I want them to know what special operations are."

He occasionally took the time to teach the girls about special operations at night, and even practiced once or twice in the palace, and the results were okay.

Mainly because Alina and Liyue have practical experience and absorb new knowledge very quickly.

That's why Mino and Wei Youlan are still newcomers.

"Understood." The three women responded in unison.

"The fried pork is here." Wei Youlan came up with the fried pork.

Mu Liang looked at the little maid and said, "And Xiao Lan, you will come with me tonight."

Battle maids also need combat experience.

"Yes." Wei Youlan responded subconsciously.

After answering, she was a little confused and didn't know what to do at all.

"Can I go?" Yue Feiyan raised her small hand.

She also wanted to go to actual combat, dealing with those affairs all day, and she wanted to beat people to vent her depression.

"Of course, if the mission fails, then you will be punished." Mu Liang said with a smile.

"What punishment?" Yue Feiyan asked in surprise.

"It's a secret for now, you won't want to know." Mu Liang's mouth curled slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

"I will never fail." Yue Feiyan felt a sense of "maliciousness" and suddenly shivered.

"For safety, you are not allowed to use flames." Yue Qin Lan added with a black belly.

"Ah?" Yue Feiyan was dumbfounded.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [2/4] The third update of the positive code. .

Chapter 145

At night, cool breeze.

Liyue and Elina took the lead.

Minuo, Wei Youlan and Yue Feiyan were behind.

The five women, all wearing special military uniforms, came under the city wall of Weng City.

They took the city defense army to practice their hands tonight, which can be regarded as a blow to the city defense army and let them be vigilant.

Liyue pointed to Elina and gestured to the three of them: We will go first, you will go later.

Mu Liang has taught five people simple gestures, such as the number of representatives, direction, and stop and other gestures.

Minoby made an 'OK' gesture.

The rabbit-eared girl has become familiar with everyone these days, and has officially passed the period of timidity.

Liyue and Elina looked at each other and flexibly climbed up the city wall.

With the strength of the fourth-order two people, it is not difficult to climb up the city wall.

The two girls hung on the city wall, listening to the conversations of the patrol officers.

"Every night is the hardest, it's too cold."

"Yeah, I think Xuanwu City is too high, it was never so cold in the Moon Lake Department before."

"Xuanwu City is so high, no one should dare to come up, let's go back to the house."

"No, you have to go back after patrolling, otherwise the captain of the guard will deduct our contribution value."


Liyue and Elina listened to the complaints from the people above, and nodded in agreement with each other.

The two girls suddenly exerted force on their hands, and their bodies fell to the ground like a cat.

They took out a piece of cloth from their pockets, then took out a small pottery bottle, pulled out the cork to reveal a little gap, and then shook the bottle with the cloth piece.

Li Yue held her breath, took the cloth dipped in the stun medicine, and touched her toes silently behind the patrol.

She looked at Elina, who came behind another patrol member at the same time.

The two girls nodded at the same time, and kicked the patrol member's back leg when the patrol member suddenly bent over.

They covered each other's mouth with a piece of cloth in their hands to prevent sound, and added a hand knife to knock them out.

"I'm going to sleep until dawn." Li Yue said coldly.

She took out a bottle of ink from her pocket, took out a brush, dipped it in ink, and drew on the patrolman's face and throat.

"Done." Alina did the same.

So using the dizziness secret medicine is to let these people sleep until dawn, and let everyone wake up at the same time.

The two took out the rope from their backpacks, threw them down the city wall, and pulled up the three women below.

"Now, our target is the people of the first army in Shanhaiguan."

Liyue pointed to the city tower opposite Wengcheng, and arranged: "The two of us used a stun medicine to make them unconscious, and the three of you are responsible for drawing."

She didn't dare to give the task of knocking people unconscious to the three of them.

"No problem, leave it to us." Yue Feiyan said seriously.

"Yes." Mino replied softly.

Wei Youlan nodded softly, just like a little transparent.

"Start moving." Liyue sneaked away first.

Elina followed closely, and the three girls followed.

Along the way, the three girls were very nervous, and also felt very excited and stimulated.

They also observed the actions of the two white-haired girls, and absorbed the experience in every way.

In the past, they just followed Mu Liang to learn, but now they are actually fighting, and the two are completely different feelings.

Section 125

The city wall of Wengcheng is connected to the city wall of Shanhaiguan, so the five women easily entered Shanhaiguan and sneaked into the city tower.

They found that the people of the city defense army were very lazy, gathered around the fire to keep warm, and slept.

There is no one on duty at the gate of the tower, there are no bright posts, let alone any dark posts.

Liyue and Elina frowned, and they dealt with the rest of the team in three or two strokes, leaving Wei Geng alone.

"I'll leave it to you." Liyue nodded to the three girls.

"Let's deal with the captain of the guard." Elina sneaked inside the tower.

"Hurry up and start." Yue Feiyan took out the ink and brush excitedly.

"Yeah." Mino's blue eyes sparkled, just enough to practice painting.

"..." Wei Youlan clenched her hands tightly, a little worried for her father.

Father, you have to be careful, don't be knocked out.

She hasn't let go of her thoughts.

After a while.

Wei Youlan saw the white-haired girl dragging a person's back collar and dragging it to the edge of the fire.

She took a closer look and saw that it was her father Wei Geng.

"..." Wei Youlan didn't want to read it.

Just a few seconds after praying, my father was knocked unconscious.

"Xiao Lan, he will leave it to you to draw." Li Yue woke up the distracted little maid.

"Me?" Wei Youlan looked blankly at her father.

"Yes, hurry up and draw, we will go to the other two fortresses later." Li Yue said coldly.

She didn't expect Wei Geng's vigilance to be so poor, and she was easily knocked unconscious in the study.

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"Okay, okay." Wei Youlan pursed her lips, took ink and a brush, and squatted beside her father.

She looked at the beard on her father's face, as if she was not very good at drawing.

"You have to cut the beard to have a place to draw." Wei Youlan thought for a while.

She pulled out the knife from her waist and shaved her father's beard.

"..." The four girls were stunned when they saw the little maid's movements.

Liyue looked at the bunny-eared girl and asked: Does Xiaolan hate her father?

Mino shook his head and looked back: I shouldn't hate it.

it's OK? He actually shaved his father's favorite beard.

As a member of the Ghost Special Forces, Liyue has collected information on many three captains.

Among them, after Wei Geng became the captain, he liked his beard more and often trimmed it with a knife, thinking that a beard would be dignified in front of the team members.


This information was obtained by Liyue squatting in the corner and hearing Wei Geng and Su'er talking.

"It's time to start painting." Wei Youlan clapped her hands with a smile on her lips, and started to paint on Wei Geng's face with a brush.

A pair of large dark circles, followed by many small black dots around the mouth, forging a large beard.

"Okay." Wei Youlan looked at her masterpiece with satisfaction.

She looked up and saw the four girls staring at her blankly, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing." Li Yue shook her head.

"Yeah, well done." Mino praised with a thumbs up.

"No." Wei Youlan smiled shyly.

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