Trainer: I Build My Home on the Back of Xuanwu

Trainer: I build a home on the back of Xuanwu Chapter 321

"..." Yue Qinlan raised her hand to rest on her forehead.

Is it so easy to be distracted?

Mu Liang clicked on the music player, found 'local music' in the interface, clicked on a song at random, and clicked to play.

A cheerful tune sounded, followed by a clear female singing voice, echoing in the study.

"Ehhh? What's the sound like?" Mino said again in shock.

"..." Yueqin Lanhong opened her lips slightly, listening to the song quietly, attracted by the cheerful and beautiful melody.

The two girls couldn't understand what the song was about, they just thought the melody was very nice, and they had never heard such a beautiful voice.

"A rainy day..." Mu Liang cleared his throat and hummed along.


Yue Qinlan suddenly turned her head to look at Mu Liang, her water blue eyes were full of astonishment, as if she had discovered a new continent.

"Nice~~" Mino squinted his eyes, his blue rabbit ears swayed rhythmically.

Four minutes passed, which was exactly the time for a song.

Mu Liang turned off the phone, took a cup of warm tea, and took a sip.

"Cough cough." He coughed twice, and said a little embarrassingly: "I haven't sung for a long time, I'm a little unfamiliar."

Minuo's eyes shone brightly and admired: "It sounds really nice."

"Do you like it?" Mu Liang asked in a warm voice.

"Well, I like it very much." Minuo nodded softly.

"Then I'll teach you to sing." Mu Liang raised his hand and pinched the rabbit-eared girl's ear, feeling very good.

He has some ideas in his heart, can he open an opera house in the future?

Before that, we must first train a group of singers and dancers, and then produce various musical instruments.

At that time, when you do a performance and sell tickets, you can earn a lot of beast spar.

"Mmmm, good." Mino blinked his eyes expectantly.

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered, and her heart became more certain. The spiritual tool in Mu Liang's hand should be a legendary divine tool.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more] Please customize, the third update of the positive code. .

Chapter 355


Above 6,000 meters high, the Fire Feather Eagle flapped its wings and flew very fast.

Five minutes later, it began to descend, plunged into gray clouds, and continued to descend.

"For a moment, for a moment~"

The Fire Feather Eagle cried out loudly to wake up.

Behind it, Yue Feiyan heard a serious face and shouted loudly, "Prepare to land."

"Yes!" The guards and waiters were shocked.

"Please all guests return to their seats, we are about to land." The waiter shouted.

"Hey, is it finally here?" A businessman sighed, and was then invited into the cabin by the waiter.

"For a moment, for a moment~"

The Fire Feather Eagle screeched again, and then descended again to a height.

"Get ready." Yue-Feiyan shouted.

"Yes." The guards face serious and return to their respective responsible positions.

Two minutes later, the Fire Feather Eagle descended to a height of 3,000 meters, and the rock turtles walking below could already be seen.

"For a moment, for a moment~"

Yue Feiyan came to the edge of the glass barrier, looked down, and the moment she saw Xuanwu City, she felt relieved, and this time the task was completed.

The Fire Feather Eagle dived down and approached Shanhaiguan.

On Shanhaiguan, Wei Geng relaxed his vigilant expression when he saw that the Fire Feather Eagle was approaching.

He shouted with a serious face: "Pay attention to your vigilance, you can't let your guard down."

"Yes." The city guards responded in unison, the military crossbows in their hands clenched tightly.

The Fire Feather Eagle gathered its wings and landed steadily in front of Shanhaiguan.


The glazed stairs fell, and the passengers stepped off the Xuanwu one after another and came to the take-off and landing platform.

"Everyone is lined up, everyone who enters the city needs to cooperate with the inspection, and the customs clearance ultimatum can only enter the city..." A staff member shouted with a loudspeaker.

Since Rolanda got off the Xuanwu number, her eyebrows have been twitching.

This is a completely unfamiliar place, and the heavy guards make her feel that it is not simple here.

Section 322

"Master Deacon, are we going to line up?" the subordinate asked in a low voice.

"Don't mess around, let's talk about it after entering the city." Rolanda said calmly.

"Yes." The two subordinates responded in unison.

The three line up.

Five minutes later, it was Rolanda's turn.

"Miss, you need to clear the customs to enter the city. The cost of production is a primary and medium beast spar, do you need it?"

The staff twitched the corners of her mouth and showed a stiff smile. She was almost frozen.

"..." Rolanda's eyes twitched, and sure enough, Xuanwu City was here to snatch the beast spar.

Without saying a word, she threw a beast spar directly, just wanting to enter the city quickly.

"Miss, name, where are you from? How old are you?"

The staff didn't care, and took out the customs clearance letter and pen, ready to write and register.

"Rolanda, from Bird City, twenty-six years old..." Rolanda casually reported information, some of which were true and some false.

"Okay, after the examination, the young lady can enter the city."

The staff handed out the customs clearance ultimatum with both hands, reached out and motioned her to go back.

"Hmph, it's really troublesome." Rolanda went to the back with a dark face and took the customs clearance ultimatum.

Ten minutes later, she and her subordinates successfully entered Shanhaiguan and came to the commercial street.

The moment they walked out of Shanhaiguan, the three of them stopped, their faces were stunned, and they were attracted by the commercial street.

"Lord Deacon, this place is so clean..." The subordinates exclaimed, a little afraid to walk into the commercial street.

He looked down at his dress, his gray hands, which seemed out of tune with the clean commercial street.

Rolanda looked at the pedestrians in the commercial street. Except for the businessmen who were with her, everyone else looked cleaner than her.

"Let's go, find a place to stay first." She lowered her head, feeling a little ashamed inexplicably.

"Yes." The subordinates felt the same way.

“It smells so good...”

Rolanda took a step and smelled a strange fragrance.

She looked sideways and noticed the plaque on the shop "Delicious Sweet Potato Shop".

Five minutes later, she held a paper bag with two large sweet potatoes in it, and walked towards the Sanxing Building that the clerk said with a happy face.

However, before she could find a place to live, she was attracted by various delicacies along the way, and there were more and more paper bags in her arms.

"This is a really good place." Rolanda sighed and stuffed another piece of dried sweet potato into her mouth.


The two subordinates nodded in agreement. They also held several paper bags, large and small, in their arms, generating hundreds of beast spar for the commercial street.

"Lord Deacon, the Samsung Building is here." The subordinate reminded.

"I see, let's go in." Rolanda glanced at the plaque of the Samsung Building, and then stepped into the reception hall.

"Welcome, do you want housing?" The Variety Witch raised her head from behind the counter.

"Yeah." Rolanda looked at the ever-changing witch, and responded coldly.

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"There are three room types..." The Variety Witch maintained a smile on her face and introduced the room types of the Samsung Building.

ten minutes later.

The three of Rolanda's faces were full of pain, and walked upstairs with the ever-changing witch, and lived in two rooms on the second floor.

Rolanda was lying on the soft big bed, staring at the ceiling blankly.

She liked this room very much, it was clean and tidy everywhere, and there was a big soft bed that made people reluctant to sit up.

"Knock knock knock ~"

Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Lord Deacon, should we go out and find the little princess?" The subordinate outside the door asked for instructions.

"I almost forgot, I'm here to find the little princess." Rolanda sighed and sat up slowly.



The wooden door was pushed open, and Roland dressed neatly and walked out of the room.

"Come on, get out."

She glanced at her subordinate, went downstairs with a cold face, and walked outside the Samsung Building.


At this time, in the bookstore on the commercial street, Xi Beqi was leaning on the bookshelf, flipping through the latest book "Honghuang".

After standing for a long time, her legs were numb, so she squatted down and continued to watch.

The vampire girl had been here all afternoon, had lunch, and hurried over from the palace.

"What a magnificent, magical and magnificent world." Xibeqi's beautiful eyes shone brightly.

It was rare for her to be patient and read the book word by word.

Behind the counter, Yiliyi also looked at 'Honghuang' with a serious face.

She doesn't need to teach today, so she came to the bookstore to sit and watch, but she actually came here to read the rest of the 'Honghuang'.

"How did the city lord think of these interesting contents?" Yiliyi exclaimed in a low voice.


"No, I'm hungry, it's time to go back to the palace for dinner."

Xi Beqi stretched, stood up, and reluctantly put the 'Honghuang' back on the shelf.

"Come back tomorrow." Yiliyi smiled softly.

She knew that Xibeqi was from the palace, so she didn't care about her coming to 'rubbing books'.

"Hee hee... I'll come back tomorrow." Xibeqi laughed.

She has no fierce beast spar, otherwise she will definitely buy the book instead of coming here to read it for two consecutive days.

"Okay." Yiliyi responded casually, and continued to read again.

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