Trainer: I Build My Home on the Back of Xuanwu

Trainer: I build a home on the back of Xuanwu Chapter 529

Of course, it is good to eat a little sweet potato raw, but eating too much is not good for your health.

"I'll try it." Mino opened his mouth and caught the sweet potato beside his mouth.

clack clack......

The rabbit-eared girl chewed sweet potato pieces, the taste was crunchy, and the taste was slightly sweet.

"It's delicious." Mino said in surprise.

Mu Liang smiled lightly, turned around to control the moisture of the cut sweet potatoes, and put them in a clean pot.

Section 530

"Where's the cornstarch?" he asked sideways.

"Lord Muliang, in the upper cupboard." Xiaomi said with her wet hands.

Hearing this, Mu Liang raised his hand, opened the cabinet on the console, and saw the light yellow I-color cornstarch in the glass jar.

Cornstarch, made in a similar way to wheat flour.

The sun-dried corn kernels are soaked in water for three days and three nights, and after the corn kernels are softened, they are mashed into mud.

Add water to the corn mash, stir it evenly, and then filter it with a linen cloth several times to get the yellow-colored starch water.

Activated carbon is added to the starch water to absorb impurities in the starch water and also make the color lighter.

The treated starch water was allowed to settle overnight.

Because of the quality and density, the starch in the water will sink to the bottom, resulting in the separation of the powder and the water.

Pour off the water to obtain wet starch, and then dry the wet starch to obtain corn starch that can be stored for a long time.

Mu Liang scooped out a spoonful of cornstarch and sprinkled it on the sweet potatoes, shaking the glass bowl so that the starch could evenly adhere to each piece of sweet potato.

"Mu Liang, what are you doing?" Minuo leaned forward curiously, chewing sweet potatoes in his mouth.

"Fry some sweet potatoes." Mu Liang said gently.

Minuo blinked his blue eyes and watched Mu Liang's operation curiously.

Mu Liang put down the glass basin and started to heat the oil in the pot, and half the pot of golden peanut oil was poured.

The temperature rises slowly, and the oil surface rises thinly and lightly.

"The oil temperature is just right." Mu Liang said softly.

He poured the sweet potatoes into the frying pan.


Fine bubbles appeared in the oil pan, and the starch on the surface of the sweet potato quickly changed color.

Mu Liang gently moved the sweet potatoes with wooden chopsticks to avoid sticking to the pan and the sweet potatoes.

"Mu Liang, be careful." Minuo let out a coquettish cry, worried that Mu Liang would be scalded by the splash of oil.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled.

The wooden chopsticks moved the sweet potatoes, and the oil temperature continued to rise. After six or seven minutes, the sweet potatoes were fried to a golden color.

"It's so fragrant~~" Minuo took a deep breath and moved his cute nose.

"Fry it again and you can eat it." Mu Liang reached out and scratched the pretty nose of the rabbit-eared girl.

He took the sweet potato out of the pot, drained the oil and let it cool down. After the oil temperature rose again, he put the sweet potato into the oil pot and fried it again.

After frying for three more minutes, take out the sweet potatoes. At this time, the sweet potatoes are tender on the outside and tender on the inside.


"Try it." Mu Liang picked up a piece of sweet potato and blew it, letting the temperature drop, and then handed it to the bunny-eared girl's mouth.


Minuo opened his mouth to catch the fried sweet potato, biting into the crispy outer skin, and the inside was soft and glutinous.

The unique sweetness of sweet potatoes is paired with the crispy skin, and the taste is very rich.

"It's delicious." She squinted her beautiful eyes and tasted it carefully.

Mu Liang tasted a piece and nodded slowly, the taste was not bad.

He said mildly, "It would be good to sprinkle some chili powder or fine salt, or dip it in tomato sauce."

"Ketchup, here it is." Xiaomi opened the cabinet and took out a can of ketchup.

This is what she made a few days ago, and Mu Liang gave her how to make it.

Fortunately, ketchup was not difficult to make, and she succeeded in one go.

As for why the sauce made from tomatoes is called ketchup, she doesn't know why.

The little maid scooped a spoonful of ketchup into the bowl and handed it to the bunny-eared girl.

Mino picked up a piece of fried sweet potato, dipped it in some ketchup and stuffed it into his mouth.

The tomato sauce is sweet and sour, the rich tomato flavor is paired with fried sweet potatoes, which makes the rabbit-eared girl very fond of it.

"This is too delicious." Minuo's eyes lit up, and his words were blurred with a bulging mouth.

"The ketchup is very good." Mu Liang tasted the ketchup, which tasted very similar to the ketchup of the earth.

Xiaomi's pretty face was slightly red, and being praised made her feel happy all day.

"Ketchup can be mass-produced, Xiaomi, you can go to the workshop to help guide you." Mu Liang said clearly.

Nowadays, there are very few seasonings in Xuanwu City. Some spices are both rare and expensive, and they are not affordable for ordinary city residents.

Tomato paste is different, as the scale of the farmland has gradually increased, the production of tomatoes has increased sharply.

In the cold storage, the tomatoes piled up a lot, just right for making tomato sauce.

"Okay." Xiaomi nodded obediently.

Mu Liang thought about it and said softly, "The price of tomatoes in the big market should also be reduced."

There are too many tomatoes, and now it will take a long time to reach the next big city. It is better to reduce the price and digest it internally.

In today's big markets, sweet potatoes have reduced their prices and become the staple food of three meals a day for urbanites.

When Xiaomi heard the words, her face showed admiration, and Mr. Mu Liang was so kind to the townspeople.

"Let's make another shredded sweet potato." Mu Liang looked at the large plate full of fried sweet potatoes, and another delicacy appeared in his heart.

"Buttered sweet potato?" Minuo blinked his beautiful eyes suspiciously.

"You should like it." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and flicked the bunny-eared girl's forehead.

He remembered that Mino also liked sweets, and shredded sweet potatoes should like it. 0

"Looking forward to it." Minuo rubbed his little hands and said coquettishly.

She watched Mu Liang take out the white sugar, changed the pot, scooped three spoons of sugar into the pot, and added a small amount of water.


When the temperature rises, the white sugar is boiled and boiled into sugar water. After the sugar water is boiled, it begins to bubble, and the sugar water becomes sticky and thick.

The color of the syrup changed to a caramel color.

The chopsticks stir the syrup, forming shreds of sugar when pulled up.

"Okay." Mu Liang put out the fire and poured half of the fried sweet potatoes into the pot.

He raised the glass pot, skillfully flipped the pot, and let the syrup evenly coat the fried sweet potatoes.

Turn the pot for a while, and the pot is already full of shredded sugar.

"It looks pretty good." Mu Liang put the shredded sweet potatoes on the plate.

"It looks delicious." Mino swallowed quietly.

"Ah, open your mouth." Mu Liang picked up a piece of sweet potato and brought it to the mouth of the rabbit-eared girl.


The bunny-eared girl opened her mouth to catch the sweet potato covered with candy, and took a bite. The candy melted in her mouth after a crisp sound, and the sweet taste spread.

"Mmmmm... so delicious."

Mino's mouth was bulging, and there were few words of praise, and he couldn't think of any other words to praise.

"Have you learned how to make shredded sweet potatoes?" Mu Liang looked at the little maid.

"Well, I learned." Xiaomi nodded again and again.

She knew that she would be the one to make the sweet potatoes in the future.

At the same time, if the food building introduces this food, it also needs a little maid to teach it.

"Okay, let's get ready for breakfast." Mu Liang took off his apron with a smile.

"Mmmm." Minuo pouted, picked up the sweet potato and walked towards the restaurant.

The little maid filled the wheat porridge and followed behind with the bowl and utensils.

In the restaurant, Yue Qinlan, Li Yue and others have already taken their seats and are chatting.

"What's this smell? It smells so good~~" Elina's pink eyes lit up.

"Muliang's new food is very, very delicious." Minuo repeatedly praised.

When everyone heard the words, they picked up the chopsticks, and their eyes fell on the sweet potato on the table.

"Hey, Mr. Mu Liang can cook?" Diane exclaimed in surprise.

Elina replied casually: "Of course, the food made by Mu Liang is the best." 2.3

"Let's try them all." Mu Liang picked up the chopsticks and said in a clear voice.

"If it's delicious, the food court can add new dishes." Hu Xianmei smiled and picked up a piece of sweet potato.

She took a sip, and then couldn't stop. Before she could swallow the one in her mouth, she quickly took another piece.

"Delicious." Diane's eyes showed surprise.

She looked at Mu Liang with brilliance in her eyes, and she was amazed in her heart. It turned out that the Lord of the City was an almighty type.

"Don't grab it, leave a piece for me." Elina whispered.

She was inattentive, and the shredded sweet potatoes on the plate were almost finished.

Mu Liang couldn't help laughing bitterly, this gentle-looking woman didn't hesitate to grab her favorite food.

Yue Qinlan looked at the empty plate and said in a low voice, "Mu Liang, do more next time."

"Hahaha, let Xiaomi do more at noon." Mu Liang said with a clear laugh.

"Well, make a few more dishes." Elina nodded in agreement.

Mu Liang remembered something, looked sideways at the elegant woman, and instructed: "Qinlan, the price of tomatoes in the big market should be reduced by half."

"I see." Yue Qinlan froze for a moment, then nodded in response.

If the townspeople knew that the price of tomatoes was reduced by half, they would definitely go crazy for tomatoes.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

Chapter 587

Outer city residential area.

In Room 3, Building 6, Jia 1st Street, Taro tied up her hair and said sideways, "Brother Cheng, you'll send Xiaoxiao to school later."

"Got it." Cheng Mao yawned, and just got up and stretched.

He rested today, and the task of taking his daughter to and from school was naturally handed over to him.

Before leaving the house, Tao did not forget to remind: "By the way, Brother Cheng, Su'er and Wei Geng will come to our house for dinner tonight, remember to go to the big market to buy some green vegetables and sweet potatoes."

"Eh? Is it tonight?" Cheng Mao was instantly refreshed.

"Yes." Taro nodded in response.

Previously, because Cheng Xiao was ill, she spent a lot of Xuanwu coins, but Su'er lent her the Xuanwu coins, and it was not so difficult that month.

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