Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 213 Try

"We're going back tomorrow, how about you, Mr. Sean?"

Isaac feeds Harlock a bone and looks to Sulu.

"Of course I will go back with you, um...maybe I have to go to the police station for help and reissue my identity documents..."

Sulu replied with a smile, "Please be sure to leave your contact information."

He's hinting that he'll pay it back.

It's just a trivial matter, and it will be enough for each person to remit more than a dozen golden dragons.

Because strictly speaking, he was not saved by them, but only a little help from the other party.

"Oh, you go to the Grammar University, and you can name any of us..."

Isaac laughed and said, "I like making friends, especially travelers. It is very interesting to listen to what they have seen and heard in various places..."

"At this time, we have to take out our treasures!"

James smiled, took out a few bottles of wine, and handed the two ladies another drink, "Drinks with very low alcohol content, suitable for ladies!"

"And John, you must have a drink!"

He patted John on the shoulder, and handed over a large-caliber cup. "Langzim spirit... Known as the blood of the fighting nation, it is a wine that can be ignited directly. Drink it from a glass, and there will be no shock."

John felt a little moved and took a sip.


Immediately, it seemed that he couldn't bear the taste of the strong wine, and he coughed repeatedly due to choking.

"Haha... John, did you become a woman because of the grievance during the day?" James laughed.

But the next moment, his smile stopped abruptly.

Because John fell to the ground, covering his neck with his hands, his face had turned purple.

"Goddess... what happened to him?"

The two girls screamed.

"He... he seems to be choking,

Suffocated? "

Isaac was dumbfounded.

It was the first time he saw that drinking could choke himself like this.

But as time passed, his expression also changed, and he felt that John would suffocate to death if he continued like this!

"John, take a deep breath! It's okay!"

He and James rushed forward, trying to help John, but were swept away by an astonishing force.

Seeing that John's face was getting more and more purple, he was about to fall into a faint.

A strange voice sounded around.

It was an indescribable feeling, as if fingernails had scratched glass, violent metal friction and impact, or countless people were screaming and shouting in their ears.

Isaac turned around and saw Sulu.

The other party was staring at John lying on the ground with a serious expression, and spit out an unknown note.

It didn't look like a musical note, but rather like the cry of a madman, with many noises!

Arrogant words!

It is a more mysterious language than ancient Ram and ancient Hebrew, and it carries more mysterious power.

For ordinary people, even if they are proficient in ancient Hebrew, it is difficult to use it to perform a certain ceremony.

But the language of madness is different!

As long as you learn it, even ordinary people can directly leverage extraordinary power by reciting it!

Of course, its syllables are very strange, and it is simply challenging the limits of the human throat.

If it weren't for Sulu's attribute bar and direct access to the "Knowledge of the Mad God", he estimated that even if he listened to it a hundred times, he would still be the same as the ordinary people around him, with a confused face and unable to remember a single note. Not to mention exporting.

In such an environment of crazily shouting, like heavy metal music, John's suffocation miraculously calmed down.

He spat out his drink and cursed "shit... it almost killed me!"

At this time, Isaac and the others stared at his neck with strange expressions.

There, there were two bluish-purple handprints, branded on the skin like tattoos.


"It's the wraith during the still won't let us go!"

Diana was the first to collapse, spilling the wine glass in her hand on the ground and crying.

Hoo hoo!

The evening wind was cold and blew out the bonfire.

The surrounding area suddenly became extremely cold, and there seemed to be a large number of ominous creatures hidden in the woods, bringing a dangerous atmosphere.

A feeling of panic spread in everyone's heart.

The only one who was calm was Sulu and a dog.

"Sean... were you chanting a spell to drive out ghosts just now?" Elizabeth first looked at Sulu, "Are you the legendary mystic?"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Sulu as if they were looking at a savior.

"It's true... I'm a folklore enthusiast, and I've done some research on mysteries... The incantation just now was just an accidental discovery during archaeology..."

Sulu smiled.

In fact, he saw it just now.

A wraith wearing an old hunter costume with bleeding eyes was pinching John's neck.

This is the real reason for his suffocation!

And Sulu chose to order the other party to evacuate with arrogant words, naturally because it only needs to consume his voice and does not need to use the slightest inspiration. It is the most affordable solution.

"Then what should we do next? That...wraith, will it come back?"

Elizabeth grabbed Sulu's shoulder and asked urgently.

"Obviously...he didn't choose to reconcile!"

Sulu pointed in one direction.


There, the wraith appeared again, with a translucent body, a stiff expression, and cold eyes, staring in the direction of the camp.


"There really are ghosts!"

The five people in the camp were in chaos again.

"Hehe...what to do...hehe..."

The tall and burly James holds a logging axe, but his teeth are constantly chattering.

Maybe he could fight the villains bravely, but he lost his courage when facing the ghosts.

It's not his fault.

Everyone has things to fear.

"What's next..."

Sulu had tried the power of arrogant words just now, and it was indeed very good, but it was a bit taxing.

"I think... we should rely on it!"

Isaac followed his finger, and saw Hallock with an innocent face, "Huh? You mean... my dog?"

"Yes, Harlock possessed extraordinary power yesterday, and this is also his mission!"

After all, it was this husky that took away that wraith treasure.

Of course, you have to solve the troubles you make yourself, even if it's just a dog!

"Harlock... extraordinary power?"

Isaac looked at the serious husky with a dull expression, and looked into Harlock's eyes, "Tell me... didn't I dream last night?"

As soon as the words fell, he lay on the ground like a dog, with a meaty bone in his mouth, and placed it in front of Harlock, almost wagging his tail.

All around, Elizabeth, James and others looked at this scene with dull expressions.

"I seem to remember it too..."

Diana muttered, "Last night, I was stewing meat bones for Harlock..."

"Huh? What's going on here?"

Isaac, who was digging holes with his right thigh, suddenly woke up, looked at his own image, and the strange eyes of the people around him, and asked questions.

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