Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 742: The Creator

Outside the arena.

Sulu watched all this happen calmly.

"The souls 'selected' by the devil's ritual are different. Compared with them, Tonks, who took the initiative to send to the door, pales in comparison..."

He already knew that the 'Born from Frost' Belena was Sulu's mother and Tonks' wife - Geli.

The treatment after the other party's reincarnation is obviously much higher than that of Tonks.

"And souls that have been completely reincarnated...will they still feel familiar when they meet again?"

"Can true love break the barriers of time and space?"

Sulu looked at this scene, his eyes were a little confused.

"never mind……"

He shook his head and laughed: "What do I care so much about? The next step is to 'extradite' them to my kingdom of fulfill Sulu's last wish..."

He took a step forward and came to the battle arena.

The Frost subjects who were originally surprised by Princess Belena's sluggishness were stunned to see a young man approaching her and a warrior.

"He...he's a demon! He's about to move!"

Below, Felix tried his best to shout out this sentence, but he was powerless.

Ge Lin covered her lips, not knowing what was going to happen.

"Huh? This young man..."

Xu Changqing looked at Sulu who suddenly appeared, feeling a little puzzled and a little wary: "Is it above the legend?"

The next moment, his pupils suddenly constricted.

A trembling feeling from the soul made him lower his head involuntarily, not daring to look directly.

'what happened? I am a fairy! '

'Why...there are still existences that I dare not look directly at? '

Xu Changqing asked frantically in his heart,

But the old man named Bai Ling suddenly fell into dead silence.

In the sky, the snowflakes that were originally scattered froze in mid-air one by one.

It was as if the city, the world, and all creatures... had turned into worms in amber, and they seemed to be lifelike wax figures, completely still.

" came to my country for this reason?"

A casual voice came.

Sulu stood beside Leon and Berena, but found that the distance was so far away that it became so close.

His body swelled unconsciously, turning into a cyborg giant with a height of 100 meters. The combination of twisted circuits and flesh and blood formed complex and mysterious patterns, and he suddenly entered the form of a mythical body!

But even so, the people who were like wax figures around them were not affected in the slightest.

It was as if he had been cut off from the world.

And in the darkness, a young man in black came out slowly, with black hair and black eyes, but no matter how much Sulu paid attention, he couldn't remember his real appearance.


Or... the incarnation of the devil!

Just when Sulu was about to succeed, the incarnation of the devil suddenly descended!

Sulu took a deep breath.

Even if the other party has only one incarnation, in the abyss, even if his real deity comes, he will only have to rush to the street.

"Your Excellency, Master! I have not endangered your kingdom of God by coming this time... As long as you let me take them away, I owe you a favor!"

If the attack fails, we can only try to negotiate.

"A favor?"

The devil sneered: "If this was before Ms. Yue fell, maybe I would think about it, but now..."

Sulu's heart sank.

"'s not impossible, as long as you assist my plan." The devil continued.

"Help you to restrain the world of all spirits, and then the realm of God, and bow down to you?"

Sulu sneered.

" goal is never here. When everything is 'contained' and a breakthrough is obtained, I will leave..."

Devil said.

"Leave? Where are you going?"

Sulu was silent for a while and asked.

"You... have the same characteristics as me, have you never doubted it?" The demon seems to be very talkative: "Where did this spiritual world come from? Is there a real creator? And if that If a Creator exists, what should He look like? Where is He located?"


Although Sulu vaguely guessed the answer, he didn't say it.

"In this world, you will never be my opponent, because I set everything up, this is my country... and why can't the world of spirits and the kingdom of God that we exist in be another existence? What about the kingdom?"

The devil said a terrible fact in a flat tone: "The world you know is actually based on His knowledge, and the rules you comprehend and the authority you hold are actually just His 'settings'! The so-called science and mystery, hehe... Maybe when you are complacent about your achievements, He is watching everything about you from an unimaginable angle, just like ordinary people watching ants..."

"So... you want to resist?" Sulu felt a chill in his heart: "Resist the Creator?"

"Maybe this is also his hope!"

The devil said: "Otherwise... what is the purpose of creating so many worlds? I will restrain everything, master everything, reduce all dimensions, and then challenge the original creator... If you help me, after I leave , you are the king of the gods!"

"It's a very tempting condition, maybe many gods will agree..." Sulu shook his head: "But if I really submit, it means that I will be completely controlled by you...I will never allow such a thing to happen!"

"Hehe... You really are the same person as me."

The devil chuckled: "Then... what are you going to do now?"

"In my hometown, there is a proverb, which roughly translates to the meaning that I would rather die a noble life than live a mediocre life..."

Sulu let out a series of laughter: "Meet again, we are real enemies."

As soon as the words fell, his mythical body suddenly swelled, and immediately condensed into a single point, and suddenly began to explode!

The self-destruction of a sixth-level mythical professional!

In front of the incarnation of the devil, it is nothing at all.

However, Sulu is gambling!

Betting that the devil will be attracted to take a little attention away because he doesn't want the world to be harmed!

The betting devil only found himself, and did not find another hole card!


'Little guy... goodbye! '

Before the palace.

A voice emerged from the bottom of Xu Changqing's heart.


Xu Changqing turned pale with shock, watching a little bit of brilliance escape from his body and gather into a young figure.

The incarnation of Sulu!

Not only an avatar, but also an avatar with divine power and attributes, stronger than Murphy's avatar!

Because Murphy's avatar had washed away all his power, his strength was only at the sixth level of rebuilding.

But this incarnation had sealed all the strength before, and now it is unsealed, with abundant divine power, completely surpassing the sixth level, and is qualified to face the existence of gods!

"So... the old man is so young!"

Xu Changqing saw the old man wave his hand.

A wave of wind of annihilation spread rapidly.

The entire kingdom, palace, battle arena, and crowd of onlookers began to dissipate like ashes.

At the same time, Sulu also came to Leon and Berena, grabbed their hands, and his figure blurred for a while.

——Spirit World Shuttle!

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