Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 250: Mysterious

Everyone frowned, meditation, and wanted to break their heads, but they couldn’t think of it. When did Jiuzhongtian actually have such a 'black girl'? The woman who can be so powerful in memory can only have one person in the wind and wind, but the wind and rain are never wearing black clothes.

"That Chen Feiyu jumped out and said: 'Girl, do you want to fall in love with Xiaoke's voice at first sight? Actually, I am reluctant to come, come, sister, take off my mask, let my brother look at your little look and see with you. Ass ratio, that makes my brother **... 'Speaking of going to the black girl’s chin...”

The death of Nangong is not in the Jiuzhongtian, saying that it is a singer. It is a vivid and vivid description of a woman who is a hooligan. Even the voice is full of smell.

The crowd was silent.

For Chen, who is one of the nine masters of the family, there is such a rogue that feels speechless!

"Slow." Cold and frowning, asked: "In the Chen family, it is impossible to have only Chen Feiyu! Together, but the four supremes on the bright face, with the pharmacist, with a few sons experience, secretly There should be a super master! The monarchy is even more numerous. How can these people see Chen Feiyu so excessively that no one can stop it?"

Nangong died the wind: "At that time, Chen Feiyu came out, no one stopped. But some people in the team were very strange and said: This girl is very arrogant. We haven’t come out for a long time, and we should stand up."

This sentence comes out, the three general law enforcement and Zhuge Shanyun are all weird.

Haven’t you seen this before, the children of their own family are unreasonable, and they are tempted by women. Is this actually encouraging?

The cold face changed, and said: "The voice of the speaker is very weird?"

"Yes, it's like the kind of weirdness that the scorpion has been ruined. Just saying a word makes people goose bumps." Nangong’s death said: "There were many people watching at the gate, but this sentence As the words say, everyone ran..."

Zhuge Shanyun and the three general law enforcement officers looked at each other and nodded.

Ghost king!

Chen Jia ghost Wang Chen Nahe! It turned out that this old monster is indulging. It’s no wonder.

Chen Nahe became famous in 3,000 years ago, and he was cruel and violent. After practicing and ignoring the evil spirits, he made people not ghosts and ghosts, but he not only did not abolish it, but he would be wrong, and he would practice the broken meridians and feed on the human heart and blood. The earth-shattering ghost king magic!

The original master of the Chen family sent this time is Chen Nahe!

But the doubts in the hearts of the people are even more: if it is Chen Naihe, then it is the master of the Six Masters. Who can kill him so easily?

As for the girl in black... now everyone has no hope.

Even though the girl in black is stronger, since it is called ‘girl’, it can never be Chen Nai’s opponent!

"You continue to say." The cold stunned look was a little sorrowful and sat back in the chair. He is the law enforcement officer's total law enforcement, but there are countless wicked people in this world, and he can't do anything about it! For example, this Chen family is less than nine, this Chen Jia Chen Nahe!

And he corrected his sigh because of his inability to act.

In the cold, it seems that no matter anyone breaks the law, it should be punished! It can't be like this. Anyone who is a direct family member of the nine major families will not be able to make a mistake. The law enforcers seem to be in power, but in a sense, they are completely bullying the poor: general law enforcement. Can only be enforced against some ordinary warriors...

But that is his ideal after all. For now, this situation is completely impossible!

"Yes." Nangong died, and continued to say: "The girl in black sees Chen Feiyu thin, the backhand is a slap, and she is playing on Chen Feiyu's face. She even slaps Chen Feiyu down the horse and says: 'So Deng disci, living in the world, do not know how many good women to harm, today the girl will break this bane! 'Speaking, the sword is out of the sheath, without hesitation, it is a sword and a stab!"

"Good!" Cold slammed the table: "This girl is really clean and neat! This is a confusing, early killing is early and clean!"

Both Mujiu and Yuanjinbao are wrinkled and look at the cold, and the heart is really cold. It’s Chen’s. If you pass it out, it’s a big disaster. ! Actually, there is no scruples...

But things don't matter, the two naturally hang high...

Let's say that Chen... It's not the scope of law enforcement for the three people. What kind of madness are you crazy?

"Looking at Chen Feiyu, I will be killed under the sword. Suddenly a hand appeared out of thin air, suddenly appeared, grabbed the sword of the black girl, and the weird voice said: 'The fierce girl, you can’t see me heavy Grandchildren, I have to ask you to give me a grandson as a little wife! 'The sword of the black girl was taken away by empty hands."

The cold brows frown: "What about the age of the black girl? What is it?"

Nangong’s death said: “I don’t know how to look at my face, but I don’t know how old I am, but I am very high. It should be like the Holy Three or Four.... However, under that hand, there is no resistance...”

Everyone nods together, and the heart is holy and the three or four products. How can it be the opponent of the Supreme Six products that has crossed the fairy tales? That is not to mention mentioning.

"The girl in black angered: 'Who are you? Is it that you look at your companion and tease women, are you indifferent?' The weird voice laughed: 'Wrong, how can Laozi be indifferent? On the contrary, Lao Tzu needs to Help the old man's grandson! The more you don't look at him, the more you hate him, the more you want to kill him, the more I want you to be a little wife!'"

The death of Nangong continues to be told.

"Garbage!" The cold screamed: "After living for more than 3,000 years, it is also a garbage! Ghost King? What a ghost king! Even if it is a ghost, it is not so unreasonable!"

Ling Han dance nodded: "This is indeed like the style of Chen Naihe... This ghost king Chen Naihe has always been acting brutally. I heard that after the fire is gone, it is not humane, psychologically perverted, specifically killing women, the more beautiful the woman, he The more cruel the means are, the more serious it is. But there are really few people who can get him... For nearly a thousand years, there have been no more rivers and lakes. I didn’t think of this time, Wanji Dadian, Chen Jia After all, he sent him out again."

After the death of Nangong’s death and other people’s talks came to an end, he went on to say: “The girl in black was caught by the sword. It was very angry. But after listening to this sentence, she suddenly calmed down and asked: 'You Which one is it?' Then I paid attention and said: 'You are among the nine family, Chen's people?' I must have seen the Chen family's logo."

"The weird voice said: ‘I’m going to take the old man’s flattering, but it’s already late.’ But his words haven’t finished yet, the black girl suddenly abandoned the sword and fled. The action is fast!”

Everyone sighed.

The response is good, the strategy is completely correct, but the holy level is repaired, how can you escape in the supreme hand? What's more, is it in the hands of the six products?

"The weird voice smirked and said: 'Want to go? How easy is it?' It continued to stretch in the air, grabbed the shoulder of the black girl, and when it was hard, she pulled back and said, 'No rain, Pick up your little wife! The ancestors told you a kinship. 'Chen Feiyu said: 'Thank you ancestors'. The big hand threw the black girl over, Chen Feiyu reached out and asked. The black girl It’s motionless in the air, obviously it’s been sealed and repaired...”

The death of Nangong continued to tell, and when it came to this, the sound suddenly moved.

The faces of the people were also heavy, and they could be heard from the sound of the death of Nangong. I am afraid that if there is a change, it is at this moment.


"Looking at the black girl who is about to fall into Chen Feiyu's arms, at this moment, suddenly a white big hand suddenly appeared, and the black girl was caught in the air, and it was already 30 feet away. Steady standing. The white hand disappeared."

"The weird voice snorted and said: ‘I said that this woman is so arrogant, it has a backstage. Which one? I dare to grab someone from my Chennai? Stand up and let Laozi see.’”

"But no one appeared, only a very clear voice, with a slight anger, said: 'Chen Nahe, you Chen family, is this to discipline the children?'"

The death of Nangong said that everyone here has speculated.

Who is this big white hand?

"That strange voice was originally called Chen Nahe, just listen to him: 'Who are you? How does Laozi teach his children, shut your ass?" The clear voice said: 'That is, if you Chen Jiazi Which woman, the more unwilling the other party, the more you have to force it? Is it not? 'This voice is full of killing.'

"That strange voice said: 'Why, do you have opinions?' The clear voice said: 'Yes, great opinions. This time I didn't want to kill Chen's family. I just wanted to pick a nine-family family. I didn't think of it. You Chennai actually sent the door, actually forced my apprentice to give you a grandson as a little wife, not killing you, really a little embarrassed."

Having said that, Nangong’s passing air is dry.

The people also heard some thrilling sounds, and they were speculating in their hearts. Who is this talking person? Listening to the tone, it should be the master of the black girl... And, I don’t see Chennai in my eyes at all... In this way, at least it is the supreme level of six or more.

Zhuge Shanyun suddenly changed his face and said: "What he said is... just pick a nine-family slaughter?"

What Zhuge Mountain Cloud cares about is this sentence.

Nangong died in the wind and drank a few mouthfuls of water, only said: "Yes!"

The face of Zhuge Shanyun sank.

Just pick a nine family to kill, definitely not casually kill, but to kill a nine family's polar master! In this way, the purpose of this person turned out to be the Tiantian jade after the Wan Yao Dadian, and the nine to fill the sky!

Is it clear that it is destructive?

Nangong’s death continued: “Then, the figure suddenly flashed. Chen’s team had a man and a woman in front of him. They were all white and snowy, and the women’s especially the national color. These two people appeared between the whole world. It turned out to be suddenly turned into a silver, only to listen to the woman's faint saying: 'Chen Nahe, I am also very good, do you want to grab the past together, give you a grandson as a little wife?'"

"Is it the two honors of the wind and the moon?!" With a bang, everyone in the room suddenly stood up in shock!


There are still seven days, proud of the birthday... (to be continued)


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