Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 316: Battle of the Peak (2)

Fa Zun’s fist was slightly loosened and stretched, and the white mark recovered his blood and slowly smashed. .

"Is he injured?" Wu Qianqian looked at the white marks on Fa Zun's fist and asked softly.

"No!" Chu Yang stared at the gaze, saying: "But it will definitely hurt; so, I guess, he will definitely not be empty-handed against the enemy! This temptation is the law."

"Oh, it’s not a big one, but it’s a success." Chu Yang hurriedly corrected.

The purple evil on one side casts a glance at the eyes.

"Is the cloth sentiment successful?" Wu Qianqian is somewhat puzzled.

"Buy told the story, one is to explain the original, the second is to avenge the friend; the third has an effect, is to tell the law: I know your details! Know your secret!"

Chu Yangdao: "Fa Zun used this identity to deceive the world for 13,000 years, and suddenly it was revealed. Of course, there will be some guilty conscience; therefore, the cloth has a psychological warfare, and suddenly issued a hegemonic sword, so that the law is in the heart. It’s hard to be; it seems to be equally divided, but the law is definitely uncomfortable, because the cloth has already mastered the rhythm of the battle.”

"Rhythm, although this can not affect the outcome, but as long as the cloth can continue to redouble its efforts, it can slowly turn into an advantage, and the advantage may turn into a victory, the victory will determine victory or defeat, victory or defeat, Then decide life and death!"

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes were dignified: "The master is fighting, really even a word, a tone, can not be ignored. Do not know which aspect is touched, you can decide the outcome."

The purple evil sentiment laughed: "But the law deity is definitely not allowed to stay in the cloth and it is so cheap. In the next step, he will definitely fight back and will definitely equalize."

Chu Yang agreed to nod. How can Fa Zun eat this kind of loss? Also the color is affirmative!

Wu Qianqian nodded. The two men narrowed their eyes in unison, and each recalled the punch and sword.

At this time...

In the center of the battle between Fa Zun and Bu Liu, the place where Jianguang and his fists had been attacked was a dead still!

then. Suddenly a squeaky squeaking sound was heard, and the whole space was broken with a speed visible to the naked eye. A thin crack began to crack out from the middle!

At first, only the hair was thick and thin, but the cracks became clearer and more and more thick, and it stretched for three hundred miles. Initially, the cracks in the hair became a huge, mouth-like black hole that could swallow the world!

Three hundred miles of space, broken together!

immediately. The forces of heaven and earth gather in all directions, and the space is filled in in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, it made a loud explosion! On the ground, a huge mushroom cloud slammed up and swayed; on the ground, hundreds of miles of trees were neatly broken, and the upper half of the trunk fell with a canopy like a ripe dandelion. Fly out!

Chu Yang and Wu Qianqian sigh at the same time. Suddenly know that the rivers and lakes rumors are simply nonsense of pigs and dogs farewell: rumors of masters to fight, you can benefit for a lifetime, this is simply fart!

The so-called watch, the distance must not be too far. Like this level of masters, don't say spectator, there is nothing left in the **** that can be swallowed up within three hundred miles, and nothing can be seen clearly in two or three days... Benefit from a fart? !

If it is not purple evil here with a strong repair cover, Chu Yang estimates that he and Wu Qianqian are already rotten and can no longer be rotten, absolutely you have me, I have you...

A huge hole appeared on the ground. I don't know how deep! The most outrageous is that at the end of this hole, there was a spring of water in the blink of an eye, and the screaming has already set off the old high.

Chu Yang sighed: "The original so-called rivers, lakes and seas are all like this..."

The purple evil snorted and said: "There is still a feeling of playfulness... What do you think of?" Turned and asked Wu Qianqian: "What about you?"

Chu Yang condensed his thoughts and thoughts, recalling the sword and punching, sighed: "Overbearing! It is indeed overbearing!"

Wu Qianqian said: "I feel the emotions. A kind of depression to the extreme, a sudden burst of eager refreshment! It seems this one. The grief of the cloth for more than 10,000 years has vented a feeling of a mouth. So, I think the next offensive of the cloth will be more and more fierce! Fa Zun wants to pull it back. I am afraid it will be after a while."

Wu Qianqian smiled embarrassedly and explained: "This is just my instinct."

"Emotions? Refreshing? Intuition?" Purple evil feelings looked at Wu Qianqian a little strange, deeply looked at her eyes. Sincerely praised: "Qian Qian sister, it really is a promising future!"

Chu Yang is also a move in the heart.

Wu Qianqian's sentence proves three words: love!

next moment.

In the distant lightning, the body of the cloth has grown from small to large, smashing the sword light that destroyed the earth, and rushing back!


Bu Liu stayed in the sky, and the sword had been pulled out again and again. From hundreds of feet away, together with the Jianguang, the lightning was constantly smashed. Every Jianguang was extremely accurate, and the law was respected. Just falling down!

In this case, everyone who sees has an illusion: the thunder in the sky is crazy!

Jianguang is like a storm, and the radius of the illumination is hundreds of miles.

Fa Zun's feet are as steady as a mountain, standing on the ground. As long as a sword comes over, it is a punch, a punch in the left fist, a punch in the right fist, take turns, never waste!

So, Jianguang broke down again and again!

On the surface, the cloth retains the offensive, and the law respects the defensive, but the sword light of the cloth is not able to do the flesh and blood of the law, it seems that the cloth is lost.

But only the real master knows that at this level, there are no differences between the sword and the sword. The hand of Fa Zun, the fist of Fa Zun, is the weapon of the next day!

Not inferior to the sword of the cloth!

But Chu Yang faintly sees what, frowning, said: "What kind of ghost is Fa Zun doing? He seems to be calm, but passive. Moreover, his fist is a bit less than Jian Jian. Sharp. So, in the long run, I can't bear it."

The purple evil sentiment said: "So he only exchanged his hands. If he can completely resist such a dense sword light with only one hand, then now the cloth will be able to escape."

Wu Qianqian said: "I feel that Law Zun is also very helpless. Zi Dajie just said that he can't connect two or more Jianguang with his fist, so it seems to be calm, but it is already a disadvantage. But cloth The sentiment is now in full swing, and the law is only supported by the first. I will continue to talk about this paragraph."

"No." Chu Yang shook his head: "With the repair of cloth, it continues to last for three or five months. How can this time be spent? Besides, it will be a long time to keep it, so go on, law Respect is lost. He is not such an unwise person, there must be a conspiracy."

"And the law has not yet revealed his weapons until now." Chu Yang made a summary.

In my heart, I was thinking about the moment when the space burst. That moment, the moment when the space burst. Chu Yang feels that his back is excited and excited. I only feel that the whole person is in the clouds, in front of thousands of worlds, like fireworks in front of themselves bloom!

It turned out that this way!

This is a feeling that can only be understood and cannot be said.

Broken void, collapsed and broken into the sky!

The purple evil sentiment looked at the awe-inspiring light on the face of Chu Yang, and there was something wrong with a familiar situation; she let Chu Yang see the battle of this peak, paving the way for the martial arts; Chu Yang actually realized a bit of broken power here!

Although it is just a trace of silk, a negligible trace!

However, the purple evil feelings are already shocked by the heart. It seems that my heart is also jumping wildly.

This is the time when the collapse of the sky is broken and the void can be realized! And what is Chu Yang now? Four saints in the sword!

From that realm, the difference is a hundred thousand miles.

But at this moment, he was able to touch the analogy and have such feelings?

The purple evil suddenly felt that the male and female in front of him were monsters.

A holy level of cultivation, but can intuitively judge the direction of the battle, a holy level of cultivation, but can comprehend the broken fur...


The cloth is insane and mad. In general, the sword is constantly stabbed in the air, and the swords are light and stripe. A piece of film, snowflakes are constantly flying, and the law is shattered by a fist, and the broken Jianguang is flying far away. The trees that have been sliced ​​into pieces are completely thrown down, piled up in piles of rocks, so they are so broken, and countless large stones are stirred up and rise, and the high flying air falls in the air.

For a time, it is like a landslide, a mountain and a tsunami!

The law and the cloth stayed in love for two people, but it was calm, calm, and the space was broken again and again, and it was filled again and again. It was like two gods, but they fought in the world!

Of course!

"Attention, the law must move!"

The purple evil sentiment reminded me.

I saw that the law was still a hard punch with a punch and a punch, but a pair of legs, but a strange tremor, but in the eyes of outsiders, his legs, but clearly did not move.

But in this tiny action that seems to be moving, it seems to contain, very subtle a charm.

Chu Yang’s heart moved, said: “Qian Qian’s sister, have you ever thought of the shocking snow?”

Wu Qianqian is also screaming at the eyebrows and said: "I just want to say that although this step is completely different from ours, it is also full of the strange charm in the snowstorm."

Chu Yang nodded and meditated: "The snow is clouding, the glory is in the sky, if you go in, if you go back,"

The heart silently said: This is clearly different, but it has a common intention, but where is the common place? Why is it so vague, I don’t know clearly...


. .


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