Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 329: I have no worries [fourth more! 】

I am innocent in the third chapter of the seventh chapter.

Sighs in the supreme heart, speechless. (氵昆.

氵 点 点 点)

It turns out that Chu Yang doesn't know exactly what action! Chu Yang only knows a conspiracy against Wu Xianzi. He does not know that there is a huge dark line of the elders of the saints.

This cargo is also a two-shot that was shot by a man, but it is just a slightly smarter two poles.

When the night hurricane asked Chu Yang, it was natural that the Lan family robbed the saint elders when they acted, but Chu Yang was at a critical juncture. Naturally, it was natural that the night wind was asked to blame the night. When does the family act?

"So at that time, I said to my brother-in-law: "Attention, the first nine nights of the twelfth lunar month, the Lan family must act!" Chu Yangdao: "Everyone is a smart person, so far. The night hurricane was at the heart, hahaha laughed, I have to drink it with me before I go out."

Night hurricane is a **!

The night emperor's face is dark. After paying a large piece of spiritual jade, I got a news of a dead man.

"This is the case from beginning to end. This is the origin of the intelligence of the night house." Chu Yang said: "If you don't believe in the night emperor, you can call the night wind, I am against him on the spot! ”

The face of the night emperor is darker.

The night hurricane is dead, let me call him? Don't you call him? Are you calling to try?

The expression on the faces of the most supreme faces is also very exciting.

This cargo is really interesting, let the night emperor go to the dead to confront...

Chu Yang, I don’t know if the night wind is dead early? Even when the night hurricane died, he was around, and the death of the night hurricane was also his hand!

But he must now pretend not to know, and the clothes are seamless! The equipment is straightforward!

"I believe it is!" The emperor held his nose and endured the air.

For more than nine thousand years, when was this adult so arrogant? And still in front of a 19-year-old younger? The night emperor felt that his cultivation was really good.

"In this case, then the news that you told the night house is still excusable. However, we Xiaojia did not participate, and there is no action. Why did you give us the news? We killed four or fifty masters last night. "Don't send it."

Chu Yang asked: "Since you Xiao family does not intend to act, do not intend to participate, then why are there so many people who die here?"

The sorrow is speechless.

The night emperor stunned and laughed, the Yin and Yin Yangyang said: "Yes, you Xiaojia did not participate in the planning, and did not participate in the action, why did so many people die in the place where we live in the night?"

"Not the news given by this kid?" Xiao said with anger. (氵昆

氵 点 点 点)

"But if you don't plan to act, why do you send someone to buy him a message? If you don't plan to act, it should be that the message will not be sent to the door!" The night emperor sneered.

"Yes. At that time, Xiao Jia came to me." Chu Yang said innocently: "Since the Xiao family did not get the news, then it must not be a group with the Lan family; then it must be the help of the night family! I am moved. The idea is to get rid of the control of Lan singing. Then, the help of the night family is naturally as good as possible. So, Xiao Gongzi came to me, I basically did not talk nonsense, I gave the information."

Chu Yang is very ‘right-hearted’ and said: “And, although I have received the benefits, but if I don’t take advantage of it, Xiao Gongzi will think that the news I said is not necessarily reliable.”

The Supreme Supreme nodded secretly.

People, that's it.

Others give you white, especially the less familiar people give you white, but you will think that there is a problem, or frame you; only the real money bought at a huge price, but more cherish, and convinced!

"As for Ye Jia, it is Ye Mengdi's son who came to me. Moreover, Ye Gongzi and I were old acquaintances in the middle of the three days, and each other's temperament was quite similar." Chu Yang did not wait for Ye 愁 愁 to ask, he said "Ye brother is very cool, and free and easy; the flowers are in the middle of the bushes, the leaves are not stained. I appreciate the Ye brothers very much, he came to me, can I not give him this face?"

Chu Yangdao: "And, Ye brother was also very considerate of me. He once said that if I was inconvenient, then he did not say it. But, Ye Xiong made me a friend, so for my sake, I Chu Yang Can you have no loyalty?"

The supreme look of the people is even more weird!

Well, when the night hurricane, you are afraid; when you are in Xiao, you are for safety; now when you are at Ye Family, you are talking about loyalty. You can know that your loyalty does not matter, almost ruin your good brother, the family loss is even more extreme!

And still get the benefits first?

"I will not let Ye Xiong disappoint anyway, so I caught up with Ye Xiong and told him this news!" Chu Yang said with a heavy heart: "Ye brother treats me with sincerity, I will return it." Yiyi! Friends meet, pay attention to the liver and gallbladder!"

This sentence came out, even the law is almost dizzy.

This article is here to talk about it, but I still don’t know how many people Ye’s family died because of his ‘return to justice’.

The people who are supreme and look at the sorrows, the justice is utterly sorrowful, the empathy and the righteousness, the grandiose Chu Yang, can not help but feel that they have a toothache.

"And, I told the night brother at the time, this thing, but a big whirlpool. Let him be cautious. And Ye brother also promised me at the time. We reluctantly, at the door of Lanxiangyuan."

Chu Yang said with a clear heart and a clear heart: "This matter, I can always confront Ye Mengye Ye brother!"

Ye smacked a weak nod and waved his hand: "No need to confront."

The trial arrived here and it was in a deadlock.

This cargo does not know the substantive issues at all. If you don’t know, how can you proceed?

"So, you don't even know what news they are looking for?" asked Fa Zun.

"Of course I know!" Chu Yang said with some grievances: "At the time, the night hurricane, Lan sang, and Zhuge long, as well as Ye Mengye Ye brother, and Shijia Xiaojia Chen Jia Lijia and so on, etc. In the crazy pursuit of Wu Xianzi, that one is not coveted? On that day, it was almost hit in the downstairs of Jia Xiu, and now, Lan Singer wants to use this method to achieve his purpose... I must be here. The son will not agree."

"What do you mean, this whole thing is to be jealous for the wind?" Li Xiangsi was speechless.

"Isn't it?" Chu Yang stunned, and then sighed with a sigh, said with emotion: "The red face is blame... This is really too reasonable."

The eyes are supreme, the nose is on the heart, and the seat is right.

No one talks.

Chu Yang mouth will not be idle, smiled a bit: "Lan singing said to help me to win the beauty, in fact, I can not know in my heart? If this is a success, can win the beauty, is definitely Lan singing, Not me."

He looked like a long sigh: "Actually... I am a chess piece. I used a chess piece that I can give up, and that's it."

Law respects the faint road: "But this thing is not like the way you think, but another reason!"

Chu Yang said with a sigh: "There are other reasons?"

Faith faintly said: "You come over."

Then he said to the ancestors of the nine family members: "If you believe me, let me show this technique of controlling the soul, how?"

Although Chu Yang said that everything is impeccable, but Fa Zun still feels it, there must be a stupid!

This is an intuition.

Chu Yang’s voice, expression, movement, tone, emotions, etc. are all manifested in all aspects. What he said is really the words of the heart!

Many people even believe it now. Everyone is an old fox, whether a person is lying or can be seen at a glance.

But Fa Zun always feels that something is wrong. If something is wrong, he can’t say it.

Of course, the Supreme Supreme said aloud. In this world, do not believe in the law, who can still believe?

Chu Yang’s face was completely fearless, and a pair of ‘the heart of selflessness was wide and wide’, and walked over.

Standing in front of Fa Zun, there was a slamming sound, and a breath was released from him, and the people were supreme and moved.

This kid, even when others used to control the soul of their own, automatically dissipated the repair, disappeared all the guards! It is equal to putting all of his own, complete and undefended, under the hands of Fa Zun.

Really... don’t do anything wrong, don’t be afraid of knocking on the door!

Chu Yang slowly turned and said: "All the older generations, although Chu is young, but also know, what to do, what should not be done. I said, did it. Everyone came to me to buy news, I sell I also earned it."

"As for the news that everyone came to buy me, I also told the truth. I said that the first month of the twelfth lunar month, that is, the first nine months of the twelfth lunar month, the Lan family did indeed act. My message is correct."

"Although it has caused a lot of blood in your family, but I am Chu Yang, I have no worries! I am doing the right thing, I am sitting on the end! I am a good man, I am doing things right! I am a doctor, the parents of the doctor! My heart is broad! It is selfless! In this matter, yes, I have taken advantage! But, the benefit, I should take it!"

"To say the most unwelcome words, the big family has lost, heartache, this is inevitable. But as long as my intelligence is conclusive, accurate, and true, it is irrelevant to me! Dead people, more with me. Nothing! It should be, who killed, who you are looking for. Killing people paying their debts and paying back the money, buying news, also need to be sincere, it is so simple!"

"If this is not a beauty, but a treasure; then everyone will fight for the treasure and die, will not find the trouble of the person who sold you the treasure map? If you bought forty gimmicks, you eat If you don’t want to force it, you will die....I won’t go looking for a gimmick?”

Chu Yang smiled sadly: "The reason why I am here today is because I am weak, I am weak, so everyone can blame me! Although everyone knows that this matter has nothing to do with me..."

"After a moment, when you are honored by the Lord, everything will be revealed! At that time, you must kill the shackles and let them be disposed of by your predecessors. Just, please let go of my sister."

Chu Yang smiled depressingly: "This is the way the world is, nothing more."

He looked at Fa Zun with a squint and slowly sat down and said, "French, please, please!"


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