Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 385: This is help, not sending

Purple evil feelings bite the teeth and hate: "Yes, but the premise is that you have to be stronger than me! Just, Xiao Chuyang, your wish, it is estimated that it will become your lifelong dream, promise you, and how about it?"

Chu Yang smiled: "A word is fixed!"

The purple evil bite his teeth: "But... if you are strong, but I will see you once, I will hit you once!"

Chu Yang has two hands: "Hiccup, it is not being beaten twice by you..."

The purple evil snorted: "Chu Yang, what you said to me this evening, guilty of sin! I will not hear it later!"

Chu Yang faintly said: "Reassured, I will not say it later! Wait until I am stronger than you!"

The purple evil sighed softly.

"A word is fixed!"

"The horse is hard to chase!"

The two slammed and the two palms hit together.

Chu Yang’s eyes are full of challenges, and the purple-eyed eyes are full of arrogance and disdain.

But both sides know that this is not the true feeling of the other party.

"There is something to be given to you." Chu Yang took a piece of Tiantian jade from the space of the nine robbers and said: "This is Tiantianyu. I have not known how to use it now. The real effect, Hold, when you have time, help me find out how to use it."

The arrogance of the purple evil spirits almost collapsed. After biting the teeth, I took it and smiled. "Well, I will help you this!"

"Well, there is still a large bucket of raw spring water, you take it, look at the future opportunities, you can turn the raw spring water into a fountain of life." Chu Yang pulled out a big bucket.

It was the amethyst barrel that bathed Chu Leer that day, which made Chu Yang and Jian Ling become a sealed space, filled with raw spring water. How many pounds?

"Well, I will help you this time again." The purple evil smiled, and the intuition was a bit worried.

Hurrying to work hard, keeping the mood calm and calm.

But the breathing rate is still a mess.

"Others, really no... right!" Chu Yang finally took out a piece of mysterious ice jade heart, a piece of Xuanyang Yuxin, a piece of poisonous jade heart. I handed the purple evil feelings: "You are going around, when you are fine, help me analyze and analyze, what these things are made of."

The purple evil sorrow smiled, but he was stunned in his throat; turned his face, this time, but did not speak again, the three jade into his storage space. Just whispered: "I can't help you any more. You have to exhaust me."

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled: "In fact, apart from these few things, I really didn't want you to help." Suddenly shot the thigh: "Well, yes. There is really something, let you help me analyze and analyze."

Purple evil feelings: "Well?"

Chu Yang took a look from his arms and seemed to have pulled out a piece of amethyst. With his hand squatting, he faintly emits purple light, and he said with a look: "You see, this thing is so strange, what is it?"

Purple evil sentiment reached out and said: "What? Amethyst?"

Suddenly a shock.

Chu Yang's hand, holding a group of completely condensed into the essence of Hong Meng Zi, suddenly pressed into the hands of the purple evil.

Hong Meng Zi Qi to the hands of the purple evil spirits, the purple evil spirits have cultivated for a long time, the source of life suddenly recovered. Almost at the speed of lightning, I swallowed this group of purple gas!

Entered the meridians, and circulated a circle, turning into the most pure source of life. Disappeared without a trace...

The purple evil slammed his eyes sharply: "Hong Meng Zi Qi?!"

Chu Yang scratched his head, and his face was puzzled: "Is this the red and purple? What is Hong Meng Ziqi?"

Purple evil is angry and anxious: "You, you, you... This is the strength of heaven and earth! You, you... so a large group of essence, you have given me? You are the most needed!"

Chu Yang mysterious blink of an eye, smiled: "I still have a lot. It is said by Jian Ling. You need so much, I will give you these, or else, I can give you a lot more."

The purple evil sighed: "Yes, you are a group of people. You know how much value?"

She can't talk to Chu Yang, saying: "It's such a group. As soon as I go up, I can completely digest it with the help of heaven and earth. I was able to go further in the bottleneck! And... you are a group of people. Gas, all my moral powers have now been completely restored!"

She paused and said: "What I am saying is... The power of the road before I came to the Nine Heavens continent, not what I need now, is just the moral power to break the space barrier! Do you understand?"

Chu Yang took a sigh of relief: "Is this thing so powerful?"

The purple evil sighed: "This is the origin of the universe! Is it a powerful word that can be described?"

Chu Yang is sweating.

"With your current cultivation, it is not enough to absorb Hong Meng Zi. You must remember that simple breathing should be no problem, only wash the soul and clean 60xs impurities, but if it is used for cultivation, you must at least reach The Supreme Six Products can only be broken after the separation of the Heavenly Man! Otherwise, your Dantian will be suddenly smashed by Hong Mengzi!"

Chu Yang has a cold sweat: "I am going to use this practice..."

"I don't know how to live and die!" The purple evil feeling looked complicated at Chu Yang.

This is really too big! Hong Meng Zi Qi, even in the nine heavens can break the head of things, this kid actually gave his fist size, a substantial piece!

Fortunately, there is a sword reminder, a little more, even I can't stand it!

Moreover, unlike ordinary people, with this group of red and purple, you can be completely...

The heart of the purple evil can't tell what it is. He knows that Chu Yang has instructions to get along with each other to send his own things and ensure his safety...

Seeing Chu Yang is just laughing, purple evil feelings narrowed his eyes: "Wait, see you next time, only to settle with you!"

Chu Yang shoulders shrink: "Isn't it just helping me with these few things... Helping me, I am losing you."

The purple evil sighed and said: "With this, you want to catch up with me, stronger than me, but it is even harder..."

The eyes of the two don't know when they are together, and for a long time, they stop talking.

Chu Yang only felt the change of the eyes in the purple evil feelings, confused for a while, soft for a while, but deep and deep, but then look, but with a hint of shame and sweetness.

Chu Yang looked at it, and suddenly the nightmare general said: "Zi Dajie... I, can you hug you?"

The purple evil did not speak, but his eyes looked at him with a flash of light, and the long eyelashes flashed.

Chu Yang feels a little dry lips, sticking out his tongue and unconsciously squatting, bravely courageously, gently reaching out, a hand pulling purple evil.

Chu Yang did not use force, but the purple evil thought seemed to be suddenly pulled down by him at this moment. The body slowly tilted toward Chu Yang’s arms...

Chu Yang embraced both hands and paused behind the purple evil, only gently ringing around and clinging to this delicate body. Go gently.

The purple evil sighed softly, such as the face of jade, leaning on the shoulder of Chu Yang, the eyes closed slightly...

Full of fragrance! Chu Yang for a moment, some minds are drunk...

But only for a moment, the purple evil savage violently broke the arms of Chu Yang, and some flustered words: "I almost forgot a big thing..."

Said, grinning and said: "Not too early, you rest... I, I will go see the music."

Hurrying and turning around, it seems to be running away.

Chu Yang couldn't help but lick his fingers, it seemed to point to the tip of his head, and there was still a trace of temperature and slipperiness...

The purple evil had just come to the door, and the sound of the brush in the yard, the cloth and the moon and the snow, fell into the yard with anger.

"I didn't catch up! I also ate a bird's belly!" said the cloth in a depressed mood.

The moon was white and gray, it was very ugly, just a simple greeting, went into the room to find the wind and rain.

“What happened?” Chu Yang felt sensitively wrong.

At that time, it was a good deal with the purple evil spirits. Once you won the championship, it would be dangerous to make Tianyu jade. Therefore, let the purple evil spirits go to play the role of a robber, first remove the root cause.

Cloth staying in love with the moon to listen to the snow, simply can't catch up, how come back like this?

"French respects the battle! Dance the city about the battle!" The cloth is sullen and gloomy: "After the nine-supplement, the Stars and the Mountains!"

Chu Yang rudely said: "Don't go!"

"Nothing can't be done!" The cloth is ugly and scary: "The dance city ambushed Laoning, Laoning is now missing. I have to figure out this thing, know what happened to Laoning! In case I don't Going, dancing and going to the city is gone. If you want to find him again, it is hard to go to heaven."

Chu Yang took a deep breath and his face was dignified: "Dance the city ambushes Ning Tianya? But, with the ability of Ning Tianya, even if you can't beat the city, you will not be killed?"

"Dancing the city is to join forces with Fa Zun, ambushing Ning Tianya." Bu Liuqing took a deep breath: "In other words, even if the two men join hands, Lao Ning ghosts are very much, they should be able to escape... but, Fazen said it was very serious..."

He made a fist in his left hand and slammed it in the right palm: "He said, I went, he told me the old words of Lao Ning!"

"Ning Tianya's last words?!" Chu Yang and purple evil feelings face each other.

At the same time, I remembered the sword!

If the dance city is in battle, and it is still in the two sides of the attack, suddenly the sword is released, the hope of Ning Tianya is really not big...

"No matter what, this war, I can't do it!" Bun left biting his teeth, his eyes were a little embarrassed: "If you are alive, I have to help him out this tone! Lao Ning is... I want to be more for him. revenge!"

Bu Liuqing and Ning Tianya have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and they have already played a golden friendship. Otherwise, according to the status and arrogance of these two people, how can they really accept the same apprentice?

Nowadays, Ning Tianya’s accident, cloth staying is undoubtedly the most anxious one!

Chu Yang brows tightly locked. Realized the seriousness of this matter!


< Something went wrong, I made a mistake, corrected it, and spent more time. I continue to modify the fourth one to go...>


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