Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 415: Divided into half [fourth more! 】

Everyone was silent for a while, and everyone thought that there was some lingering fear.

Chu Yang simply said things again, when it came to the end, the moon and the wind and rain looked at each other, they all saw the doubts in the eyes of the other party.

Man in black? Who is this?

According to Chu Yang's description, this person is even lower than his own couple, but it is not much lower. As in today's machine city, is there such a master?

"Will it be the founder of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Cang?" The wind and rain said with a sigh of relief: "On the bright side, now the nine-supreme sect in the celestial city seems to have only this person."

The moon was frowned and said: "This is possible, but it is not very possible. As we all know, the reason why the Zhuge family is dressed in linen is because of the Zhuge sky. The father of Zhuge Cangzhen was a nine-robbery and established the Zhuge family. After that, he immediately disappeared for no reason. Later, the news came out that he was dead; but he couldn’t see anyone dead or dead. Zhuge Cangwu, as a son of the people, did not take filial piety in time, and he was always worried. Since then, Zhuge’s life has been In the middle, I only wear mai filial piety."

"Zhuge Cangwu as the owner of the family, but also to do so, the tribes naturally compete to follow suit, over time, the filial piety of Mai, became the symbol of the Zhuge family!"

"In the past, Zhuge Cangwu once said: Life is not limited, and filial piety is not enough. For ten thousand years, there has never been any other clothes." Yue Ling Xue frowned: "Accordingly, such a dutiful son... If suddenly a black body Before the clothes came to attack Chu Yang and others, some could not say..."

Wind and rain nodded.

On the one hand, the ink tears were very ridiculous, and sneered: "The two predecessors said that the little woman felt that it was a big mistake."

"Zhuge Cangwu has done this since then, but there is nothing wrong with it; but it does not rule out another possibility, that is: all the world knows that Zhuge Cang is a big dutiful son; forever Ma clothing; therefore, no matter what happens, it will not Suspicion of him, but in this way, it is greatly convenient for Zhuge Cang to act in secret."

"Just like we are now, the two predecessors, the first one ruled out Zhuge Cang. From a certain degree, it is to believe him." Ink tears said: "And he, and we are enemies now."

"Believe the enemy, you have already brought yourself into the path of defeat."

"But now in the Tianji City, except for the Zhuge family who left behind the masters of the housekeeping, there is almost no Supreme Master; but at this time there is a nine-product supreme... even if it turns out that it is not Zhuge Canggan But, now, his suspicion is the biggest, how can it be easily ruled out?"

The wind is silent.

Everyone nodded and had to admit that the ink tears said that it makes sense.

"In the past few days, hurry up and raise your wounds." Yue Lingxue said: "When you are cured, I will take you away from Tianji City."

He rolled his eyelids and said faintly: "As long as the news of our serious injury is not transmitted, as long as we know that we are here, look at the nine heavens, now dare to make trouble, it is really nothing..."

Everyone smiled and nodded.

The words of listening to the moon in the month are really not bragging.

Fa Zun was beaten and did not know the whereabouts. It was here that the half-death of the city was dancing. The cloth left to leave, and Ning Tianya was seriously injured and concealed. The eight ancestors died in blame...

Looking at the nine heavens, Fengyue is really invincible...

Of course, without knowing that they have been seriously injured.

At this moment, a voice outside angered: "I fuck! You are all alive, even if you don't care about me, I have been beaten with meat sauce, throwing me in the snow and throwing it in the snow." Actually thrown beside the latrine! Who did it? Who? Dong is not hurt, is it you?... Come out, Liu Ye, I will teach you lessons!"

It is the voice that doesn't make sense.

You may not be able to do it. Three times in a day, I died for the first time, and I came back to work again. I cultivated it from the Holy Five to the Holy Seven. The second time I died, I will come back to work again.

Today, the third time it has become a meat sauce, and now it’s a lively jump, it’s already a supreme!

These upgrade methods are really unprecedented.

The curtains glimpsed, and the six-handed man came in and saw the windy moon at a glance. He suddenly took a short half and slammed his hand: "Yeah, you are also old...hey..."

Moonlight overturned the eyelids: "I heard that you are blaming us regardless of you? Very dissatisfied?"

I don’t know how to be flattering: "Where is there? I said it? Everyone lives and dies, and the good and the bad are connected, and they are in the same boat. They live and die. How can I say this? Is it not hurting everyone’s feelings? The words of the people are simply a bird..."

Chu Yang and Dong did not hurt the ink tears and couldn't help but laugh.

This goods, I dare to say.

But... to a certain extent, this product is really just a bird...

The month heard the snow snorted and said: "Since I know that I am a bird, don't you give me a real seat?"

I don’t know if I’m sitting on the rules.

Everyone is admired in their hearts. The monthly listening to snow is now an experiment. It is impossible to do an experiment. Even if it is a little tired now, the injury can’t be covered, but with the accumulation of Jiwei, it will not be convinced. Post.

This is still an acquaintance; if it is not familiar, what will it be?

After I couldn't get through, there seemed to be a scorpion in my ass, twisting and twisting, and I couldn't help but feel excited.

He can't be excited; he has always been the weakest and the youngest of the brothers; but now comes a thoroughly salted fish to turn over: the first one, reached the supreme!

Others, the highest Chu Yang and Dong are not hurt, still in the seven varieties.

How can you not forget what? At this moment, he can't wait to call Gu alone, face a soft second, and then the goods really become a soft second...

Called Ji Mo and Rock Enemy, and slammed the old fist to suffocate the depression that has been oppressed for a long time.

Of course, I would like to beat Dong without hurting me, then go to Chuyang and challenge the status of the boss...

But before I even had time to implement it, I was suppressed by the moon, and my heart was a bit uncomfortable.

After twisting for a while, I just squeezed my eyes and said: "Boss, I broke through again, hehe..."

Chu Yang faint road: "Oh."

I can't get through, I didn't get the unexpected surprise reaction, and I didn't give up and continued to show off: "Boss, you / / book fan building fastest text update. & - no ads / / know where I broke through ?嘎嘎嘿...Supreme one..."

Chu Yang faintly said: "Oh, keep working hard."

I can't help but feel depressed.

What is this reaction?

I used to break through once, everyone was very surprised and very happy; how is this reaction so dull?

His face was gray, and he said to Dong without hurting his heart: "Four brother, I broke through to the Supreme."

Dong did not hurt the smile, he replied: "What is great about breaking through? The Supreme is just a product worthy of showing off? You are jealous of this unstable look! How can this mentality become a big thing? Not a small one. The breakthrough? The idiot is simply a villain, ugly face, disgusting! Get out of the snow!"

I don’t know what’s wrong, my lips are screaming: “You, you...” turned to look at Chu Yang for help: “Boss, you see...”

Chu Yang screamed: "Get out!"

I don’t know how to beat the eggplant like a frost. Dejected, I only feel that the joy that has just broken through several orders has disappeared. I walked out of my head and muttered in my mouth. "Is this awkward? This is not right..."

Just outside the door, I heard a deafening laugh in the room.

I couldn’t get through the whirlwind and rushed in, angered: "Okay, you play me!"

Everyone is more happy.

Everyone has already seen the kind of ignorance of the villain, and the breakthrough is indeed amazing enough; but they are all deliberately flat-faced, and they are silent. Chu Yang and Dong Wu are even more vocal, this kid A big hot **** banged out.

I just laughed at the moment.

In the room, the atmosphere after the war was suddenly relaxed.

On the bed, the dance city with a closed eyes and a coma suddenly gave a sigh of sigh.

Looking at the Chuyang brothers, a few people laughed, dancing the city unconsciously remembered the brothers of that year... couldn’t help but for a time, the soul of the day.

Brothers, where are you?

The dance city lay quietly, listening to the laughter of other brothers, only feeling that they are more and more lonely, and a depression and anger rose in their hearts.

I want to avenge you! Certain!

Fa Zun, you are a mean villain, who used to be a nine-robbery. They have the same experience. You even have to count! I will not let you go!

For this, the dance city has not been puzzled until now: Fa Zun is exactly the same as his own goal. Keeping himself is much bigger than killing himself. Why should he count himself?

In the big squad, I am able to dissipate and completely die. What good is it for Fa Zun? In addition to the lack of a powerful boost, there is really no benefit at all. As for fearing that he will compete with him... but he has been fighting for so many years, if he wants to compete, he will not be able to compete for himself anyway. After so many years of struggle, what is he worried about?

The heart of the dance is very boring.

With a bang, Mo Qingwu woke up and called: "Chuyang! Chuyang..." A blink of an eye, I saw everyone, suddenly happy: "You are fine? Great!"

Little Loli heard the things that had just happened, and she couldn’t help but cry. Keeping around Wu Qianqian, saying nothing left.

"I want to take care of Qian Qianjie and say thank you to her. She doesn't wake up one day, I will take care of her for a day..." Mo Qing dance wiped her tears and said: "She saved my Chuyang brother, I feel too much. Ji, she... Qian Qianjie, wake up, you wake up, I will give you Chu half to you..."

This sentence is said to be soft and rainy, and the snow is laughing.

People can also go out in half...


I have a lot of words to say to you... When I update, I will issue a single chapter.

Seeking a monthly ticket! (To be continued)! ~!


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