Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 426: Even if it is a god, it must be a poisonous million!

Everyone is a chicken.

I can't stand this series of 'Oh my my God' finally; I moved in and brought in a large bundle of firewood, threw it on the ground, and then took two barrels of oil into the room, using a far away Picking up the long wooden stick, picking up Zhuge’s long body and putting it on the top, then letting the fire come.

The flames raged with a pungent smell.

Zhuge’s long body was so arrogant and writhing in the fire that he had burnt both legs, and the upper body had turned into a blackened bone that was still twisting...

Chu Leer’s trembling hides in Chu Yang’s arms, and Mo light dances on the other side; the two little hoes are like the shackles of the snow that have faded in the snow.

Everyone was speechless.

I really don't know what to say... I didn't know what I started, but I used it. Now everyone is not as scared as the initiators...

There is burning in the hustle and bustle, and here the dance is in the chattering question: "Who used the poison? How did it burn? Bastard! Who let you burn? Who used the poison? Who and who?"


Everyone looked at Chu Leer without a word.

Dancing with the eyes of everyone, I saw a little girl with pale face and tears in her eyes. I couldn’t help but tremble, and said incredulously: "Don't... she... ah?"

"Cough and cough..." Chu Yang coughed a few times and said: "This is the case, in an accidental opportunity; I got a book called "The World Drugs"; I saw my little sister. Using poison, it seems to be extremely interested, so she threw it to her and let her practice and play... Later, Zi Daren came. For the cultivation of the younger sister, it also promoted it... cough... It seems like this is the case. ""

The dance city is short of breath, and the bull's eye looks at Chu Leer in general. There is a voice in the throat: "...The poison of the world?...I practice and play by myself?

One couldn't control it. The poison doctor rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes. He wanted to say something, but he suddenly bit his tongue and then wanted to talk. But suddenly his face flushed, the next moment... he fainted.

Can not help but dance adults do not dizzy.

I have studied myself for a lifetime, and all my minds are condensed in the heaven and earth poisons. Although the use of poisonous techniques is ever-changing and proficient, the most critical poisons are simply not applicable.

It is one thing to imagine, but it can be used, but it is the key.

now. This little girl just self-study according to a book... actually drummed it out?

I have encountered such a thing, I am afraid that the dancers will not faint without injury, let alone after a serious injury?

Meng Chaoran hurriedly took him back and Chu Yang followed up. A check can not help but swear.

The poison doctor will tear the bones that have just begun to heal.

Chu Yang sighed, although understanding the mood of the dance city, but still a little ridiculous: As excited?

For the dance of the city to deal with the injury, Chu Yang just want to go out. I saw the dance city and opened my eyes; this moment. The kind of grief and grievances in the eyes of the dancing city suddenly disappeared.

Then he stared at Chu Yang and said quietly: "Wait for me."

Then I closed my eyes.

Chu Yang sat down on one side.

Then he witnessed an amazing scene!

From the body of the dance city, a white cloud emerged, and it turned around the dance city itself. Every turn, the white cloud narrowed down. When it was transferred to the thigh, the white clouds disappeared.

immediately. A fresh wind screamed.

Just like the morning breeze of spring.

Fresh and natural, it is refreshing.

The morning breeze roared. But nothing has been blown up; just bragging about dancing the city itself.

The body of the dance city is like a piece of dead wood that has been somewhat decayed, and suddenly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye; the muscle skin that had died suddenly regained its vitality.

However, his face slowly became rosy.

When the morning breeze stopped, Chu Yang also clearly heard the sound of ‘squeaky.’ It seems to be from the body of the dance city, it seems that the bones are automatically homing and healing.

The dance city finally stopped, opened his eyes, looked at Chu Yang, smiled slightly, and actually sat up from the bed.

The next moment, he moved his arms and neck, moved his waist and legs, felt it, and tried to stand up from the bed.

Then he actually tried to take a few steps; the more he went, the smoother he was.

Chu Yang’s eyes widened and he watched the miracle happening in front of him. He only felt that his brain had been knotted and could not speak.

The injury of the city, at this stage, in addition to the full version of the nine Dan, the world, no drugs can restore him.

But now, the miracle appeared in front of him; the dance city did not even rely on any drugs, but relied on a morning breeze, a stream of clouds, and recovered.

How is this going?

"Do you think it is amazing?" Wucheng looked at Chuyang and asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's amazing." Chu Yang nodded.

"This is not magical!" There is a memory in the eyes of the dancing city, there is a lot of milk, and there is gratitude... His eyes are complex and look: "My ancestors are the morning breeze and the flowing clouds... I was deceived at the beginning. When the nine robbers, the ancestors have left the continent of the nine heavens."

"At the last moment, the reason why I was able to live and live until now is that the ancestors were here before, and I will count the number of robberies in my life. Everyone has given me three life qualities."

"The vitality of the morning breeze and the flowing clouds?" Chu Yang stunned.

"Yes. I have the vitality of my ancestors. So, although my body was destroyed, I was able to escape from the Tiantian Cave at the last minute with my vitality. And, for a long time, I gradually recovered my body. ""

The dance city faint smile: "That time, I used two morning winds, two clouds."

"This kind of vitality, if it only exists in my body, the ancestors will not lose; but as long as I use it, the ancestors will suffer a certain degree of weakening and hurting. So, less than a last resort, I am not Dare to use; not tolerate, not to use."

"Today, this is the third flowing cloud and the third morning wind." The dance city stared at Chu Yang: "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood." Chu Yang nodded.

"The vitality of the ancestors, because this time I was hurt too much, I can only recover the injury for me, as for repairing, or can only recover half of it..." The dance city felt himself, said: "But, But you can't use it, especially after discovering this little girl."

He sneered two times: "Without self-study, I can understand the poison of the world! And, I can automatically condense the poison, these geniuses, how can I let go?"

His deep words: "This poison is the greatest regret in my life. It is more important to me than to life!"

Chu Yang tried to say: "What does the predecessor mean?"

The dance city blinked and said: "You let the girl come in, let me see."

Chu Yang nodded and said: "Okay." He got up and walked to the door and said, "Lear, come in."

Chu Leer promised a quick walk.

Entering the door, I saw that the dance city stood up, and the little girl was shocked and screamed. She grew her mouth and said, "How do you stand up?"

"How to stand up, it doesn't matter, it's important for you." Dance City laughed and said: "Hey, come over, I will see you."

Chu Leer looked at Chu Yang with a puzzled look, and Chu Yang encouraged and nodded.

Chu Leer walked softly.

"Shantou, I ask you, this is the world's poison, is your own cultivation?" asked the city and the hustle and bustle.

"Yes." Chu Leer nodded: "Sometimes Big Brother also explained it to me, scrutinizing... However, in the past few days, I have been watching, memorizing, and experimenting myself..."

"He explained it for you?" The dance city turned over the eyelids and looked at Chu Yang. He dismissed and said: "He explained to you that there is a fart? He doesn't know anyone."

Chu Yang only smiles.

"Big brother is my most respected person!" Chu Leer slammed his face and looked at the poison doctor in Megatron. He actually said some warnings.

"The cough and cough..." The dance city slammed and coughed, and looked at the little girl with a stunned look.

Xiao Shantou looked firm and said: "Anyone who dares to insult my big brother must apologize!"

"Apologize?" The dance stunned: "Don't the gods insult him, and have to apologize?"

Chu Leer grinned and said: "How about the gods? Even if it is more supreme than the gods, insulting my older brother, I have to apologize!" Chu Leer said faintly: "My poison can now be poisonous to the dead, the future may not You can't poison the gods! Even if the world is broken, if you have the right poison, can't you be a poison?"

The dance was amazing, and some looked at Chu Leer with a stunned look.

Even if the world is broken after the void, as long as there is a suitable poison, can't it be a poisonous million?

This sentence, the vibration of this poison doctor is simply unbeatable!

I have never thought about my own poison, can I poison the dead immortals! Not to mention, with poison, go to the world above the nine heavens!

But this little girl, actually thinking so crazy!

Just for the insult to her big brother, actually it will be ... a poisonous million miles?

Wow! This kind of character, I ~~~ like it!

The next moment, the dance city suddenly smiled, eyebrows danced, and actually bowed to Chuyang: "I can't help, Chu brother, I should not insult you, I apologize to you. Please forgive me."

Chu Yang stunned and looked at the dance in front of herself, almost leaning against the ground, and suddenly wide-eyed, her eyebrows flew to her forehead, and two words burst out: "I Fuck!..."

The dance city turned its eyes and couldn’t think of the first sincere apology of its life. It only exchanged two words like this...

"Come on, Shantou, I look at your physique." The dancing city smiled, reaching out and catching the wrist of Chu Leer. (To be continued)


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